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  1. #1
    Jiesel's Avatar
    Jiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Start with Drol, end with Drol?

    I'v been doing tons of searching and cant really come up with a definitive answer. I'd like to see some answers from guys who know there stuff, or have real time experience with Drol.

    My cycle was suppose to consist of Test 500 per week (12WKS), Deca 300 per week (10WKS), Drol 100 per day (First 5 WKS). I started my cycle 5 weeks ago. After about week 3 1/2 my gains subsided. Although they were drastic the first 3 weeks. Went from 204 to around 226 in 3 weeks, strength through the roof. Well for the last 2 weeks my weight has completley capped at 22lbs gained. Strength is still OK, but not on the crazy rise that It was on. I stopped Drol at end of week 4 vs. my original plan on week 5. I did this because I capped my gains, but also because I was considering starting back up around week 8 or 9 and going until I finish out the cycle in week 12. Obviously the benefit is for more strength, and to gain another 10lbs hopefully by end of cycle.

    So my question is, does anyone have any experience with this, what was your result? Good Idea, Bad Idea?

  2. #2
    operationgetbig's Avatar
    operationgetbig is offline Senior Member
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    IMO i think it's ok to do as long as your liver values are back to normal. Usually with orals time on=time off. So if u took 4 week of drol then took off 4 weeks then i don't really see a problem ending your cycle with it. i think it would be a pretty good time to use it in your cycle because the deca will really be kicking in hardcore around week 8 and if you add the drol for the last 4 weeks you'll really be able to pack on some extra size and strength. Not sure if it'll be as dramatic as it was at the beginning of the cycle but it would be definately noticeable. Best thing is to get an understanding doctor and have them do a blood test to check your liver values. If all is normal i'd say your good to go. I'm thinking about doing the same thing in my cycle.

  3. #3
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    sure drol increases strength through the roof but do you want to end your cycle all bloated from runnin drol last couple weeks of cycle? or let the bloat decrease further in the cycle and take a cutting oral or inject last couple of weeks for strength and harden up?

    i would say no drol at the end.

  4. #4
    Jiesel's Avatar
    Jiesel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jAcKeD!!!! View Post
    sure drol increases strength through the roof but do you want to end your cycle all bloated from runnin drol last couple weeks of cycle? or let the bloat decrease further in the cycle and take a cutting oral or inject last couple of weeks for strength and harden up?

    i would say no drol at the end.
    I hear that for sure Jacked! Only reason I'm considering this is because I already realize I'm not going to have the perfect toned bod for summer so whats a lil extra bloat gonna hurt. I started the cycle on the high BF side, 15.3%, and Im pry sitting around 16.5% right now. Plus I dont have access at this point to any other goods. I figure gain as much mass and raw muscle as possible now, then after cycles over I can cut down to around 10-12% BF where I'd like to be.

    I'm 226 now, If I can get another 10lbs out of this cycle. I'd sit at 236. For sake lets say 236 @ 17% BF when all is said and done. Then I'd like to drop down to around 10-12% over the course of the next 12 months following my cycle and hopefully sit around 215 Solid. Once my BF is back in check after 12 months of dieting before the Summer of 09, then I'll consider my next cycle. Thats the plan anyways.....

  5. #5
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    I agree with Jacked. I would not run it at the end, just too much on the liver. I would go with the test. Save the rest for your next cycle if you want. Good Luck Dude

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