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  1. #1
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Strange back pain from Winstrol?

    I was just curious if anyone else has had run a similar cycle:

    1-6 Andriol 300mg/day
    1-6 Winstrol (ranges) 15 - 25mg/day
    7-9 Clomid 100mg/day

    (It is a beginner cycle I know, but I am a beginner)

    Anyways, I have been getting a strange back pain, and some hyperactivity. Should I attribute these symptoms to the Winstrol? Everything I have studied on Andriol does not support the same symptoms, but maybe I am not getting all the info. And if it is the Winstrol, should I just suck it up if the pains are not terrible, or should I drop Winstrol on my next cycle? (I plan on moving on to test soon).

    Any help would be great

  2. #2
    XLCanadian's Avatar
    XLCanadian is offline Associate Member
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    For me the Winny injections do hurt, and can make sitting in certain positions hurt for a day or so. Are you doing the injectable or the oral?

  3. #3
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Oral Winstrol , I was worried at first that it was something with my liver, but my doctor ran some tests and said it was fine.... so I don't know...

    I should have elaborated on the pain, if you remember what growing pains felt like in your legs, this is kinda what it feels like, at least that is what I relate it to.

    By the way, the doctor wasn't sure why I was having the pains, said maybe fibromyalgia... another word for "take some tylenol you wuss".

  4. #4
    _007 is offline Associate Member
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    never done winny but you can get something called back pumps from steroids .

  5. #5
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Back Pumps?

  6. #6
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
    juicy_brucy is offline Ripped, not bulky
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    the last time I ran winny, and it was oral like yours, it made my forarms ache like there was no tomorrow. it didn't feel like anything was pulled, or that my arms were numb or anything like that... Just really achy. when my cycle ended so did the pain.

  7. #7
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    I haven't had any forearm pains, and it isn't like the pains in my back have been unbearable, just odd. I will probably just drop the Winstrol and Andriol on my next cycle and go to Test.

    Oh yeah, no one mentioned anything about the hyperactivity, is this just something happening in me, or is it common.

    Thanks again everyone.

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