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  1. #1
    NorCal Trainer is offline New Member
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    Small "bump" of Tren and everything associated with it

    Ok so I am pretty much a novice user and have tried a few stacks in the past with great results. I never went for the "full blown bodybuilding" look, I always just wanted a few pounds and to increase my strength. I am a very hard gainer. My metabolism is way out of this world and even though everyone said it would slow down, it hasn't. First I heard it would at 25, then at 30 and let me tell you I am 34 now, and I still am a VERY HARD GAINER!

    I work out 3-5 x a week in the gym and 2-3 times in a cardio type environment. Right now I am 6-3, 210. I prefer to be lean and strong and would like to be right around 220lbs. Last year I took a "cycle" of just tren (I know your all shaking your heads on this one) but that is all I took. (I am not an expert on this nor do I claim to know everything I am talking about so I will be as descriptive as I can here). I took 1cc every week for just 6 weeks. I know you are all saying that would be worthless, but in my case, it wasn't. I put on about 17lbs of very lean hard muscle. It put me right where I wanted to be. I am not trying to compete, I just like to look and feel strong and it was a great thing.

    Now here is where I blow it. I never took anything for post cycle and I have two concerns/comments here. First I really think that I was dragging in the sexual department after that "cycle" (I hate to even call it a cycle since it was just a quick bump, hey "bump" sounds better than cycle) anyways, after that little "bump" I was dragging and I am wondering how long that would last? It has been about 6 months now and there are times when I still wondering if I am suffering from that or maybe it is just old age? Is there anything I could take that would bring my natural levels back up? I know as you get older your levels drop and my main concern is wondering if I have inhibited them or if they will recover or not naturally. Was thinking of taking HCG or something to that effect but wanted some advice from anyone who has had similar reactions here.

    The second part of this post is really going to leave you wondering. After that bump last fall and the great results I had, I ended up going through a really shitty time with work, women and life in general and I fell off the gym schedule and I lost some of my gains. I still have enough tren for about a 6 week "bump" again and was seriously considering using it. But based on my above mentioned fears I have been hesitant. Now I know the majority of you do "stacks" and quite a bit more than what I am looking at doing, but you have to realize that we all have different desires in life. If I can be 6-3 220 and around 4-5% body fat, I am happy with that. It is a good look on me and that is all I want. So this might be insignificant to you, but there are others out there who are just looking for a little edge, some small gains and trying to keep as healthy as possible doing it.

    Any advice would be appreciated and thanks for reading the long drawn out post!

  2. #2
    _007 is offline Associate Member
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    Dont do tren again for one thing you need a really aggresive pct to run after it because it will shut your natural test production down. Some people bounce back quicker then others but ide say you found out the hard way.

  3. #3
    NorCal Trainer is offline New Member
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    While I appreciate you stating the obvious, what I am wondering is whether there is anything to help jump start the libido (or is it to late this round) and also if I were to do the "bump" again, what could I do to prevent it from happening again? I realize it is a mild "cycle" if anything, and just curious as to what would be the basics to keep me on track.


  4. #4
    kick6 is offline Banned
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    Nothing involving tren is mild. 100mg of tren will completely turn off your natural test production. What to do to fix your current problem? Run a proper PCT. What to do to prevent it next time? Run a proper PCT.

  5. #5
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Let me get this took tren for six weeks last year and you feel you're still shut down???

  6. #6
    NorCal Trainer is offline New Member
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    Not last year, sorry I said last year but it was only 6 months ago. I am not really sure if I still feel the affects or since it had kept going on afterwards that there are some mental side effects also. Just made me hesitant to try anything right now.

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