ok so im on my 3rd week of a test only cycle
first two weeks i hit the right glute - i know you guys say to rotate sites, but getting to the other glute is harder since im right handed - i dont imagine this is going to get much easier as i get bigger.
for my 3rd injection i tried quad- aspirated, saw blood, shit a brick and went back to the same right glute (i know its stupid)
i dont have any pain/infection/other issues (other than the regular soreness t400 gives) but my question is what are some other (EASY) injection sites?? I imagine the reason for rotating spots so often is to avoid scar tissue buildup.. i ****ed up, i know. are there any easy spots you guys would recommend - for shooting myself?? my only bud who knows about the cycle is petrified of needles and i sure as hell dont trust him sticking me either.