is testosterone the strongest and most anabolic injectable?????
is testosterone the strongest and most anabolic injectable?????
NOt at all.
19 nors are the most anabolic gears
sorry i thought 19 nors where only for oral use like 19 nordiol.
ive never heard of a 19 nor injectable.
can you please explain to me what a 19 nor injectable is and give me the correct names for it????
Never heard of Deca Durabolin? Trenbolone?
I didn't even know of the existence of an oral form of 19nor.
Injectables are the real deal if you wanna gain.
19 nordiol is an oral prohormone that converts into nandrolone with a %15 conversion rate i use to use it.
also i thought deca durabolin was just nandrolone and LUVMUHROIDS stated in his SERM/AI definition that nandrolone is less anabolic than testosterone.
i know i must be wrong since i am just learning so what is the difference between deca durabolin and nandrolone.
also what is the side effects difference between those 2.
oh boy do i wish
then why is it that LUVMUHROIDS stated nandrolone is not as anabolic as testosterone????
here is what he stated Nandrolone also differs from testosterone in its ability to be converted by the aromatase enzyme to estradiol (an active estrogen). In comparison, nandrolone aromatizes at approximately 20% of the rate testosterone does, and as such is not known as a very estrogenic steroid. It is likewise favored when reduced estrogenic side effects such as water retention, fat deposition and gynecomastia are desired. However athletes know that there is a trade off with the reduced tendency for nandrolone to promote side effects, in that it is a less anabolic steroid. With its known high affinity for the AR in muscle tissue, could this suggest that estrogen may also be a key mediator of muscle growth?
He was referring to the promotion of estrogen release, which is in some case anabolic, since estrogen stimulate the production of growth factors like IGF-1
oh right so a testosterone cycle will give you more gains but the testosterone itself is not as strong as nandrolone??
NO. Nandrolones give to most users better gains than test ALONE, but test is required in any AAS cycle, so a typical test+19nor stack is the best deal while talking on anabolic steroids.
But for a first user it is adviced to do a test only cycle because it's the primer of all steroids. Just to see how a "virgin" body reacts to such substances.
my first cycle was deca only. great gains, sex was good while i was on cycle. it was only an 8 week cycle and i had no pct. for the next 9 months i had trouble in the sack and i don't see what else could have caused it. i will NEVER do deca only again.
ok so ile need some more test enanthate when i start my deca cycle got the message.
actually guys....your all wrong, the most anabolic steroid is Foododrol![]()
see my new pic sweet
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