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Thread: first cycle. need help!

  1. #1

    first cycle. need help!

    i got a friend that is about to take his first cycle, and needs help figuring it out. he wants to take test en and winstrol, but doesn't know how much of each. we'd appreciate any help. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I'm not flaming but there's been way too much of this going on lately.
    How old is your friend? How long has he been training etc?
    If he doesn't know how much to take then he shouldn't be sticking himself before doing research.
    Tell him to sign up to the board.......Cuz there's alot more too this then getting the gear and the pins......

  3. #3
    he's 19 almost 20. he's been training for 4 years. he's going to do more research before he starts which will be in january but he wants to plan it all out and go ahead and get all of his gear

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Tell him to forget it till he's atleast 22.
    He should come onto the board and read some past post's about starting to young......
    And if he's doing his research then why is he putting u up to coming on here and asking questions?
    You can find all the information you need by doing a search and reading past post...

  5. #5
    because he doesn't have a computer in his dorm and it would look a little obvious if he was doing this in the library. the coaches walk through there all of the time

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Well do a search like I said and you'll find all the info you need and then some....

  7. #7
    alright i'll do that, thanks

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