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Thread: Injectables used in mouth... not oral injectables

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Scenic Purgatory

    Injectables used in mouth... not oral injectables

    Has anyone tried using any injectables like Test by lining the liquid along their gum line and letting it soak in?

    While talking to my doctor (he is cool), he said he couldn't figure out why more roid users werent doing it this way to avoid any pains or marks on their bodies. He pointed out that it would take on average of 5 min. to absorb, and you can still swallow, but don't swallow all of it. He also said it would help to drink a teaspoon of cough syrup after words to help coat your stomach.

    Has anyone else tried this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    On, CANADA
    no but i heard the same thing, i was told with the left over after your shot to take the pin off and put the rest on your gums and under your tongue

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Venice CA
    i really doubt that whatever could be absorbed like that would be comparable to what's absorbed by injecting it IM

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Has anyone tried using any injectables like Test by lining the liquid along their gum line and letting it soak in?

    While talking to my doctor (he is cool), he said he couldn't figure out why more roid users werent doing it this way to avoid any pains or marks on their bodies. He pointed out that it would take on average of 5 min. to absorb, and you can still swallow, but don't swallow all of it. He also said it would help to drink a teaspoon of cough syrup after words to help coat your stomach.

    Has anyone else tried this?
    no nor would i ever. first you would lose the potentcy of your aas. plus if you did decide to swallow it versus letting it soak then it wouldnt make it through the liver and would be exteamly hard on your liver values.

  5. #5
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    but if you are just talking about letting it soak then spitting it out i just dont see how you could really get the full dosage that you want.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    but if you are just talking about letting it soak then spitting it out i just dont see how you could really get the full dosage that you want.
    i agree x2

  7. #7
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    I don't know, he was just saying to let it soak into your gums, it goes straight into your blood stream and it would work just as well.... like I said, I don't know, I was just curious if anyone else heard or even tried this.
    I thought it was interesting, odd, but interesting.

  8. #8
    I don't buy it! If it was true, they would never need to use a needle ever. They would administer injections by putting it on our gums with a q tip...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    i usually put test inside my cope can and call it a day.

  10. #10
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    Quote Originally Posted by peachfuzz View Post
    i usually put test inside my cope can and call it a day.
    haha yeah get a chew and huge at the same time.. good call

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    waterbury, ct.
    stick with needles no need to try and re-invent the wheel

  12. #12
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    it called sublingual by letting it absorb under the tongue. It is a more efficient
    and rapid method because once it is absorbed it is in the bloodstream right away
    as opposed to injecting where it takes longer.
    This was the way one would use to take methlytestosterone such as (methandren) oral dose.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Has anyone tried using any injectables like Test by lining the liquid along their gum line and letting it soak in?

    While talking to my doctor (he is cool), he said he couldn't figure out why more roid users werent doing it this way to avoid any pains or marks on their bodies. He pointed out that it would take on average of 5 min. to absorb, and you can still swallow, but don't swallow all of it. He also said it would help to drink a teaspoon of cough syrup after words to help coat your stomach.

    Has anyone else tried this?
    First time I've heard something like this. I think it'd not be so good for interior body parts (for example, ya know some interior inflammations might be caused by this), because these tests r not manufactured as safe for swallowing or something simillar.

  14. #14
    Why would you want to? With proper Injection protocal, there is no or very little risk. One might argue that there would be no chance for infection, but if you are using gear that could cause an infection, then you should be looking for different gear and/or supplier.

  15. #15
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    it called sublingual by letting it absorb under the tongue. It is a more efficient
    and rapid method because once it is absorbed it is in the bloodstream right away
    as opposed to injecting where it takes longer.
    This was the way one would use to take methlytestosterone such as (methandren) oral dose.
    so your telling me that i could take a full cc (250mgs) of test c and let it sit in my mouth for a few minutes then spit the rest out and not only will the full 250 mgs will be in my system but it would work better and faster..i dont buy it. if it was that easy then why inject at all??? i would never touch my ass with a needle again if that was the case....
    Last edited by NATE0406; 05-08-2008 at 05:55 AM.

  16. #16
    Most steroids have a 5-10% sublingual (under the tongue) absorption. The average bro would go FLAT BROKE taking sterioids like this because they'd have to buy/use 10x-20x as much of a steroid to get the same effect.

  17. #17
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    O H-I O
    so what if you took it with a dip/chew haha would the fiber glass from that speed it up and help with absorption hah just a question

  18. #18
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    No..i won't tell you to do it..because i only know it for orals

    sublingual orals..i never heard that for injectables.

    because the injectables are made for IM.

    but the orals.. some are to be taken sublingual.

    Again, this is the first i heard of doing that with injectables.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    No..i won't tell you to do it..because i only know it for orals

    sublingual orals..i never heard that for injectables.

    because the injectables are made for IM.

    but the orals.. some are to be taken sublingual.

    Again, this is the first i heard of doing that with injectables.
    ok glad you cleared that up.. i was under the asumption that you where talking about injectables.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by duggadoo View Post
    so what if you took it with a dip/chew haha would the fiber glass from that speed it up and help with absorption hah just a question
    you might could get an additional 5% mixing with a dip assuming the acids in chewing tobacco don't disrupt the hormone somehow.

  21. #21
    I don't think it would work....maybe a small amount would get in..but you would have to use like ten times as much to get your daily dose of prop.

  22. #22
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    Absortion rate would be much lower, like 15% or less just to take a guess. That's a lot of money down the toilet.

  23. #23
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    Stupid idea for injectables.

    Orals such as dbol and stuff would be fine but why? just swallow the pill.

    IM injections are far superior which is why they are used and have been for quite some time now.

  24. #24
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    Who wants to sit for like 5 min with a ml or two of oil sitting in their mouth......just inject and your done with it.......Come on this is ridiculous.....

  25. #25
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    let me just say that if that was my doctor, that would have been my last visit. any physician worth a shit would know enough about pharmacology to understand the absorbtion rate of any medication, and what would happen if the route of the medication was deviated. what a quack.............

  26. #26
    a DOCTOR said this? Wow..

    oh well. I've talked to Doctor's that don't know shit about aas..just because you are a doctor doesn't make you an expert on every drug out there..

  27. #27
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    Yeah, I never said he was right, I was just curious if anyone had ever heard of this.

    I asked a buddy of mine who played "pro" arena football, and he said some of the players on his team did that way... sounds odd. I figured you would prob get some results out of it, but nothing like actually injecting it.

    Oh well

  28. #28
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    The doctor is right. Sublingual is superior to IM. No questions about that!

    under the tongue has a faster absortion rate..think about it.. once it dissolves..

    where is it?'s in the blood stream. This is faster than digestion swallowing the

    pill( has to go thru the digestive process before it gets to the blodstream)...or IM..injecting has to pierce thru skin if it is oil based it will go thru the layers
    of the skins membranes slowly leaks into the blood stream. Maybe a few hours or less.
    Sublingual is in once that tablet is dissolved.

    The confusion is... i believe..

    The steriod doses have been made for IntraMuscular you have to inject them.

    What the doctor means is don't make the steriods in the IM form or Oral make them

    so they can dissolve under the tongue.(sublingual form)

    I knew one methlytestosterone called methandren...that you could take sublingually.

    Much more effecient and absortion is faster..this is the key...effects felt right away.

    I personally knew a guy that used it this way.

  29. #29
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    Here's an example of a steriod made in sublingual, buccal and oral form.

    Ingredients names:



    Tablet; Oral; Buccal/Sublingual; 10 mg
    Tablet; Oral; Buccal/Sublingual; 5 mg
    Tablet; Oral; 10 mg
    Tablet; Oral; 25 mg

    Destination / Category:


  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    The doctor is right. Sublingual is superior to IM. No questions about that!

    under the tongue has a faster absortion rate..think about it.. once it dissolves..

    where is it?'s in the blood stream. This is faster than digestion swallowing the

    pill( has to go thru the digestive process before it gets to the blodstream)...or IM..injecting has to pierce thru skin if it is oil based it will go thru the layers
    of the skins membranes slowly leaks into the blood stream. Maybe a few hours or less.
    Sublingual is in once that tablet is dissolved.

    The confusion is... i believe..

    The steriod doses have been made for IntraMuscular you have to inject them.

    What the doctor means is don't make the steriods in the IM form or Oral make them

    so they can dissolve under the tongue.(sublingual form)

    I knew one methlytestosterone called methandren...that you could take sublingually.

    Much more effecient and absortion is faster..this is the key...effects felt right away.

    I personally knew a guy that used it this way.
    Do you have any idea what you're talking about? IM injections don't have to go through the skin membranes, and the only steroids that are fast acting enough to get an advantage from sublingual administration (tren base, test base, etc) would be destroyed by the liver anyway.

  31. #31
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    If you had the right carrier, you could pull off a sublingual hormone. Injectable steroids are a lousy carrier for sublingual. Absorbtion still wouldn't be as high as injecting and with esterified hormones you arn't trying to get it into the blood, you want a delayed release. I'll stick to injecting.

  32. #32
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    There are some testosterones that are made for sublingual use but as many have pointed out the active life is now an issue. You inject a depot testosterone so you have steady test levels for that range of time, 2-3 days or 5-7 days depending on the ester. You take a sublinqual and you have peak levels in minutes and in order to maintain those levels you would need to use it at least 3x daily. Using the depot test as a sublingual is ridiculous, it's in an oil and will take a very long time to be extracted from the oil in a highly polar environment like the mouth. What ever is swollowed would not make it into the blood stream because it can not survive the first pass through the liver. It would have no effects on liver values. Methyltestoserone is a different story because it is Methylated at the 17 alpha carbon which allows it to survive the first pass but stress the liver.

    Injectable test is designed for just that, injecting. I think this thread is just another in the countless threads seeking a way around using needles.

  33. #33
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    Do you know what you are talking about?

    IM doesn't go thru the liver..only to get out

    Sublinguals don't go thru the liver...only to get out

    Orals go thru the get in and get out...that's what the 17aa is
    all about to prevent the breakdown on first bypass..but comes with greater liver toxicity.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06 View Post
    There are some testosterones that are made for sublingual use but as many have pointed out the active life is now an issue. You inject a depot testosterone so you have steady test levels for that range of time, 2-3 days or 5-7 days depending on the ester. You take a sublinqual and you have peak levels in minutes and in order to maintain those levels you would need to use it at least 3x daily. Using the depot test as a sublingual is ridiculous, it's in an oil and will take a very long time to be extracted from the oil in a highly polar environment like the mouth. What ever is swollowed would not make it into the blood stream because it can not survive the first pass through the liver. It would have no effects on liver values. Methyltestoserone is a different story because it is Methylated at the 17 alpha carbon which allows it to survive the first pass but stress the liver.

    Injectable test is designed for just that, injecting. I think this thread is just another in the countless threads seeking a way around using needles.

    yes, I was trying to use less words to say the same thing

  35. #35
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    All i am saying is sublinguals is the fastest route...that's it!

    Not everyone wants that...and some steriods are better gradually

    like you say..and some like Metandren were made for that.


  36. #36
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    Actually one of the best Absorption locations is via suppository. Think about it, we could all be stuffing pills up our butt. LOL ROFL
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-08-2008 at 04:01 PM.

  37. #37
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    [QUOTE=Deen54;3970013]The doctor is right. Sublingual is superior to IM. No questions about that!

    under the tongue has a faster absortion rate..think about it.. once it dissolves..

    where is it?'s in the blood stream. This is faster than digestion swallowing the

    pill( has to go thru the digestive process before it gets to the blodstream)...or IM..injecting has to pierce thru skin if it is oil based it will go thru the layers
    of the skins membranes slowly leaks into the blood stream. Maybe a few hours or less.
    Sublingual is in once that tablet is dissolved.

    The confusion is... i believe..

    The steriod doses have been made for IntraMuscular you have to inject them.

    What the doctor means is don't make the steriods in the IM form or Oral make them

    so they can dissolve under the tongue.(sublingual form)

    I knew one methlytestosterone called methandren...that you could take sublingually.

    Much more effecient and absortion is faster..this is the key...effects felt right away.

    I personally knew a guy that used it this way.[/QUOTE]

    wow you knew a guy personally who used it that way? why didnt you say so earlier. you have to be correct then.

  38. #38
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    Here's a link to a sublinqual testosterone.

    It's actually a timed released sublinqual testosterone, interesting info.

    The difference is this is designed for sublingual use as opposed to test depot which is designed for injection and unable to utilize the overall absorption potential of the buccal mucosa which is influenced by the preparation and delivery medium which is classified as the vacuum effect. The key elements of the vacuum effect are dependent on the following:
    1) Osmosis
    2) Ionization
    3) Molecular Weight
    Last edited by kfrost06; 05-08-2008 at 04:18 PM.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    All i am saying is sublinguals is the fastest route...that's it!

    Not everyone wants that...and some steriods are better gradually

    like you say..and some like Metandren were made for that.

    actually this is wrong. inhallation is the fastest route, either oral or nasal. sorry to disappoint you.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    why would someone waste there time doing this just inject the dam thing

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