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Thread: About to do first cycle, deca only! Help Please!!!

  1. #1

    About to do first cycle, deca only! Help Please!!!


    I am 26 years old male, I weigh 180 pounds, and I am about 5'10''. I hvae been doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for about 6 months now. I just recently got my hands on an underground 10mL vial of Deca. I am very flexible and a lot stronger than I look. I just recently stopped drinking alcohol and started lifting again. I have been going with the workout that is on for nearly 3 weeks, and plan on following the diet religiously except for the cottage cheese.

    My main goal is to get rid of my beer gut and get lots more defined. If I flex my muscles in my chest and stomach, I look defined, but hey that gets tiring. And I know once I start doing this, the motivation will be through the roof.

    Is there anybody that can give me advice on anything, or what I should expect in results?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    My Guy's poophole
    I reckon that probably you clicked on the wrong icon on the bottom of your post...

    You have to follow religiously a diet and workout plan for at least 1 or 2 years before even think about steroids, also because a deca only cycle sucks and you'll get some irreparable sides from it.

    Link the diet you're planning to follow here.
    Then research more about gears, they're not magic and without a proper diet and training protocol you won't gain much.

  3. #3
    haha never saw the icon before, thought it was hilarious, sorry if you took it the wrong way. All fun and games....

    What sides are we talking about that are irrepairable?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    My Guy's poophole
    Never heard of "deca dick".

    Deca is pretty suppressive on your natural test production and this will give you erectile disfunctions and very low libido.
    That's why people run it in conjunction with a tstosterone compound.

    Do you know what PCT is?

    You shouldn't take steroids before have done all the required research and before have reached your natural plateau.

  5. #5
    I am really appreciative for your responses.....

    I have been doing as much research as possible. Now wouldnt taking Femara with the cycle help these sides?

  6. #6
    There have been times where I know I have reached my plateau, and I know I am currently not that far off. I was a NCAA Division I starting Quarterback for 3 years......Lets just say I was in Big East. I knew that most of my offensive line were using, 90% of the defensive team was using it, and I know for a fact my Leading Halfback was on it all 4 of his years. I never got into it because I was on scholarshp, and didnt want to o through the hassle of the back-up plans if a random came. Plus I never felt I needed it, being able to through 89 yrds.

    Now even when I was in my prime shape with football and lacrosse, I always had some gyno problems, when I hit my plateau naturally. Do you recommend taking Femara with the cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    The fact is that I do not advice deca only cycles and anyway deca for a first cycle is bad.

    You should stick with test only

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Listen to Chuck...

    Deca only cycles are BADDDD - Say goodbye to the use of your penis.

    Use the search function and type in 'deca only' in the thread titles...

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Just from what you have stated in this thread, you are a long way from your natural potential, and you need to spend a great deal of time studying diets, cycles, and pct. What pct would you use if you did do this cycle? (keeping in mind this cycle would suck)

  10. #10
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    ^^ ^^ agreed.

  11. #11
    So what would you recommend taking with the Deca?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post

    Listen to Chuck...

    Deca only cycles are BADDDD - Say goodbye to the use of your penis.

    Use the search function and type in 'deca only' in the thread titles...
    .....yea but wouldnt taking Femara help this? What else would you recomend taking as far as saith the Deca, Test?

  13. #13
    sorry my Keyboard sucks, what else would you recommend stacking with the Deca, Test?

    and wouldnt Femara help all of my Test levels, if i wasnt to take Test in the cycle?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Welcome aboard

    I don't know much about Femara, I assume it is similar to Clomid?
    Anyways, like everyone else has said, don't use Deca only.

    You could prob get more responses from the anabolic forum in here, just make sure to listen to the big guys in here, they know what they are talking about.

    Good luck

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