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Thread: ideas on a course

  1. #1

    ideas on a course

    i have glotropin 8iu, tren 200, sus 250, equipoise 200, deca and primobolan. i was wondering how best to utilize what i have to its best potential. dosages and when to start using each product during the cycle. all info would be much appreciated. thanx.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    What are your stats first? Age?

  3. #3
    180cm tall, 115kg weight, 33 yrs old. body fat % not sure.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    My Guy's poophole
    Have you researched the profile per each compound you have?

    What does it mean "not sure"? High or low?

  5. #5
    % is probably higher than i would like it to be. as for the profiles ive read about them on this site. i have a fair understanding of them but amounts and how long to stay on them im unsure of. as for the hgh i read that you should start on that for some time before you introduce the other compounds. i intended on using each at 1ml/week twice a week andf using 400 mg of primo.

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