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Thread: nnp

  1. #1
    john vega is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2007


    guys, i have a general overall question.

    id like to gain lean mass on a short-estered cycle and was thinking of this:

    NPP-weeks1-10 4oo mgs weekly
    prop weeks 1-10 3oo mgs weekly

    pct 3 days after last prop shot but was wondering not only if the format of my cycle is layed down properly in terms of weeks and dosages since its my 1st time trying a short esterfied cycle, but would there be any added benefit throwing in sustanon also since its a short injectable or is it just overkill, or as many wud say worthless prop, lol

    im 5 9 and 200 pounds 12 percent bf. if all experienced users think that npp and prop is good enough than please invite me for all info...

    otherwise i was thinking,
    weeks1-10 NPP 400 mgs weekly
    weeks1-10 prop 300 mgs weekly
    weeks 1-12 sustaplex 2shots per week on monday and thursday

  2. #2
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    No need for the sus as ya using prop, but maybe up the prop a bit to 50mg per day...

    8 weeks would probably be long enough... but carry on to 10 if you feel you can make it.

    How often are you ganna be injecting?

  3. #3
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    As shift says Sust is over kill, leave it out of the cycle. NPP is great you will love it !!

  4. #4
    john vega is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2007
    sus on mon and thursday since it already has 50 mgs of prop, i figured id add the prop eod to make my blood levels more stable. question, 18 days after sus shot begins pct, right?

    is arimidex , clomid good enough or shud i throw in hcg

  5. #5
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Quote Originally Posted by john vega View Post
    sus on mon and thursday since it already has 50 mgs of prop, i figured id add the prop eod to make my blood levels more stable. question, 18 days after sus shot begins pct, right?

    is arimidex, clomid good enough or shud i throw in hcg
    Read above posts.

    Nolva in ANY pct is highly recommended.

    Nolva + Clomid + Arimidex .
    Cheek out pheedno's PCT sticky in the PCT forum.

  6. #6
    WEBB's Avatar
    WEBB is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    just curios ask for help one one cycle and then you throw this at us...for a competitive bodybuilder you really dont have much gear knowledge...or general many different cycles you on right now man...seriously...

  7. #7
    john vega is offline Associate Member
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    i respect what u r saying. its just that i plan accordingly for my next cycle b4 i step on stage. and my show will be in vegas in 6 months so as i recover from my deca and enanthate cycle, im planning my cutter b4 i step on stage. thats all bro, but i understand the concern..

  8. #8
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by john vega View Post
    guys, i have a general overall question.

    id like to gain lean mass on a short-estered cycle and was thinking of this:

    NPP-weeks1-10 4oo mgs weekly
    prop weeks 1-10 3oo mgs weekly

    pct 3 days after last prop shot but was wondering not only if the format of my cycle is layed down properly in terms of weeks and dosages since its my 1st time trying a short esterfied cycle, but would there be any added benefit throwing in sustanon also since its a short injectable or is it just overkill, or as many wud say worthless prop, lol

    im 5 9 and 200 pounds 12 percent bf. if all experienced users think that npp and prop is good enough than please invite me for all info...

    otherwise i was thinking,
    weeks1-10 NPP 400 mgs weekly
    weeks1-10 prop 300 mgs weekly
    weeks 1-12 sustaplex 2shots per week on monday and thursday

    I like the last cycle with the SUST. add an AI

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