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Thread: Winstrol and on.

  1. #1
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    May 2008

    Winstrol and on.

    I was looking for something very mild, about a year ago. I happened to be given some 2 mg tablets of winstrol from a friend a few months ago and did some research, taking about 8-10 mg a day until i ran out. I sought out a real source, and bought another 50 pills at 50mg a pill, and ran 2 a day for 25 days. I gained up to about 167 lbs, but within a week and a half returned to about 3 lbs above my normal body weight however lost very little size in the noticeable areas.

    My problem with Winstrol is that for one, I don't like the hepatoxicitiy, however exaggerated or unexaggerated it may be. Another problem I found during simple tasks was the locking up of certain muscles or tendons, such as a feeling in my leg with every step of it. It felt like it would be pretty inhibiting had I tried to do the wrong task. However, I lost absolutely no strength and the only size I think I lost is from my slight loss of appetite after not taking it any more.

    Basically, what I am looking for is something mild. I was considering a cycle of test propionate with masteron propionate with trenbolone acetate at 50mg/50mg/25mg a day for about a month to not get so much of the body builder feeling and go for more of an athletic build; PCT will probably be proviron/nolva at 50mg/25mg a day for 25-30 days.. Am I taking the wrong approach, and if so, what do you recommend otherwise?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In The Kitchen :)
    post ur stats please!

  3. #3
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    i'm 6'1 160 lbs with about 7% body fat. I managed to get over 8% with winstrol at 170 lbs which i've always heard is about where the anabolic window begins.

  4. #4
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    I have never had Winny give me huge gains.... just out of curiosity, how old are you?

  5. #5
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    i'm 19 years old. i'm looking for something that won't give me huge gains; i'm looking to gain no more than about 15 lbs.

    i took winstrol because i had hurt my wrist badly and wanted to get back up to where i was; i knew a mild DHT would be the perfect attitude booster for the job. at 6'1 or 6'2 and 160 lbs, benching 80 lb dumbbells isn't crazy to me any more; but my beanpole physique has got to go.

  6. #6
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    Dude your not wanting to hear it but your going to hear it from everyone here...AAS arn't the magic pill....Check out the Diet section get that in check there are a bunch of good reads on bulking diets....get that in check along with a good workout plan your hormones are going crazy right now so with all that in mind you should get noticeable gains

  7. #7
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    i've been lifting weights for 3 years and experimenting with different diets to no avail; suffice it to say i've come to know my body pretty well. I have changed up my diet many, many different times and at this point in time i get about 150-175 grams of protein, 300 grams of carbs and about 2500-3000 calories in a day even on an 8-9 hour work day. I watch what I eat so that nothing is truly unhealthy; however i do not watch fat content because i do not gain weight and stay below 8% body fat. i also don't ever eat white bread, or any waste carbs unless there's no other option.

    my interest in steroids comes from my job. i work 5 days a week 8-9 hour days, and sometimes the same shifts on the weekends. it's hard for me to have the energy and motivation to get into the gym as much as i want to without supplementation. i suppose this is what i should have explained from the beginning.

  8. #8
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    dont ask for a source thx
    sorry dude, but we all work our buts off every day,and still make it to the gym to train. you just have to want it bad enough. maybee try a pre-workout supp like no-explode or somthing. coffee, watever, but i think jumping on the juice to motivate yourself is sad man. just my opinion. good luck

  9. #9
    you are not old enough.. you don't need aas. take advantage of your natty test and eat... alot.

  10. #10
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    like my dad/coach always said to me, "I cant want it for you, you have to want it for yourself"

  11. #11
    17? cmon kid man up and put your work in. figure it will take you 3-5 years of dedicated lifting and proper dieting to significantly change your body. dedicated means it is a main focus of your life.

  12. #12
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    alright i apparently chose the wrong source for this; you guys don't even read shit. this guy thinks im 17. thinks i havent been working out and dieting for 3-4 years already. i have friends who weigh 280 lbs who eat less than me, i have friends who are 185 lbs of lean muscle who eat half as much as i do and don't eat nearly as good. i don't plan to become an age 20 to age 30 steroid user. i want to gain 10-15 lbs and keep it.

    if i don't get above 165 lbs by january, i'm going to run a short ester cycle of test p, masteron p and fina a. wish me luck.

  13. #13
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    Nobody here is trying to be a jerk about this, we just don't want you getting hurt. We can't stop you from juicing, just be absolutely sure about what you are doing. We have nothing to gain from telling you not to do it. We just don't want you to make a mistake that may not be able to be corrected.


  14. #14
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    yeah, i totally understand. i just don't see my natural production as a way to motivate me or deter me towards or away from this. at a range of around 7-13 mg of test a day in the average person, whether your natural test is raging or not a cycle is going to increase this by such a huge factor anyway. i don't see depleted testosterone as a way to justify using steroids; it's a matter of what you want, what you know, and what you're willing to sacrifice.

    it's not easy to quit drinking for 2 months at age 19 when you have a fake ID. i know what im getting myself into. thanks, going4ripped, for your impartial advice; your attitude has certainly been the most helpful and has already convinced me to push my cycle back by at least 6 months and try everything properly at least one more time.

  15. #15
    yea you are right 19 is soo far from 17. you must be all worldy wise by now.

    your still a kid kid.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darksyde View Post
    yea you are right 19 is soo far from 17. you must be all worldy wise by now.

    your still a kid kid.
    This guy is going to go ahead and do it so you should be helping him rather than mocking him to feel good about yourself.

    You need to up your protein. Theres not enough in there. Spread it out over the day. You think your eating loads but what you stated is only enough to maintain your current weight. Try throwing in some peanut butter sandwhiches or something as a snack.

    Also while you suggest nice low doses for your cycle be aware that Tren is harsh. Test and Dbol would suit you fine when you finally do take the plunge.
    But if your not eating enough on cycle then your wasting your time so get practicing

  17. #17
    inky-e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikKinney View Post
    i'm 19 years old. i'm looking for something that won't give me huge gains; i'm looking to gain no more than about 15 lbs.

    i took winstrol because i had hurt my wrist badly and wanted to get back up to where i was; i knew a mild DHT would be the perfect attitude booster for the job. at 6'1 or 6'2 and 160 lbs, benching 80 lb dumbbells isn't crazy to me any more; but my beanpole physique has got to go.
    I can't believe I'm seeing this again..thats all I'm gonna say

  18. #18
    i will never advise a kid to take steroids, especially when i know what can be attained naturally by all different types of people.

  19. #19
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    i'm working on my diet right now and i'm listening to the people who aren't arrogant morons. i'm an irishman through and through; if you tell me not to do something with a stupid attitude i'm not going to listen to you. i've been reading M&F for years and eating 3,000 calories with at least 160 grams of protein every day, but from what i've read on here that's apparently not enough???

    and hey, darksyde, get your head out of your ass. i'm old enough to go die for my country, i'm old enough to vote, and i'm old enough that i go to prison for my own choices. so you can cut the "kid" crap.

    i took the winstrol because it was given to me FREE and i decided it was definately worth a <u>try</u> (after i did PLENTY of research and consultation) and i even took a PCT of nolva/proviron afterwards to not get too ****ed up from it.

    i love how everyone here judges everybody else but can we remember how we're judged by the rest of the community as muscle heads and all that? we have to stick together if we're ever going to get passed that bias; not flame eachother like this dude darksyde seems to LOVE doing.

  20. #20
    IMO, 19 is too young and can cause health issues later down the road, but it's your body so you decide if its worth it. Even if you were 29, I'd still say you are not ready due to the fact that between your workouts and diet, you still dont have the experience yet to get the most out of your cycle. For starters, an ED prop,mast, tren cycle is not mild, in fact it is a pain in the ass literaly. Plus IMO, Mast and tren wouldnt be the best compounds to use together. One is a 19nor bulker, and the other is mainly used to keep muscle while dieting. Plus, on an ED Injection cycle your whole life will have to revolve around the scheduling of that kind of cycle to keep the sides down. You will literally have to eat, sleep, workout, etc on it. If you have been here any length of time, you should know that for a first timer, yes you are even though you have done an oral winstrol cycle, 300-500mg test only + PCT is what is recommended. Do what you want, but to get the most out of any cycle, you need to have to know how to eat right, and from what you have said, I dont think you have that dialed in yet. Get your diet dialed in and you could gain 10-20 lbs naturally then you should be ready.

  21. #21
    i think its pretty obvious who the kid is with his head up his ass around here.
    i used to read m&f when i was a kid too and didnt know shit.

    what your dumb ass doesnt seem to realize is there are a dozen or more kids like you who post 'im 18 and have to use steroids to reach my goals' threads on this forum every week. since you want to throw your little insults around, my real opinion is you are physically and mentally weak like a lot of kids these days, always looking for a shortcut.

  22. #22
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    if you cant hold the weight now what makes you think you will hold it after your don with a cycle? like said diet diet diet train

  23. #23
    I heard Creatine with a Multi-vitamin works alright?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darksyde View Post
    i will never advise a kid to take steroids, especially when i know what can be attained naturally by all different types of people.
    Same here. I don't agree with the "they are going to do it anyway, might as well help" logic. If a friend wanted to drive drunk, but couldn't find his keys, should I help him find his keys because he's going to do it anyway? Not me. If someone wants to do something I know they shouldn't do, I will try to stop them. If I can't stop them, they can do it without my help.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Same here. I don't agree with the "they are going to do it anyway, might as well help" logic. If a friend wanted to drive drunk, but couldn't find his keys, should I help him find his keys because he's going to do it anyway? Not me. If someone wants to do something I know they shouldn't do, I will try to stop them. If I can't stop them, they can do it without my help.
    Ok ok fair enough but how about if your friend was drunk and had the keys (seems kid can get gear himself). He gets in the car and drives down the road. Would ya shout after him "Hey, turn on your headlights so ya can see where ya going!!!" or would ya say nothing?

    Actually dont answer this lol

  26. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by MikKinney View Post
    I was looking for something very mild, about a year ago. I happened to be given some 2 mg tablets of winstrol from a friend a few months ago and did some research, taking about 8-10 mg a day until i ran out. I sought out a real source, and bought another 50 pills at 50mg a pill, and ran 2 a day for 25 days. I gained up to about 167 lbs, but within a week and a half returned to about 3 lbs above my normal body weight however lost very little size in the noticeable areas.

    My problem with Winstrol is that for one, I don't like the hepatoxicitiy, however exaggerated or unexaggerated it may be. Another problem I found during simple tasks was the locking up of certain muscles or tendons, such as a feeling in my leg with every step of it. It felt like it would be pretty inhibiting had I tried to do the wrong task. However, I lost absolutely no strength and the only size I think I lost is from my slight loss of appetite after not taking it any more.

    Basically, what I am looking for is something mild. I was considering a cycle of test propionate with masteron propionate with trenbolone acetate at 50mg/50mg/25mg a day for about a month to not get so much of the body builder feeling and go for more of an athletic build; PCT will probably be proviron/nolva at 50mg/25mg a day for 25-30 days.. Am I taking the wrong approach, and if so, what do you recommend otherwise?
    TREN by no means would be considerd MILD.

  27. #27
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    ok, but if you people read what i posted last, i said "im pushing my next cycle back at least another 6 months (effectively making me at least 20 1/2 by the time i'll even consider it again) and revamping my diet again." and i'm just gonna throw this out there: any posts made here on out by darksyde are going to be considered purely for my own entertainment, and WILL be laughed at.

    as i've just said, steroids are a shortcut for ANY age. i don't give a **** if you're young hercules or if you're 35. you're still taking a shortcut they didn't have 200 years ago and they don't condone in the united states. so get your self righteous head out of your ass.

    as for "mild" im going by what ive seen it do to people with my same height and weight, not the effects on the body or the dedication it'd take. it's not like i stumbled upon this website, i've known dozens of people who have used steroids, some more than once, some more than 5 times. i'm not about to jump headfirst into a cycle.

    started recording what i'm eating, getting out of the M&F range slightly. i'm pretty sure i can gain the lean mass i want to at about 3500 calories a day and still keep my abs.

    daily diet is now: 190g+ protein, 300g carbs, 3500 calories, fat being ignored except the addition of monounsaturated fat from olive oil. i'm taking 2 protein shakes a day of powder, yogurt, 3 tbsp peanut butter, 5g creatine, a banana and a small amount of milk.
    it's now been 2 days, and my body fat % has actually dropped down below 7% but my weight has gone up about 2 lbs; i know better than to weigh myself this often though.

    my workout routine is also very similar to an MMA fighters, i lifted 5-8 reps for a long time and it did me no good in the real world. my job kicked my ass for a few months when i came in from heavy lifting and tried to work 9 hour days in manual labor.
    so my apologies for being a dumbass, i DO know why i don't gain weight i just thought it had less to do with my eating.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Same here. I don't agree with the "they are going to do it anyway, might as well help" logic. If a friend wanted to drive drunk, but couldn't find his keys, should I help him find his keys because he's going to do it anyway? Not me. If someone wants to do something I know they shouldn't do, I will try to stop them. If I can't stop them, they can do it without my help.

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