Originally Posted by
big an rich
I may get some critical comments here:
If I were to say I'm going to do an oral only cycle I would get flamed for not using an injectable due to not keeping my gains.
I have done 6 cycles involving both now, I take about 6 months off between cycles and my cycles are never more that 12 weeks with about 6 PCT. I use aggressive PCT and train hard off cycle.
Mainly cycles consist of long ester test, powerful oral to start (dbol/drol) and I have added winny/deca/tren/eq/primo/var (normally I use the shredding gear with TNE or prop instead of enanthate).
My point is this: I lose nearly all of my gains by 6 months no matter what I do. Without the AAS there is not the positive nitrogen balance to sustain the extra muscle mass. Over the years I have become stronger and my body looks a lot different though I am not a great deal heavier that when I started (I had trained for 4 years naturally, 3 with help :-)
2 questions:
1: What is the benefit to using an injectable over an oral for the purpose of keeping your gains (other than the obvious, it takes longer to absorb)
2: Does anyone here have personal experience with gaining loads of muscle with AAS then keeping the gains for years after cessation?
I appreciate I've written a lot there, sorry and thanks for any constructive reply.