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Thread: Test and Tren

  1. #1

    Test and Tren

    I have a quick question for anyone that would be willing to lend some advice. I have done roughly 5 cycles of test over the last 2.5 years and I am currently looking into stacking test and tren. First off, is this a good stack? I am looking to drop a little fat while gaining some quality muscle. If that is a decent stack how much should I be taking a week?

    Oh yeah, 6'3" 230 about 10% body fat 30 years old. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Most of the time people use test prop, tren a, & winny. Which tren u planning on? And are u aware of how harsh tren is?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    UK - A Backward Part
    Quote Originally Posted by greekboy View Post
    Most of the time people use test prop, tren a, & winny. Which tren u planning on? And are u aware of how harsh tren is?
    ^^^ Agreed.

    Due to tren having some strong sides (sides are worse for some than others) its advised to go with Tren A the first time so it can be stopped and out of the system quickly if necessary.

  4. #4
    can i get the full effects of the cycle without Whinny? I have heard that Tren is very harsh but just talking to people who have taken it in the past it comes very highly recomended. When you say harsh are you referring to the damage done to the body? how are the gains?

  5. #5
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    your 10% bf and you want to drop some fat?????

  6. #6
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    If ya diet and training are spot on gains are crazy on tren (so most say)

    Sides are insomnia (trensomnia as its known!), anxiety, night sweats, sweats in general, possible headaches...

    But if your an experienced aas user the sides can be manageable if ya cycle is properly planned.

    Winny being a DHT is great to use at the end of the cycle to harden up, goes really well with tren in that respect.

  7. #7
    Thanks for all the great advice! Is it true that Tren should be taken twice a week, roughly a cc? What with test? 1cc of test once a week or 1/2 cc twice a week?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by False Positive View Post
    Thanks for all the great advice! Is it true that Tren should be taken twice a week, roughly a cc? What with test? 1cc of test once a week or 1/2 cc twice a week?
    If its Tren A it needs to be administered ED or EOD.

    Tren E twice a week. - But remember it having the Enan ester its ganna be in ya system 2 weeks, and if you get bad sides you will be stuck with them for 2 weeks.

  9. #9
    Its Tren Phena...........does that make dramatic difference?

  10. #10
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    i've done a few cycles and im telling ya you better read and know exactly how to take tren and know what your getting into. Cuz i speak from experience when i say if you mess it up it will mess you up.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by False Positive View Post
    Its Tren Phena...........does that make dramatic difference?
    I assume it's tren H, fina. Shot it EOD anyway

  12. #12
    define messed up? Is the Tren-Phena more potent than regular Tren?

  13. #13
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    how about tren prop and masteron? is that a good stack?

  14. #14
    EOD? Every other day?

  15. #15
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    You will suffer some really bad sides if you dont take this right. Hair loss, bad acne, you can get some bad gyno from tren too. Its an amazing anabolic don't get me wrong. Gave me the best gains i've ever got. But i suffered as well. What does your gear say?
    The usual dosage is 75 eod. Tren A needs to be shot at least eod.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by False Positive View Post
    EOD? Every other day?

    yep now your gettin it

  17. #17
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    try it out at 75 mg eod and see how you react. gave me bad agression, irritability, and insomnia. didn't know better at the time and ran it w/o test so maybe ur experience will b better. stacked it with winny and people stared at my body

  18. #18
    Define taking properly/correctly? If i take the usual dosage of 75 eod will everything be just fine? Does it matter if taken morning, noon, or night? What about where it is injected? can i shoot it with test or should i do test once a week at about 1cc? Thanks again for all the helpful advice, it is greatly appreciated.

  19. #19
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    not trying to be a dick but from the way your talking about tren and some of these questions i don't know if you should take tren. Just make sure you learn as much as possible before you do.

  20. #20
    No problem and point taken. i have done some reading but i wanted to get a first hand opinion on the way to properly take/stack tren. so 75 eod would not be over kill? again this leads me to much do i take in this stack and how often throughout the week?

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by False Positive View Post
    No problem and point taken. i have done some reading but i wanted to get a first hand opinion on the way to properly take/stack tren. so 75 eod would not be over kill? again this leads me to much do i take in this stack and how often throughout the week?
    Keep the test to a minimum. 250-300mg a week.
    Depending on what kind of test you will want to take test prop with tren A...and inject both at least EOD.

  22. #22
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    yo mamas house
    I'm wrapping up a cycle our stats are about the same im 36 5'10 274lb bf around 15% gear experience about the same as well. i ran tren enth 100mg mon,thur sun, (300 a wk) and test cyp at 500 wk (250 mon, thur)
    gains were great. lean gains body weight only went up around 14 lbs but my body comp changed dramtically i did suffer a little insomnia but was not a big deal. when i ran test only my libido was thru the roof now its just a little above normal so i'm assuming the tren has knocked it down and the test is holding in closer to normal. other than that i loved it but i still have to come off so we'll see i have 3 more weeks till pct.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by drive it!! View Post
    I'm wrapping up a cycle our stats are about the same im 36 5'10 274lb bf around 15% gear experience about the same as well. i ran tren enth 100mg mon,thur sun, (300 a wk) and test cyp at 500 wk (250 mon, thur)
    gains were great. lean gains body weight only went up around 14 lbs but my body comp changed dramtically i did suffer a little insomnia but was not a big deal. when i ran test only my libido was thru the roof now its just a little above normal so i'm assuming the tren has knocked it down and the test is holding in closer to normal. other than that i loved it but i still have to come off so we'll see i have 3 more weeks till pct.

    where you able to do cardio or shed any additional pounds? I am looking for strength gains but also looking to get shredded. How long before you started seeing some changes?

  24. #24
    So 1.5cc's of test twice per week and 1 cc of Tren 3x's per week?

  25. #25
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    Depends what test ya using.

    If ya using fina (test a - short ester) you might as well use test p as the injection will have to be EOD anyway.

  26. #26
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    yo mamas house
    the concentrations of my gear called for 1cc= 100mg tren and 1cc =250mg cyp. the gains came very quik id say around week 3 -4 my friends were pissed off jealous i did cardio 3 times a week for about the first month and had been eating really clean for about 3 months prior to cycle. still doing cardio about 2 times a week I plan on adding more for the last part of cyclei but still eating very good the more i eat the better i look i aim for about 4000 cal a day roughly 400 grm of protein i try to stay around 50% carb 40 % pro 10% fat at least in the ball park diet is everything the tren will use everything you put in ya! make sure it nutrient dense. good luck

  27. #27
    Just so i don't screw this last time
    1cc of Test twice a week.......2cc's per week
    1cc of Tren three times per week........3 cc's per week
    should i be taking test with the tren or test one day and tren the next? does it matter?

    Does that look correct? Thanks for all the advice in this case.

  28. #28
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    you can mix it & take them together. Make sure you know how your gear is dosed so you know how many mg/week you'll be doing.

  29. #29
    what do you mean know how its dosed? in the past i have always just taken out a cc and called it good. am i retarded? please explain

  30. #30
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    Quote Originally Posted by False Positive View Post
    what do you mean know how its dosed? in the past i have always just taken out a cc and called it good. am i retarded? please explain
    lol you have never known how your gear is dosed?? you just shoot 1ml and call it good?? am i understanding that correct??

  31. #31
    that is the case. Please explain.....

  32. #32
    I am getting ready to do a cycle of finaplix stacked with deca and I am aware i need to have some kind of test present. I was told that arimidex is a good choice. anyone have any advice?

  33. #33
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    Quote Originally Posted by False Positive View Post
    that is the case. Please explain.....
    okay bro. you need to know what your gear is dosed at mg/ml. the problem is that you have no idea how much of this stuff you are putting into your body. do you not see the problem with that?? bro please do alot more research before touching anything else.

  34. #34
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    Quote Originally Posted by danh721 View Post
    I am getting ready to do a cycle of finaplix stacked with deca and I am aware i need to have some kind of test present. I was told that arimidex is a good choice. anyone have any advice?
    yeah start your own thread. haha and who the hell told you that arimidex is test. lol lol lol haha lol haha lol need to do a lot more research too bro.
    Last edited by NATE0406; 05-12-2008 at 08:26 PM.

  35. #35
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    Dont feed the
    This gota be a wind up??

  36. #36
    its test 300 but i am still not sure what that means??? Help please.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    it means 300mgs/ml.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by False Positive View Post
    I have a quick question for anyone that would be willing to lend some advice. I have done roughly 5 cycles of test over the last 2.5 years and I am currently looking into stacking test and tren. First off, is this a good stack? I am looking to drop a little fat while gaining some quality muscle. If that is a decent stack how much should I be taking a week?

    Oh yeah, 6'3" 230 about 10% body fat 30 years old. Thanks!
    TEST and TREN work great together.
    TREN ACE 75-100MG ED or EOD

  39. #39
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    Apr 2008
    mg is the strenght of the liquid ml is the amount of liquid therefore 1cc=1ml the strenght of the liquid is what is important. you adjust the amount of liquid to mg/(per)ml that you are trying to aquire

  40. #40
    so as far as the test goes....only once a week with 500mg? is that enough?

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