First off let me say I love this website and hello to everyone. I was a member under a dif handle a couple of years back and spent many hours reading threads and researching. Well anyway I am back and can't remember my old handle so I made this one. I am no expert on anything to do with anabolics, but I do know some things. I learn something new everytime I search this board.
I have experience cycling, but it has been 3 years since I have used AS. I want to say I have no source and that is why I am going this route. Plus I think it would be cool to play at home chemist. I have done extensive research on how to convert Synovex to Test Prop. I have looked at the process so many times I know it by heart. I know the materials I need and am sure I can complete the process successfully. I just want to know members experiences with homemade test prop. During my research I found alot of questions about the conversion and they were extremely helpful. But I want to know more about people who have used it and had good or bad results. Also, I am referring to a 5g kit with estrogen solubilizer, as this is the method I have been researching and understand the most. Thanks