Thread: First cycle help please!!!!!!!!
05-14-2008, 09:35 AM #1New Member
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First cycle help please!!!!!!!!
I am closer to 30 than 40 and am looking for a good starting cycle to get back the gains I lost after being out of the military and having a ridiculous amount of surgeries performed on my knee. I used to weigh 180 and was solid as a rock and now am down to 165 which is good seeing how I was down to 135 when deathly ill at the VA hospital. I just want to start a cycle that will get me back to where I was (maybe a tad larger) and be able to maintain it. I am not looking to be a bodybuilder (props for those that do put in the work). Just to get back to the 6 foot, 180 pound, hard as a rock guy I was before the VA jacked my knee up. Any cycle ideas? Would rather just do one cycle. Also, anything I should be taking with that cycle. I don't mind loosing some of the strength gains but would like to keep the size. Any help would be great.
Highly pissed off Iraq veteran
whats your bf%? what does your diet look like?
1) welcome! i'm sure you will find lots of info here
2) what are your stats,
age- close to 30
height- 6'0
weight- 165
i'm guessing 0 cycle experience, how long have you been lifting? because if yo uhave had alot of surgeries, you should really go natty untill your plateaued...
hows your diet?
hows your lifting regiment?
wats your bf%
05-14-2008, 09:41 AM #4New Member
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i'd advise get your diet on, try the bulking diet in the diet forum... 6foot 165 is not maxed out at all... and if you do AAS now, you would end up wasting alot of it because you could get it naturally...
hmmm...165lbs and 6ft tall..and you look like Chris Griffen? something isnt right here
05-14-2008, 09:46 AM #7New Member
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Gained most of the muscle in Bosnia when we worked out for 6 months straight and had a 24 hour chow hall. I am now lifting at least 5 times a week. I still play alot of sports so gaining a ton of mass is not an interest. Just around 15 pounds of sustainable muscle with the work put in at the gym.
05-14-2008, 09:52 AM #8
There is no reason you couldn't reach 180lbs at 6' naturally with proper diet and training.
05-14-2008, 09:55 AM #9New Member
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I'd guess body fat is between 15-17 and I have no cycle experience. Have taken a shot here and there. I am tired of "gym preachers" who don't practice what they preach and would rather consult informed people so I can do it on my own.
05-14-2008, 09:58 AM #10New Member
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I agree. Just want a shortcut to get there. I have been hospitalized for 6 months do to an infection that almost killed me, shrunk to 135 and gained most of it back through exercise and lifting. After 2 consecutive years of surgeries would like it back yesterday. Forgive me for wanting a shortcut.
05-14-2008, 10:11 AM #11
Take some to to research beginner cycles and PCT, then propose your ideas and we can go from there.
05-14-2008, 10:18 AM #12New Member
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I was thinking stacking deca (200 mgs) and test enth (200 mgs) week for a 12 week cycle. I was thinking the lower doses would be sufficient to reach my goals because my body is still gaining naturally as well (not peaked out). I want mass gains that could be maintained with work-outs and diet.
05-14-2008, 03:18 PM #13New Member
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Any thoughts?
05-14-2008, 04:07 PM #14
At 200mg a week of each there would be little point.
200mg of deca wont help with gains, but will lube joints.
And 200mg of Test is pretty low, and wont really yeild and results after 12 weeks.
A simple test cycle should be a first time cycle, so you can judge how your body reacts to the compounds.
If you did 2 compounds and got some sides, you wouldn't know which one they are coming from as you have done neither b4.
05-14-2008, 04:13 PM #15
Read all the links, time to research, then come back with questions
Test Beginner cycle info
here, i'll lay out some stuff for you,
first thing, you need to get your diet in check, here is some threads on cutting, lean bulking and pure bulking to give you some info, but you need to post your diet for critiqueing, your wasting your money otherwise
only when you have your diet down should you think about cycling, a beginner cycle should look like this
1-12 test e 500mg/week
1-4 dbol 40mg/day ( this is used to kickstart the cycle and is optional)
take your test injections 3.5 days apart, like monday morning and thursday evening
split your dbol up throughout the day, this will keep your blood levels stable, which means less sides and more gains
if you take the dbol, supplement with liv52 to help you liver cope with breaking down the dbol
btw, here are the profiles on the AS you will be using so read them and get to know the stuff your putting in your body
Test Enth
Next is your pct, which should begin two weeks after your last test injection and should be a phneedo's pct, whats that you ask? here it is
Pheendo's PCT
while your at it read this one as well for future cycles
Anthony Roberts PCT
Now for some other important stuff, you need to have some arimidex on hand in case you start getting water retention or gyno, so get some, in fact, read this thread 3x before you start your cycle as it will tell you....
All You Need To Know About Gyno
that should get you read for your cycle, best of luck
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