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  1. #41
    xavier_888888's Avatar
    xavier_888888 is offline Senior Member
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    Legs picture will help too

  2. #42
    lex57's Avatar
    lex57 is offline Senior Member
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    you are definitely right i would say 6% is probably spot on. youre a lean dude. nice vascularity also. but you are going at it the right way, once you add a little thickness youll be money. do you do alot of cardio or to just attribute to your metabolism?

  3. #43
    mauler's Avatar
    mauler is offline Associate Member
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    i do absolutly no cardio, haha

  4. #44
    mauler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xavier_888888 View Post
    Legs picture will help too
    maybe later on the legs. my cracker legs need tanned before i take a picofthem.

    also i do prettyhard labor for my job, so i mean i burn alot of calories doing that

  5. #45
    mauler's Avatar
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    so lex what do you mean im going about it the right way? how i was doing it before or by coming here for help? i know i need more mass. id like to gain 30 lbs. is phate cycle the one i should go with if i choose to use this method? test e and dbol ?

  6. #46
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mauler View Post
    so lex what do you mean im going about it the right way? how i was doing it before or by coming here for help? i know i need more mass. id like to gain 30 lbs. is phate cycle the one i should go with if i choose to use this method? test e and dbol?
    what i meant by that was many people need to get their bf% down before they run a cycle and you are ahead of the game my friend, thats what i meant by going about it the right way. you will read many,many guys come on here and say that they are 18-20% bf. and the first thing most will say is get you bf% down to around 12 ideally and then use gear. in my opinion body wise you could use gear and see great results from your first cycle because you are lean. but remember diet has to be in check along with knowledge of dosing and timing of shots, and pct. there are many nuances to a good cycle. but i would say the one of the hardest is getting your body ready. test and dbol would be ok. i will always recommend a test only cycle first. but then after that i think you would be an awsome candidate for a test p and npp cycle second. in my opinion, i would focus on keeping yourself lean. and gain 15 solid pounds from each of those two cycles. but now remember the most important thing i would be concerned about right now is if you arent gaining with what you are doing now diet wise, you may not see those optimal results like you would if you had a really good diet planned out and have to stick to. and ya know if you had to do some dbol in your first cycle you could probably do it but i dont recommend it.

  7. #47
    mauler's Avatar
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    thanks for the info lex. i realize that i need to learn more before i start. definatly need to figure out a better diet since my one now isnt making me gain. i need to find a good source for gear too, since i dont think i should trust sites from google. i dont want to go into this half assed and not get results.
    one more thing just about pct. why dont you take the pct drugs during your cycle? cause isnt test getting converted to estrogen even during the cycle?

  8. #48
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mauler View Post
    thanks for the info lex. i realize that i need to learn more before i start. definatly need to figure out a better diet since my one now isnt making me gain. i need to find a good source for gear too, since i dont think i should trust sites from google. i dont want to go into this half assed and not get results.
    one more thing just about pct. why dont you take the pct drugs during your cycle? cause isnt test getting converted to estrogen even during the cycle?
    good question look up the article by Merc, it like estrogen needed to grow its a good read and will answer alot of questions. sometimes people do run things especially an ai during cycle, but you have to be careful because if you cut the estrogen you cut the gains. i will at times run letro at .25 or 0.5 mg per day during cycle if i get itchy nips or seem to be holding water. also now that you mentioned you are looking for a source, be careful scammers will pm you. nobody on this board should pm you with sources, no exceptions. so be careful do your research and be aware of the scammers

  9. #49
    mauler's Avatar
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    yeah i still have alot to read. i really do want to know exactly what im getting into. thanks bro

  10. #50
    mauler's Avatar
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    ok so im trying toplan out what i need here .

    im going to get
    test e for week 1-12 250mg 2x a week
    not sure if ill take this or not yet- dbol week 1-4 40 mg a day
    letro in case gyno signs start
    i may get proscor too 1 mg per day - i dont think im prone to mpb, but id rather be safe than sorry- question about this, would would take it through the cycle and pct right?

    then for pct novala and clomid im not sureon the doses yet still researching that

  11. #51
    mauler's Avatar
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    anyone there?

  12. #52
    mkcay7979's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mauler View Post
    i took the pics myself so i couldnt flex totally right

    Attachment 90739
    Attachment 90740
    Attachment 90741
    looking good bro...
    check out the diet threads tons of info there ...

  13. #53
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    Mauler I think me and you both have retarded pec syndrom. I also have one that has a weird shape to it a bit at the bottom and it is smaller than the other. Caused my opposite shoulder to be smaller too

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    Mauler I think me and you both have retarded pec syndrom. I also have one that has a weird shape to it a bit at the bottom and it is smaller than the other. Caused my opposite shoulder to be smaller too
    i think it may just be the way im flexing or the lighting. im pretty sre they are the same size.
    but for pct was my quest

    100 mg clomid / 20mg nova ed for 3 weeks
    what about hcg , if i need it how much should i take and for how long?

    is letro all i need for worring bout gyno?

  15. #55
    redz's Avatar
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    Letro is very strong you may want to just go with arimidex instead which wont kill your gains as much as Letro. Letro is mostly used to reverse gyno. But Arimidex is good for preventing it from getting bad if signs do appear. Only take it if signs appear.

  16. #56
    mauler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mkcay7979 View Post
    looking good bro...
    check out the diet threads tons of info there ...
    as for the diet i realize i need help on that. sorry i feel like ive been misleading. i have gained over 20 lbs in the last 9 months or so without the use of aas. i last 3 months though ive not gained on the sam 4k calorie diet. i realize the diet is not quality though. i want to bump it to 5k before i start aas at least.

  17. #57
    mauler's Avatar
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    so no one responded to my pct or if i do need to use hcg what doses and how long? thanks

  18. #58
    bmit is offline Member
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    my hrt doc has me on 500 of hcg mwf

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