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Thread: Proposed Cycle, please critique

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Arrow Proposed Cycle, please critique

    First of all thanks for everybody help with putting together this cycle. Ppl swear by test E so i decided to go with that. I'm trying to decide whether or not i should do 10wks or 12wks? Here is my prospective cycle as of right now:

    500mgs of Test E ew
    60mgs of Tbol ed
    .25 mgs of arimdex?

    Now i'm a lil confused about the arimdex, which is why i wanted some ppl to look at this. Adex reduces estro conversion, therefor reducing gyno and water retention/bloating. I absolutely HATE bloating which is why i'm thinking about including it with my cycle. The purpose of this cycle is to be a lean bulking/strength cycle. However now i'm hearing that some estro is necessary to build muscle, but wouldn't that be the added muscle due to the water retention? So it would in fact go away after the water weight goes. I'd rather have keepable muscle gains verus more muscle and some of it to go away. A study of adex at a .50 dosage was almost the same at 1mg. It proved to increase test by 58% and reduce estro by 50%. So I guess my question would be should i run it at a .25 or .50 dosage? I'm also looking at running adex as my pct. In case you forgot, 25yr, 9-12%bf, 5'7, 172lbs. Let me know what you guys think. Thanks again I really appreciate it.
    Last edited by jc95605; 05-16-2008 at 07:43 PM. Reason: adding text

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    America's Armpit
    i'd say run it as low as possible starting at .25 and if that works to keep down your bloating then just stick with that...but if you need more then bump it up, the general census seems to be don't use it unless you have to, I feel the same as you, I'm going to be running a very low dose of letro, I'm currently dealing with slight gyno so once i got that under control, i'm gonna stay at or under .25 mg of letro while on cycle to keep down gyno and water weight, regardless of whether or not it "hinders" my gains

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Kool, that why i was wanting to keep it as a low dose. Like i said b4 i want a lean bulking/strength/cutting cycle. I hear alot of different names, lol. Its summertime who doesn't? Thanks for your input, anybody else?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    America's Armpit
    im also gonna be running a thermogenic, i got some ephedrine, i'll only use it on training days to let my beta receptors rest on growth days... that will help keep you tight too, ephedrine, clen...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    crap i forgot to mention that. I just did 2 cycles of DNP which was moderately successful. Anyway I've been taking some ephedra/caffine since. To keep me lean but moreso for energy in the morning. I start class at 6:30, I need something to get me thru that pain!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    America's Armpit
    haha i hear you brother, i wake up at 4am to train at 5 while im working at the gym, im always on the lookout for a great thermo lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I keep hearing that test E doesn't kick it until 3wks. Anybody else experience that? What about frontloading it with test P or is that too much test at one time.

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