8 weeks into my first cycle and i was diagnosed with heart faliure collapsed lung and a fu**ed liver.... The cause.. 500mg of omnadren ew, 200mg of deca ew, proviron ed.
250 mg of omna every 84 hrs
100mg of deca as above for joints.
25mg tab proviron each day.
Clean healthy diet.
What went wrong?..
Apparently all the docs said...
Due to the masses of water that my body retained not only in my muscle tissue but in my abdomen lungs and in the sack around my heart causing my heart to enlarge resulting in faliure ( pericarditis) they call it. then on top of all that my liver values were all fu**ed up .
How they fixed me.....
Fair play to the NHS they did a grand job on fixing me up and none of the docs were ever judgemental on the fact this was all self inflicted.
when i first went into hospital i could hardly breathe,i couldnt even lean forward at all, it caused my heart to struggle and cut the blood supply off to my head causing me to feel like i was going to pass out, all this was due to all the water retention in my abdomen / chest cavity, i had this piercing back pain across my shoulders and down the centre of my back this was caused by my heart so they say, i hadnt eaten in days because i couldnt physicaly fit it in.
They put me on 80% oxygen and put a cathiter up my knob and gave me frusemide via a drip and i got rid of 7 litres of fluid in the first 2 hrs, after about 8hrs they removed the cathiter and carried on with a lower dose of frusemide for the next few days god knows how much fluid i was carrying alltogether.
Soon the pain started to go and after loads of other drugs countless ECGs a couple of heart scans and nearly a week in a corinary care unit they fixed me, i still hafto take colchisine twice a day for my heart and anti biotics to clear all the shit off my lungs, they dont quite know whats wrong with my liver but ive got to go back for more blood tests next week.
From what little experience i have had with gear all i can say is keep it really simple for your first cycle so you can be sure what drug is giving you nasty side effects, DO NOT try and treat yourself go and see a doc they know what their doing and you dont!! at first i thought it was trapped wind or something like that and got the wife to massage my belly little did i know i was in heart faliure!!! make double sure what your sticking in your ass is what that gym rat says it is.
Be warned all this comes at a price and no matter what pro steroid users say it can fu*k you up even if you do it all by the book!
P.S Has anyone got any ideas on my second cycle??