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Thread: fu**ing gear nearly killed me!!

  1. #1

    Thumbs down fu**ing gear nearly killed me!!

    8 weeks into my first cycle and i was diagnosed with heart faliure collapsed lung and a fu**ed liver.... The cause.. 500mg of omnadren ew, 200mg of deca ew, proviron ed.

    250 mg of omna every 84 hrs

    100mg of deca as above for joints.

    25mg tab proviron each day.

    Clean healthy diet.

    What went wrong?..

    Apparently all the docs said...
    Due to the masses of water that my body retained not only in my muscle tissue but in my abdomen lungs and in the sack around my heart causing my heart to enlarge resulting in faliure ( pericarditis) they call it. then on top of all that my liver values were all fu**ed up .

    How they fixed me.....
    Fair play to the NHS they did a grand job on fixing me up and none of the docs were ever judgemental on the fact this was all self inflicted.
    when i first went into hospital i could hardly breathe,i couldnt even lean forward at all, it caused my heart to struggle and cut the blood supply off to my head causing me to feel like i was going to pass out, all this was due to all the water retention in my abdomen / chest cavity, i had this piercing back pain across my shoulders and down the centre of my back this was caused by my heart so they say, i hadnt eaten in days because i couldnt physicaly fit it in.
    They put me on 80% oxygen and put a cathiter up my knob and gave me frusemide via a drip and i got rid of 7 litres of fluid in the first 2 hrs, after about 8hrs they removed the cathiter and carried on with a lower dose of frusemide for the next few days god knows how much fluid i was carrying alltogether.
    Soon the pain started to go and after loads of other drugs countless ECGs a couple of heart scans and nearly a week in a corinary care unit they fixed me, i still hafto take colchisine twice a day for my heart and anti biotics to clear all the shit off my lungs, they dont quite know whats wrong with my liver but ive got to go back for more blood tests next week.

    From what little experience i have had with gear all i can say is keep it really simple for your first cycle so you can be sure what drug is giving you nasty side effects, DO NOT try and treat yourself go and see a doc they know what their doing and you dont!! at first i thought it was trapped wind or something like that and got the wife to massage my belly little did i know i was in heart faliure!!! make double sure what your sticking in your ass is what that gym rat says it is.

    Be warned all this comes at a price and no matter what pro steroid users say it can fu*k you up even if you do it all by the book!

    P.S Has anyone got any ideas on my second cycle??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    damn bro thats just messed up. I hope you get well soon. Your cycle is almost the same one as I did for my first cycle. Only no provi. It sounds like you really gained a lot of weight in just a short period. How much did you gain? And what was your bf before you started this cycle? If you are that sensitive I wouldn't do heavy bulk cycles anymore. I would rather do clean bulk cycles with no water retention.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia.
    holy shit bro. i'm glad you made it. i was gonna say i'm glad you're o.k. but you sound still far from o.k. i wouldn't presume to give you any advice, i'm just glad your still around to tell us about it. please be ultra careful in the future. i for one don't wanna hear of one of our members goin' out like that. take care mate. j

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    fook me dude thank fook you ok,Good luck to a speedy recovery

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    va beach
    i feel for ya brah!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Where you ride horses!
    Damn thats jacked up . Glad ou posted this though really makes me think an more aware of hat to watch out for on my first cycle . Get well son!!!!
    Hey did your companies insurnce take care of you and if so did the docs keep it confidential? FROM YOUR JOB?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    sharp end of a needle
    get well soon bro, sorry to hear what happened to you

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by they saw me cumin View Post
    8 weeks into my first cycle and i was diagnosed with heart faliure collapsed lung and a fu**ed liver.... The cause.. 500mg of omnadren ew, 200mg of deca ew, proviron ed.

    250 mg of omna every 84 hrs

    100mg of deca as above for joints.

    25mg tab proviron each day.

    Clean healthy diet.

    What went wrong?..

    Apparently all the docs said...
    Due to the masses of water that my body retained not only in my muscle tissue but in my abdomen lungs and in the sack around my heart causing my heart to enlarge resulting in faliure ( pericarditis) they call it. then on top of all that my liver values were all fu**ed up .

    How they fixed me.....
    Fair play to the NHS they did a grand job on fixing me up and none of the docs were ever judgemental on the fact this was all self inflicted.
    when i first went into hospital i could hardly breathe,i couldnt even lean forward at all, it caused my heart to struggle and cut the blood supply off to my head causing me to feel like i was going to pass out, all this was due to all the water retention in my abdomen / chest cavity, i had this piercing back pain across my shoulders and down the centre of my back this was caused by my heart so they say, i hadnt eaten in days because i couldnt physicaly fit it in.
    They put me on 80% oxygen and put a cathiter up my knob and gave me frusemide via a drip and i got rid of 7 litres of fluid in the first 2 hrs, after about 8hrs they removed the cathiter and carried on with a lower dose of frusemide for the next few days god knows how much fluid i was carrying alltogether.
    Soon the pain started to go and after loads of other drugs countless ECGs a couple of heart scans and nearly a week in a corinary care unit they fixed me, i still hafto take colchisine twice a day for my heart and anti biotics to clear all the shit off my lungs, they dont quite know whats wrong with my liver but ive got to go back for more blood tests next week.

    From what little experience i have had with gear all i can say is keep it really simple for your first cycle so you can be sure what drug is giving you nasty side effects, DO NOT try and treat yourself go and see a doc they know what their doing and you dont!! at first i thought it was trapped wind or something like that and got the wife to massage my belly little did i know i was in heart faliure!!! make double sure what your sticking in your ass is what that gym rat says it is.

    Be warned all this comes at a price and no matter what pro steroid users say it can fu*k you up even if you do it all by the book!

    P.S Has anyone got any ideas on my second cycle??
    All that and you wanna do another cycle? That's crazy dedication.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    San Diego
    what were your stats before you started? I bet you weren't ready for a cycle to begin with, glad you made it though.

  10. #10
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    I was just thinking the other day how it would be difficult for us to know what happens to some of the guys who really go through the sh!t with their gear. Your post just let me know. I am glad to hear you are alright.
    When I was younger many of my friends that were doing gear started getting prostate cancer. Once the lymph nodes near my groin swelled and I did not know what they were. Apparently a syringe made them swell similar to when the nodes in under your jaw can swell when you are getting sick. Unfortunately I did not know we had them near our groin as well and lower infections in the body or foot cause these to swell. Before learning about this I was terrified and swore to myself I would never touch them again. But, here I am nearly two decades later still taking them. I have a prescription now, but went to the HRT doc and asked for it.
    I just wanted to say thank you for posting this because more of us need to keep reality in check and you certainly helped me do that.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    stats ? weight especially before the cycle...

    get better

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    Not everyone is destined for greatness, some need to be the norm.. This is just another reason why we recommend a test only cycle for anyone's 1st cycle. The doc's that you saw were helpful and that was great for you, did the gear "cause" the effect?? hard to say as we would need to know your medical history, and we don't need to know that.

    My question is how did you come up with your user name, before you even began this cycle?? seems odd to me.

    Maybe you got fake gear, and you were injecting some weird substances, we'll just never know.

    Sorry you almost died, was it the gear?? for you, maybe so.. for the majority.. it just doesn't happen..

    Diet and exercise is the true path to greatness and physical development, that's the real key to body building..
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  13. #13
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by they saw me cumin View Post

    Be warned all this comes at a price and no matter what pro steroid users say it can fu*k you up even if you do it all by the book!
    This is why we stress so much that using steroids is big decision and should not be made hastily. As far as a second cycle, hope it was a joke, some peoples body's just dont react well to subconoues hormones, I have a friend that cant use.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  14. #14
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    Many people use AAS, but never once have I heard of this happening. Heart problems after heavy cycling for many years, diuretic use, or synthol...yes. Why did it happen to you...

    Like stated above, your body cannot handle it. We all get water retention, put stress on organs, and it raises blood pressure for many. It almost seems like you had pre-existing problems, that you may or may not have known about. I would love to take a look at your medical record before jumping to conclusion that the steroids "f-cked you up".

    The doctors were most likely right, it was the retention that brought on the problems. But...they should have looked al little more into it...maybe why they don't have a ton of people in the hospital everyday with heart failure and lung problems due to running a cycle...let alone their first cycle!

    Why would you even consider running another cycle if you say it was the steroids?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I call dibs on your left overs

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008
    damn this make me think twice before i start my first cycle

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    you're lucky you are alive! ...i would lay off the juice.

    if you still determined to do it.. primobolan... that's it.

    You should re-think your supplier.

  18. #18
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    evertything you said and felt is exactly the same that happened to someone else i knew. he started by having trouble breathing and that got worse especially after meals. he went to the er and had many tests run before he admited to using steroids. his breathing diffilculties were from the liquid around the heart and like you said, could of caused heart faliure.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jmax View Post
    All that and you wanna do another cycle? That's crazy dedication.
    Thats not crazy dedication, its stupidity, if id gone through something like this then to use steroids again would be the last thing i would do.

    Id take that as a sign m8.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    And this is why you should always run an AI on cycle when using aromatizeable steroids (an AI stronger than proviron). I'm curius as to what your weight and bodyfat % was prior to your cycle.

  21. #21
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    in the sky
    you know i wonder what would have happend to me cause at first i was gonna use dbol, test e and deca but instead i used just d-bol and test e and gained 30 lbs in 6 weeks. i quit the dbol after week 3 and still havent lost a pound. man im glad i cut out the decca.

  22. #22
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    I heard of a guy running 500 mg of omandren and 200mg deca for 6 weeks , he was a polish guy, he wasnt feeling too good either breathless and bloated feeling , when he went too the hospital, same thing, carrying way too much water round his heart, his liver values were all over the place too, it wasnt fake gear either, he was using the real deal.was his first cycle too, the docs told him he cant even use supplements till hes 100%.hes 32,think hes 6ft and bout 14 stone. it does happen, not too everybody, but remember, we are at the end of the day using \abusing a drug, no matter what. its best to keep the gains small and the cycles short, just my opinion and having the correct pct in place,its also down too luck and our constitution. I also know guys that run gear for years with no real problems, bit of blood pressure when there on, which subsides, when they come off. I stopped smoking at 39 because the doctor told me i had emphysema, ive never been a huge smoker or worked in a mine, i even stopped between the ages of 30 and 35. we are all differant.

  23. #23
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    well, in retrospect, if you look up anything, every diet you've ever read, any supplement you've bought from the local shop or whatever, you will hear horror stories because yes, they do happen. There wouldn't be forums for this and that if this wasn't a serious thing, you have to ask yourself what risks are you willing to take and if they don't outweigh the benefits. Don't rush into things, these guys on here aren't telling you to educate yourselves because they don't want another bodybuilder out there, they are recommending the things they are because they don't want to see you as another statistic. Time to grow up and face things as they are, maybe this isn't for you, maybe it is, but one things for sure, it is not to be messed around with, it's your life man!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by GhostCrab View Post
    well, in retrospect, if you look up anything, every diet you've ever read, any supplement you've bought from the local shop or whatever, you will hear horror stories because yes, they do happen. There wouldn't be forums for this and that if this wasn't a serious thing, you have to ask yourself what risks are you willing to take and if they don't outweigh the benefits. Don't rush into things, these guys on here aren't telling you to educate yourselves because they don't want another bodybuilder out there, they are recommending the things they are because they don't want to see you as another statistic. Time to grow up and face things as they are, maybe this isn't for you, maybe it is, but one things for sure, it is not to be messed around with, it's your life man!
    Yup, I know a guy who almost died from creatine and couldn't do any stenuous physical exertion for a good 8-12 months afterwards because he was so screwed up afterwards. Would I go around telling people creatine is bad and gonna screw you up? Nope, everyone is different. I just tell people do X activity as safely as possible and be aware of how your body reacts. That was 4 years ago. That guy I know now juices and has no problems whatsoever.

    Goes to show you, creatine can be worse than steroids for some.

  25. #25
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    Apr 2005
    did they ever tell you the medical term? did they mention the word hypervolemia? that is what happened in this situation. in my opinion of course.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    bad luck bro nasty situation sounds like steroids are not for you

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    does insurance compaines still cover self medicated problems such as this. ??

  28. #28
    Thanks for all the get wells guys, a lot of you might think im stupid enquiring about another cycle but im allways going to be left wondering ...what if?? what if it wasnt the gear?? what if it was just the omnadren?? get me??

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    United States
    not possible. omandren is test and test is test. post a pic of your omandren and lets make sure its real before i go any further here. if you do end up doing another cycle then im sorry to say that you deserve what you get.

  30. #30
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by they saw me cumin View Post
    Thanks for all the get wells guys, a lot of you might think im stupid enquiring about another cycle but im allways going to be left wondering ...what if?? what if it wasnt the gear?? what if it was just the omnadren?? get me??
    What if it was the gear and you die on your next cycle ?
    No offence bro but somebody should beat some sence into you. Is getting big really worth dying for ?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Glad to hear you are ok. I hope you feeling better soon. But did you not feel overly blaoted. If you did a half does of letro or a 10 dose of nolva would have purged some of the water for you. I hope I did not miss anything.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95 View Post
    Glad to hear you are ok. I hope you feeling better soon. But did you not feel overly blaoted. If you did a half does of letro or a 10 dose of nolva would have purged some of the water for you. I hope I did not miss anything.
    Nolva doesn't reduce bloat. You need an aromatase inhibitor to do that, not a SERM.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    so letro or LiquiDex to reduce bloat

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dupa95 View Post
    so letro or LiquiDex to reduce bloat
    Yup, letro, aromasin, arimidex, etc. You need to kill/inhibit the aromatase enzyme to reduce estrogen levels. SERMS like Nolvadex and Clomid don't do that, all they do is they block estrogen at certain receptor sites (breast tissue) to stop estrogen from doing it's job there, but estrogen is still present in the body. SO you can use as much nolva as you want, and it won't reduce bloat. It'll just stop you from getting gyno but if high estrgen levels are there (and keep rising), it won't do anything to that. For that, you need an aromatase inhibitor.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    Yup, letro, aromasin, arimidex, etc. You need to kill/inhibit the aromatase enzyme to reduce estrogen levels. SERMS like Nolvadex and Clomid don't do that, all they do is they block estrogen at certain receptor sites (breast tissue) to stop estrogen from doing it's job there, but estrogen is still present in the body. SO you can use as much nolva as you want, and it won't reduce bloat. It'll just stop you from getting gyno but if high estrgen levels are there (and keep rising), it won't do anything to that. For that, you need an aromatase inhibitor.
    Nice thanks. always learning here I love this stuff

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    Did you have high blood pressure b/4 you started?

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    The Endless Obsession
    would they be able to tell if you had water in your chest cavity in an x-ray? lets say you just got your lungs xrayed, would it show up?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andro9 View Post
    would they be able to tell if you had water in your chest cavity in an x-ray? lets say you just got your lungs xrayed, would it show up?
    yes fluid in the lungs will show on xray

  39. #39
    Just a word to everyone MAKE SURE you are "healthy" before you start a cycle!! And check your vitals often!!! And you feel something isn't just right with your head, body or both go see a doctor and DON"T be stupid!! tell them that you are using an AS...

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2004
    How fat were you before you started your cycle?


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