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Thread: T4 dose

  1. #1

    T4 dose

    Hi all!

    I got 20 tabs of T4 100mcg.

    I've run some steroid cycles, but I've never tried T4.

    I am on a cycle right now

    1-10 Testo P 100mg EOD
    1-4 Tbol 50mg ED
    5-10 Winstrol 50mg ED


    21 days with 40mg Nolva ED

    I am on my 5th week now, so I wonder when I should start on my T4?

    And what kind of doses should I take?
    Please someone help me

    What can I get out of 20 tabs 100mcg T4?

    Height: 175cm (5'6)
    Weight: 85kg, about 190 pounds
    Fat%: 15-16%

    Thank you for serious answers (infront)
    Last edited by Gett1ngB1g; 05-18-2008 at 07:35 AM. Reason: Had to add my PCT

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

  3. #3
    And if not got enough T4 just tell me how much I need

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Its a great aid for a cutting cycle.A great dose is 300mcg for the whole of the cycle,will aid in getting very lean.Im using T4 myself now at that dose.

  5. #5
    I know what T4 is, I just don't know how much to take.
    What about starting at: 25mcg ED for some days and then go up 50mcg and after some days 100mcg and then go down the ladder again?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Gett1ngB1g View Post
    I know what T4 is, I just don't know how much to take.
    What about starting at: 25mcg ED for some days and then go up 50mcg and after some days 100mcg and then go down the ladder again?
    Well if you know what T4 is,how is it compared to T3? You sure you want to start with 25mcg?

    Taper down is a good idea,the other way is ball shit,no studies to confirm this.This comes from board myth.

  7. #7
    So tell me what to do then?

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