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Thread: Cycle+Vacation Advice needed....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    London UK

    Cycle+Vacation Advice needed....

    Hi Guys,

    Im going to be starting up a Test E+Tren Cycle to help me shed the winter bulk soon but have a bit of a problem as on week 12 I go on vacation for a week with the boys and as such will be drinking (something I usually only do on vacation)
    my question is although I know I should be fine in terms of the AAS im using and alcohol I dont want to trash my gains and or make PCT a bitch! I thought about ending the cycle at 8 weeks but than I will be slap bang in the middle of PCT when im on vacation So my options are

    1.) Extend the cycle to 16 weeks and do PCT when I come back?

    2.) Errrr anyone got any other ideas!? And no I dont want to hear "dont drink" it's vacation time, and it only comes once a year
    Last edited by Doberman; 05-18-2008 at 03:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Doberman View Post
    Hi Guys,

    Im going to be starting up a Test E+Tren Cycle to help me shed the winter bulk soon but have a bit of a problem as on week 12 I go on vacation for a week with the boys and as such will be drinking (something I usually only do on vacation)
    my question is although I know I should be fine in terms of the AAS im using and alcohol I dont want to trash my gains and or make PCT a bitch! I thought about ending the cycle at 8 weeks but than I will be slap bang in the middle of PCT when im on vacation So my options are

    1.) Extend the cycle to 16 weeks and do PCT when I come back?

    2.) Errrr anyone got any other ideas!? And no I dont want to hear "dont drink" it's vacation time, and it only comes once a year
    Don't drink.
    You planned poorly.

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