The wife has just suprised me with a holiday for one week from tomorrow when i am 17 days into my cycle.Cycle is 250mg sust eod 100mg prop eod tren h introduced at week 5-10 . I have had 8 shots the 9th is today. I cant take the injectables with me but orals yes. So i will miss 3 shots whilst i am away(i know where we are going has great gym so training no probs as wife trains). Do i
1.just except it and carry on when i return.
2.introduce an oral for say the next 3 weeks and drop the prop(have dbol and drol.)Could kick my self as i changed kicker from drol to prop at last minute.
3. take a large shot of test tonight (i have test e as well).
Thoughts anyone . Much appreciated Turkish.