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  1. #1
    grec79 is offline Junior Member
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    Gyno problems what to use?

    Ok, so I am on weeks number 3 of a 12 week Test E 500mg / week and Deca 300mg/ week, I have gotten gyno already pretty bad and its starting to get soar and spread out ward toward me arm pit, more on my right side then left. I have been taking Liquidex at .50mg pretty much every day, my question is should I do Letro or just up my dosage of Liquidex to say 1.0 mg a day? I have nolvadex , Liquidex, and Letro on hand. My stats are: 5'8" 161 lbs, 11% body fat or less now, 29 years old. I really dont want to hinder my gains if possible, but I also don't wanna get stuck with an irreversable case of gyno. I have gained about 6 lbs so far and tomorow will be 3 weeks that I have started. Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Nitz5785 is offline Associate Member
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    I would up the LDex to 1 mg every day. It's not gonna kill your gains and trust me, gyno probs aren't worth a few extra pounds in gains on one cycle.

  3. #3
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    Stay away from the nolva while using deca , as could actually make things worse.

    Up the L-Dex for now, but if it carries on switch to the letro.

    If that fails im afraid the only option is to stop ya cycle and run a full letro-gyno reversal.

  4. #4
    grec79 is offline Junior Member
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    thanks guys !!

  5. #5
    HAVOKGT is offline Junior Member
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  6. #6
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    if your not on a consistant schedule of using the liquidex it can make it worse. yes stay away from nolva. but u said pretty much everyday which means you may have missed a few days either oed or ed is the only option bro.

  7. #7
    grec79 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    if your not on a consistant schedule of using the liquidex it can make it worse. yes stay away from nolva. but u said pretty much everyday which means you may have missed a few days either oed or ed is the only option bro.
    you are right I was doing every day for like a week then went eod then just started jumping like 2days on 1 day on 1 day off etc, I am gonna stick to .75 every day, if that doesn't work I will go to 1.0 every day, if that dont work I wil have to go onto Letro. Thanks for all the responses.

  8. #8
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitz5785 View Post
    I would up the LDex to 1 mg every day. It's not gonna kill your gains and trust me, gyno probs aren't worth a few extra pounds in gains on one cycle.
    SINCE you already on the ARIMIDEX i would stick with that. bump up to 1mg

  9. #9
    sassbs11 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by shifty_git View Post
    Stay away from the nolva while using deca , as could actually make things worse.

    Up the L-Dex for now, but if it carries on switch to the letro.

    If that fails im afraid the only option is to stop ya cycle and run a full letro-gyno reversal.
    Hey im interested in that comment, how/what sides? worse using deca and nolva?

  10. #10
    SoCoSpartan is offline Junior Member
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    Stick with ADex. Letro will hinder you badly. Is it hard behind the nipple to touch or just watery puffy?

  11. #11
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    if it dosent desensitize pretty quick i would get my hand on some caber and letro and run em together

  12. #12
    Cfh_Y_guy's Avatar
    Cfh_Y_guy is offline Junior Member
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    all the above is great for test induced estrogen, if it happens to be prolactin, which i usually the case when it come to stacks with tren or deca in them. try using cabergoline or bromo

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