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Thread: 1st time cycler "sort of" & New to the site.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    1st time cycler "sort of" & New to the site.

    Greetings Brethren!

    Just wanted to say hello, I'm new to the site.

    Got some gear coming today. Wanted to introduce myself. Give some stats. I'm 6'1, 217lbs. & been working out for a couple years. Wanted to tighten up the loose ends and get DIESEL. I took a half asses run of Dbol last year and didn't see great results. "Most likely cause I ate like an asshole and slacked at the gym." I'm about to hop on a 12 week Deca - Sust adventure. I was wondering if maybe I should switch it to D-bol, Sust of Deca Winny. I haven't picked up the gear yet and I have some options. Thanks for the advice in advance.

    Let me know!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL. View Post
    Greetings Brethren!

    Just wanted to say hello, I'm new to the site.

    Got some gear coming today. Wanted to introduce myself. Give some stats. I'm 6'1, 217lbs. & been working out for a couple years. Wanted to tighten up the loose ends and get DIESEL. I took a half asses run of Dbol last year and didn't see great results. "Most likely cause I ate like an asshole and slacked at the gym." I'm about to hop on a 12 week Deca - Sust adventure. I was wondering if maybe I should switch it to D-bol, Sust of Deca Winny. I haven't picked up the gear yet and I have some options. Thanks for the advice in advance.

    Let me know!
    you should reserch what is right for you. Then come back with a cycle proposal. We all be glad to help oh and include your age next time as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lol! I ordered gear first and then the next week after I found this site! That's backwards!

    But I'm glad I got into it here because I found there was alot I did'nt know and would've just fvcked up if I woulda gone on with my plans.

    You came to the right place. Lots of good info here. Read and lots of your questions will be answered bro. Then ask questions if there's anything you still don't understand.

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