Here's the dilemma...I have been planning a test/deca cycle for a while, however, I am worried about the possibility of progesterone related gyno that can accompany deca. I have ran deca in the past at 200mg/week for 9 weeks and had no problems. I guess this is my question: If I start up a cycle of test E @ 600mg/week and deca @300mg/week, and I happen to get gyno, how do I know which compound is causing the gyno? If I think it is the test that is causing it, the I may take nolva to counteract it, but I hear that nolva will actually speed up the development of gyno if the gyno is progesterone (deca) related. On the other hand, if I think the gyno is progesterone related, and I take dostinex - it could actually be from the test and the dostinex wouldn't do anything to prevent it.
So, there it is guys....what do you think?