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Thread: Got Gear, Need Plan!!

  1. #1

    Question Got Gear, Need Plan!!

    I am 30, 6'2", 250 lbs. This is my fourth cycle, but the first one where I have stacked this much. My PCT (or what I have to work with) is clomid 50mg and nolvadex 20 mg. I have a plan that was recommended to me by a friend, but just wondering about how accurate it is. I have read a lot and am still reading. My diet is hurting right now due to being in Iraq... I am taking in about 400-450 gms of protein daily. I have Decca 400, Test 600 (300 test-decanoate/300 test-cyp) and EQ-600!! What do I have to do to get a good layout of a cycle. ??Weeks, mls/week of each, PCT advise, etc...???

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    UK - A Backward Part
    Come on fella, 4th cycle, you should at least suggest something that you think is good to run!

    P.s. Glad you got back from iraq safe! Appreciate what u do!

  3. #3
    What's wrong with the gear I have? Plus other cycles have been Decca, Decca, and Decca/ test-prop. Not too involved up to this point. Not home yet, trying to get big before I get home. Thanks for the appreciation though!

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    What shifty is suggesting is that you should propose a cycle including dosages and durations and we will help you tweak it.
    Thanks for your service.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    theres nothin wrong with the gear
    you need to lay out a plan of how you think your going to run it and people will come and help you adjust it were it needs shows you have done some research on ass ... thanks for all you guys do for us over there....

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    UK - A Backward Part
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    What shifty is suggesting is that you should propose a cycle including dosages and durations and we will help you tweak it.
    Thanks for your service.
    Yep - sorry if i didnt reply clearly.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    No one is going to plan a cycle out for you, you need to design one yourself and give as much background info as possible so we can help to adjust it ,if needed. if you have 4 cycles under your belt i am sure you can design the cycle and then we can help if it needs adjusting in anyway.

  8. #8
    this is what I have been looking at doing..
    wks 1-10 test-600 1cc/ Deca-400 1cc
    wks 3-12 EQ 1/2 cc
    wk 13 Nolva 40 eod and Clomid 20 e/d
    wk 14 - 15 Nolva 20 eod and clomid 10 e/d

  9. #9
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    clomid needs to be higher atleast around 50 mgs and nolva take everyday... Why not start the EQ at the same time as the test and deca? and with those compunds try to inject 2xs per week monday and thursday for example (whatever you can work with your schedule)

  10. #10
    My schedule is really open, so any days will work. You are saying to take 1200 mgs of test and 800 mgs of deca plus another 600 mgs of EQ per week? As far as the clomid, 50 mgs everyday for the last three weeks??

  11. #11
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    correct me if im wrong but i think u need to run the test longer than the deca by at least a week or two.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by AXEHANDLE View Post
    this is what I have been looking at doing..
    wks 1-10 test-600 1cc/ Deca-400 1cc
    wks 3-12 EQ 1/2 cc
    wk 13 Nolva 40 eod and Clomid 20 e/d
    wk 14 - 15 Nolva 20 eod and clomid 10 e/d
    holy crap you have test 600??? what ester?? that's going to hurt..

    i'd run the eq 14 weeks and the test 12 at least..

    What would be your goals for this cycle?? expectations that is, will you be able to get enough to eat?? Protein wise??
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  13. #13
    I'm kind of limited as to what I have in stock so to speak. Iraq isn't like being at home where I can get what I want. Know what I mean? I really just want to get bigger and in way better shape. Got a bet with my wife. lol

  14. #14
    I want her to be proud when we hit the beach..

  15. #15
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    no split you weekly doses into two so half on monday half on thursday sorry i didnt clearly state that and yes as the above said its better to run the test atleast 2 weeks longer than the deca

    test 300mg on monday and 300mgs on thursday
    deca 200mg on monday and 200mgs on thursday
    same with the eq what ever mg your running just split it

    and yes usually safe protcol with clomid is 150mg the first week then 100mg week 2 then for the remainder of the pct 50 mg (weeks 3 and 4) and dont start your pct till 2 week after your last shot of test

    so heres a lay out

    test week 1-12 600mg per week(300 mon 300thurs)
    Deca week 1-10 400mg per week(200 mon 200 thurs)
    Eq week 1-12 400mg? per week(200 mon 200 thurs)

    pct starts 2 week after last injection of test
    clomid -week 1 150 mg ed - week 2 100mgs ed - week 3-4 50mgs ed
    nolva -week 1 40mg ed week 2-4 20mgs ed

    and my advice is the get some aromasin or arimidex for AI to run as well... that and you can use that through out the cycle to keep estrogen sides down if they flare up hope that helps ya out

  16. #16
    Gotcha, had me worried for a sec. As far the arimidex, you said take it the entire cycle? How much and how often? And how can I get a hold of that over here? Any suggestions?

  17. #17
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Axe, I was commenting on a thread yesterday with a guy in a simaler situation. He is in Iraq also and I am just saying you might wanna hit the diet forum and make sure you can eat a balanced diet before you start juicing. Knowing hat I eat now and what i was givn to eat over their, there is no way. Good Luck bro

  18. #18
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    you dont have to take for the whole cycle just if estro sides get bad and then you can run through the pct at .25mg ed or eod that will keep estrogen at bay to help give the nolva and clomid time to get your natty test back up... but Im off to a meeting so good luck and just keep researchin and asking question youll figure it all out good luck bro and hope you and the boys all get home safe

  19. #19
    thanks bro

  20. #20
    tjm, that was me you were talking to yesterday..
    I checked out the diet forum, and it will be tough and expensive for me, but the chow hall here is nice and there are too many huge dudes over here for it not to be done.

  21. #21
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    oh yea and if you wanted to run it through the cycle just do like .25 -.50 mg eod or e3d im in rush today so i keep leaving stuff out but like i said just keep researchin and askin question and youll be ready in no time

  22. #22
    so no help on finding this stuff??

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Alright then brother good luck.. Do they serve the same meals to everyone or do they have an order as you go? And if you need some protein or something bro PM me and I will send you a care package. Don't piss all your money away on the shit they sell on base.

  24. #24
    They have order as you go. And I haven't eaten an MRE since I got here. Things have changed a lot since last time I was here. Might sound dumb, how the hell do I PM you? And what does that mean? private message maybe?? Sorry, new to this s**t bro.

  25. #25
    As far as the shit they sell on base, you have to be standing there when they open the box to even get the BS they sell here. Too many people trying to buy.. You know how that shit goes, too many PX rangers. lol

  26. #26
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Just noticed you dont have enough posts... [email protected]. One of my emails, send me your contact info and if you need some protein or anything I will send it out to your ass asap. And since they have order as you go thats great... Chicken, lean beef and Fish. Eat as much as you can brother. Oh yeah and see if you can get some eggs and hard boil them for breakfest

  27. #27
    I'll hit you up right now.. Thanks bro..

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Anytime brother be safe

  29. #29
    I guess we lost all the other guys. I did get a better response today, since I put more details in my post.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Just sent you an email.... and bro, is that Vin Diesl??? Gotta man crush???jkjkjlk

  31. #31
    No man crush pendajo! lol Just a pic. He's my hero.. lmao

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Whatever bro.... MAN CRUSH!!!!!lol, check your email

  33. #33
    how would a deca/ test cyp cycle be?

  34. #34
    would that be better than a d-bol/deca cycle/
    and would he need PCT for either??

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