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Thread: need advice from a seasoned pro

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Georgia U.S.

    Question need advice from a seasoned pro

    i was refered to anabolic review by another lifting buddy of mine who has gotten lots of great advice from all of the knowledgable mass builders on the AR message board.
    I just started a cycle three weeks ago of Brovel(Norandren 200), Stanzanol Suspension, and Dianabol. I need advice about how I can get the most out of my pharmacutical investment. My dosages are as follows:Norandren200-2cc twice weekly, Winstrol-1cc every other day, and three 5mg Dbols daily. I eat everything in sight, at least every 2 hours. Lift 6 days weekly(three heavy, three lighter). My recovery time seems to be insanely short these days. I am 6ft 3in tall and weigh 240-250lbs, depending on food and water intake. Please provide me with any tips, info, or anyhting that will aid me in my goal to become a 6ft 3" "mass demon".

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    well im no pro but i can try

    bro I would not take dbol and winnie together, I would do the following, this is sticking with what u got, use the dbol weeks 1-4 30mg ed, and then the winnie last 5 weeks inc 3 weeks after ur last shot so that would be say ur deca was 1-10 then winnie would be 9,10,11,12,13. Also it would be 50mg ed not eod to be best.

    If I were u and i could get some test I would add it to the cycle alongside the deca for weeks 1-10 at 500mg per week


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Reduce training frequency....I think light days are completely worthless. I follow a modified HIT routine which is sort combined with a 3x3 the very most I lift 2 days on one day off but usually hit it eod. The added rest will help you out a ton.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1999
    up an ass
    just to clarify

    deca 400mg weeks 1-10
    dbol weeks 1-4 30-40mg ed
    winnie 9-13 50mg ed
    clomid 3 days later

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