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  1. #1
    EatLiftSleep is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2007

    Test E/Deca Cycle/PCT help.

    Hey guys,

    This will be my second cycle.
    My first cycle was very successful, 6 weeks of 500mg prop, in which I gained approx 20lbs.

    Current stats are: 210lbs @ 15%. 5"8 or so.
    Diet: 6-8 meals a day, high protein, medium fat/carbs.

    Training: Based on basic compounds, some isolation work.
    Goals: Bulk up heaps before summer cut.

    This cycle I plan to run Test E and Deca .
    My source has only got me enough for 500mg a week of Test E and 300mg a week of Deca. I hope to run the Test for 10 weeks, the Deca for 8 (I have researched and this is suggested not to be long enough, but my source has run dry on legit deca.) I also have unlimited Proviron on hand, but not sure how to implement it here?

    I need PCT advise, I am getting conflicting views on how long to delay PCT on cessation of the cycle?

    Any advise re cycle structure (particularly the prov) and pct would be much appreciated. Info regarding expected results would be nice too.

  2. #2
    sassbs11 is offline Banned
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    yeah its not long enough 2 weeks shy on test and deca but its probably gonna have to do for you if thats all you can do

  3. #3
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    deca needs to be ran for 10 weeks atleast and that would push test to 12... pct would start 2 weeks after your last injection of test... proviron could be ran at 50mgs split twice per day from lets say week 6 to the end of your pct since theres virtually no toxicity issues with it

  4. #4
    EatLiftSleep is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah guys, can't get more Deca /Test.
    Need to make do with what I have.

    Duggadoo- Any reason why Provirion only after week 6?

  5. #5
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    thats when both will (hopefully be in effect) you can run it the whole time but dont see the real need to Proviron helps by make other aas more potent as some would say... but its just a money thin it also has mild AI qualities so you could run it the whole time it up to you but as i said your cycle will be short changed since you cant get more of the compounds

  6. #6
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    and I would drop the deca if you cant get more because it will pretty much shut you down right away and you wont even get the full effects of the compound just my opinion tho

  7. #7
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    just run the test I think youll do fine since you made good gains off it lasttime and just wait till your next cycle to try deca and get more of it

  8. #8
    sassbs11 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by duggadoo View Post
    just run the test I think youll do fine since you made good gains off it lasttime and just wait till your next cycle to try deca and get more of it
    shit i shuuda posted this. good idea dugga

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