Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
I was reading about this today and a few questions popped into my mind.
for starters, i'll explain what AIS is if you dont know:
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS, or "Androgen resistance syndrome") is a set of disorders of sexual differentiation that results from mutations of the gene encoding the androgen receptor.[1] It has also been called androgen resistance in the medical literature. The nature of the resulting problem varies according to the structure and sensitivity of the abnormal receptor. Most of the forms of AIS involve variable degrees of undervirilization and/or infertility in XY persons of either gender.
there is partial and full AIS, partial males have normal development but may be infertile.
my question is this:
if you had AIS to some degree, either full or partial, and you ran a cycle of anablolic steroids, would you not respond at all and experience no gains, libido etc?