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Thread: Milk Thistle Explained

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Milk Thistle Explained

    Milk Thistle is a liver protectant.. you take it during a cycle.

    Don't advise people to take it after a cycle that is pointless.

    There are Liver Purifiers and Liver Protectants.

    Milk Thistle is a protectant! take it during your cycle.

    After your PCT is finished...then you can switch to purifiers.

    The reason being is nolvadex affects the liver as well so keep

    taking it until PCT is completed.

    Then you switch to a Liver Purifier.

  2. #2
    So what's a liver purifier??

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    manchester uk
    Quote Originally Posted by Garbanzo Dude View Post
    So what's a liver purifier??
    it helps the regeneration of impaired liver cells as well as detoxifying hepatic toxin, improving liver functioning.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2008
    look for something that will secrete bile check the health store... i use boldocynara
    and also drink dandelion root coffee or tea.

    dandelion, burdock, artichoke are some i can think of off will see some
    products with milk thistle in it, that is fine..but it shouldn't be used as the primary
    source for cleansing the liver..use that for protecting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    O H-I O
    milk thistle also help regenerate the liver as well thats why in germany they use it for cirrosis so takin while on cycle is the best but takin it after can be just as effective but you are right in the sense of taking for cycle and pct but there are studies that use after a load on the liver its effectiveness is very good... dont get me wrong takin it the whole time is the best way

  6. #6
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    Apr 2008
    yes the whole time you can use it but it is primarily a protector...when you want to clean
    the liver you will come across other products that work with milk thistle to purify.

    As dandelion is a great purifier but not as good of a they will mix
    the dandelion with the milk thistle.

    So i figure the best way to do keep the protector Milk Thistle...throughout the cycle...

    then after you can continue the milk thistle but throw in some burduck and dandelion
    as well.
    The products you buy will probably have 3 or 4 herbs this is the best way to go..
    just like how you stack can stack herbs.

  7. #7
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    Apr 2008
    This is what i use...and I'm not on a cycle!


    The effects of today's diet from trans fats, fried foods, pollutants, and additives wreak havoc on our liver and may contribute to some digestive concerns. In Boldocynara Artichoke, Milk thistle, Dandelion and others work to help detoxify the liver and stimulate the production of bile, thereby improving digestion. Particularly useful for those concerned with liver or gall bladder disorders, Boldocynara has as well been helpful in relieving nausea and loss of appetite. [LIQUID]

    Fresh Organic Artichoke herb 0.467ml
    Milk Thistle fruit 0.319ml
    Fresh wild dandelion root & herb 0.12ml
    Boldo leaf 0.07ml
    Fresh organic Peppermint leaf 0.03ml

    Alcohol content = 61%

    It is in a take 10-15 drops ...salivate and swallow in a small amount of water.

    Again I would use this after the cycle is over..this is more in the detox category...rather than protective.
    Last edited by Deen54; 05-23-2008 at 12:38 PM.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2008
    One thing i must tell you about herbs. You do not keep taking them. You use it
    for the term and be done with it.
    Don't train your body to rely on these things.

  9. #9
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    Dec 2007
    I have been unable to find any scientific or medical journal/article that actually proves that milk thistle helps. Most publications come to a conclusion that milk thistle does not help liver function. The few publications that have viewed milk thistle favorably has stated that at best it may help liver function when taken in large dosages over prolonged (years) periods of time. Hence, taking it during a cycle will do absolutely nothing.

    If you have any credible scientific or medical evidence that states otherwise I would love to read it. Every single doctor I have asked about this, and the countless number of searches I have done on my school's medical library (and the access to we have to almost every other medical publication online) has yielded absolutely no evidence to support milk thistle does anything for your liver.

  10. #10
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  11. #11
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    Inside A WaterJug
    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    Milk Thistle is a liver protectant.. you take it during a cycle.

    Don't advise people to take it after a cycle that is pointless.

    There are Liver Purifiers and Liver Protectants.

    Milk Thistle is a protectant! take it during your cycle.

    After your PCT is finished...then you can switch to purifiers.

    The reason being is nolvadex affects the liver as well so keep

    taking it until PCT is completed.

    Then you switch to a Liver Purifier.
    Take when on any cycle or just an oral.. ? and how many mgs of it?

  12. #12
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    Aug 2005
    my blood work never reflected what milk thistle could do.

    What you think of this study buddy?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    my blood work never reflected what milk thistle could do.

    What you think of this study buddy?
    who me?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    who me?
    No,LOL.Clinical efficacy of milk thistle is not clearly established. Interpretation of the evidence is hampered by poor study methods and/or poor quality of reporting in it is pushed by the boards and crooks like roberts the `sup industry` down are throats.At best,is associated with few, and generally minor, adverse effects.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    No,LOL.Clinical efficacy of milk thistle is not clearly established. Interpretation of the evidence is hampered by poor study methods and/or poor quality of reporting in it is pushed by the boards and crooks like roberts the sup industry down are throats.At best,is associated with few, and generally minor, adverse effects.


  16. #16
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    I have been unable to find any scientific or medical journal/article that actually proves that milk thistle helps. Most publications come to a conclusion that milk thistle does not help liver function. The few publications that have viewed milk thistle favorably has stated that at best it may help liver function when taken in large dosages over prolonged (years) periods of time. Hence, taking it during a cycle will do absolutely nothing.

    If you have any credible scientific or medical evidence that states otherwise I would love to read it. Every single doctor I have asked about this, and the countless number of searches I have done on my school's medical library (and the access to we have to almost every other medical publication online) has yielded absolutely no evidence to support milk thistle does anything for your liver.
    I have to agree, there are no clinical studies that prove the efficacy of milk thistle, the only studies that say milk thistle MAY help are done by the companies and their affilitates. But there are products on the market that do cleanse/protect the liver, and most of these can be found in your diet.
    Last edited by LATS60; 05-23-2008 at 02:05 PM. Reason: addition

  17. #17
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    I have been unable to find any scientific or medical journal/article that actually proves that milk thistle helps. Most publications come to a conclusion that milk thistle does not help liver function. The few publications that have viewed milk thistle favorably has stated that at best it may help liver function when taken in large dosages over prolonged (years) periods of time. Hence, taking it during a cycle will do absolutely nothing.

    If you have any credible scientific or medical evidence that states otherwise I would love to read it. Every single doctor I have asked about this, and the countless number of searches I have done on my school's medical library (and the access to we have to almost every other medical publication online) has yielded absolutely no evidence to support milk thistle does anything for your liver.
    see if your school may have this book, Pharmacology, kee, hayes, mcquiston, copyright 2006.

    "Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
    This herbal extract has the remarkable ability to prevent damage to liver cells and stimulate regeneration of liver cells. These findings have been validated by research. Milk thistle is widely used in Europe to treat hepatitis, cirrhosis, and fatty liver associated with drugs and alcohol. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are not known." p.172

    then table9-2 p.178

    "Milk thistle
    class I herb
    seeds of dried flowers

    actions and uses: increased regeneration of liver cells; increases antioxidant activity uses: liver disease (hepatitis) choleocystitis, psoriasis.

    dosage: cap/tab: initially 500 mg divided in 3 doses for 6-8 weeks. with improvement: 120-240 mg/day in 3 doses; may take 7-10 days for effect; 4-8 weeks if liver diseased with alcohol.

    interactions: avoid use in preganacy,lactation, in children. herb does not reverse cirrhotic liver changes but disease may slow with increased quality of life.

    precautions: none known

    side/adverse affects: nausea vomiting, and menstrual changes."

    and i can assure you this has nothing to do with any companies or affiliates.

    and could you post some things related to this,"Most publications come to a conclusion that milk thistle does not help liver function."

    i have seen it said it that there is no evidence to support for sure, but i have not seen it said that milk thistle does not help liver function for if you could i would like to read that. i have access to many publications also so author and page number would do.

  18. #18
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    Milk Thistle is a liver protectant.. you take it during a cycle.

    Milk Thistle is a protectant! take it during your cycle.
    Did you come to this conclusion via actual study based results, or mere popular theory based on reputation? If the former, please cite these studies as I've performed rather exhaustive multi-journal searches that returned only anecdotal or at best peripheral evidentiary support. If the latter, then you might want to downgrade it from a protectant to a cleanser, which is its historical property since ancient Greece…and even this goes unproven with regard to aas use.

    Thus, I’m in agreement with Goose, Nstart and Lat there are plenty of studies but no valid findings.



    Your AHRQ info ( has a link at the end that cites an evidence report which, and I quote concluded:

    Conclusions. Milk thistle's efficacy is not established. Published evidence is clouded by poor design and reporting. Possible benefit has been shown most frequently, but inconsistently, for aminotransferases, but laboratory tests are the most common outcome measure studied. Survival and other clinical outcomes have been studied less, with mixed results. Future research should include definition of multifactorial mechanisms of action, well-designed clinical trials, and clarification of adverse effects.

    Milk Thistle: Effects on Liver Disease and Cirrhosis and Clinical Adverse Effects<br />

    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  19. #19
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32 View Post
    Did you come to this conclusion via actual study based results, or mere popular theory based on reputation? If the former, please cite these studies as I've performed rather exhaustive multi-journal searches that returned only anecdotal or at best peripheral evidentiary support. If the latter, then you might want to downgrade it from a protectant to a cleanser, which is its historical property since ancient Greece…and even this goes unproven with regard to aas use.

    Thus, I’m in agreement with Goose, Nstart and Lat there are plenty of studies but no valid findings.



    Your AHRQ info ( has a link at the end that cites an evidence report which, and I quote concluded:
    ok but do you dismiss the entire article because of this? because here is another quote from that very article:

    Mechanisms of Action
    Evidence exists that milk thistle may be hepatoprotective through a number of mechanisms: antioxidant activity, toxin blockade at the membrane level, enhanced protein synthesis, antifibriotic activity, and possible anti-inflammatory or immunomodulating effects.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    i was on meds that i had to get blood work done monthly. I added milk thistle and never say any changes. Its over rated on the boards IMO

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Callao, Virginia
    Take 750 mg before you drink, and the hangover is reduced alot. So it has to do something good...

  22. #22
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    basically i walked into this health store and i know a guy in there that has his PHD.

    he explained to me the difference. He said Milk thistle will help protect your liver

    Then he said to cleanse the liver to take dandelion...and he

    suggested i take the i bought it and i noticed the difference.

    Hey sometimes i eat and my body feels sluggish i take this stuff and everything

    feels better my appetite,'s not a placebo I am feeling.

    I also tried the dandelion root tea and when i am hung over and drink this stuff.

    I feel great plus i have read some liver detox books and they recommend it.

    I am 37 and went to my doctor i have done juice in my 20's ..anadrol, dball. sus, omnadren, test cyp, deca

    oct 2007 he said my liver is in great shape. I told him... i drink alot you sure?

    he said my liver assays are normal.

    So i am sticking to what works for me.

    i will say nothing is a miracle have to give things time..there are no overnight

    miracles. But give it a chance and stay with it.

    A little protection is better than none.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    my blood work never reflected what milk thistle could do.

    What you think of this study buddy?


  24. #24
    Join Date
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    sharp end of a needle
    i've only ever took it once and it gave me the shits lol suppose it was cleaning me out

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    ok but do you dismiss the entire article because of this? because here is another quote from that very article:

    Mechanisms of Action
    Evidence exists that milk thistle may be hepatoprotective through a number of mechanisms: antioxidant activity, toxin blockade at the membrane level, enhanced protein synthesis, antifibriotic activity, and possible anti-inflammatory or immunomodulating effects.
    And therein lies the problem!
    How can a sole source hold two diametrically opposing truths to be self-evident? In other words, if single study can't manage cohesiveness, much less validity, how can multiple ones POSSIBLY do so? Based on the abundance of studies run, there should be a VAST and SOLID body of clinical evidence to support or oppose its perceived properties, but there isn't. Congruently, even if it works well for environmental and normally consumed impurities/toxins, we still cannot simply infer the same effect with regard to pharmaceutical manufactured drugs.

    Last edited by magic32; 05-24-2008 at 07:22 PM.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  26. #26
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    Apr 2005
    [QUOTE=magic32;3998170]And therein lies the problem!
    How can a sole source hold two diametrically opposing truths to be self-evident? In other words, if single study can't manage cohesiveness, much less validity, how can multiple ones POSSIBLY do so? Based on the abundance of studies run, there should be a VAST and SOLID body of clinical evidence to support or oppose its perceived properties, but there isn't. Congruently, even if it works well for environmental and normally consumed impurities/toxins, we still cannot simply infer the same effect with regard to pharmaceutical manufactured drugs.

    Last edited by lex57; 05-24-2008 at 10:41 AM.

  27. #27
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4 View Post
    my blood work never reflected what milk thistle could do.

    What you think of this study buddy?
    This study doesnt say whether or not it used just plain old milk thistle or the standardized extract? Their is a type of milk thistle, "Maximum milk thistle", it is, how should I say, more bioavailable than your regular standardized milk thistle by 8 to 10 times. Taking 2 caps of maximum milk thistle 3 times aday is equivalent of taking 20 caps 3 times a day of standardized. I take this product as I have hep c from a blood tranfusion I had to have when I was having surgery back in the early 80s before they knew to check blood donors for aids and hepc. My liver enzymes were always high, in the 100s. After taking max MT for several months, my enzymes were still a little high, but not near what they were before. I have bloodwork done every 6 months and on several occasions, my levels were within normal range. Max MT is a little more spendy, but worth every penny.

  28. #28
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    Every single one uses the word "may" or they state there is no definitive conclusion. Your links are just like many other articles. There are absolutely no indisputable findings that milk thistle helps the liver.

    Just for future reference, I prefer articles or journals that were accepted by well established medical or scientific publications.

  29. #29
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    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    see if your school may have this book, Pharmacology, kee, hayes, mcquiston, copyright 2006.

    "Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
    This herbal extract has the remarkable ability to prevent damage to liver cells and stimulate regeneration of liver cells. These findings have been validated by research. Milk thistle is widely used in Europe to treat hepatitis, cirrhosis, and fatty liver associated with drugs and alcohol. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are not known." p.172

    then table9-2 p.178

    "Milk thistle
    class I herb
    seeds of dried flowers

    actions and uses: increased regeneration of liver cells; increases antioxidant activity uses: liver disease (hepatitis) choleocystitis, psoriasis.

    dosage: cap/tab: initially 500 mg divided in 3 doses for 6-8 weeks. with improvement: 120-240 mg/day in 3 doses; may take 7-10 days for effect; 4-8 weeks if liver diseased with alcohol.

    interactions: avoid use in preganacy,lactation, in children. herb does not reverse cirrhotic liver changes but disease may slow with increased quality of life.

    precautions: none known

    side/adverse affects: nausea vomiting, and menstrual changes."

    and i can assure you this has nothing to do with any companies or affiliates.

    and could you post some things related to this,"Most publications come to a conclusion that milk thistle does not help liver function."

    i have seen it said it that there is no evidence to support for sure, but i have not seen it said that milk thistle does not help liver function for if you could i would like to read that. i have access to many publications also so author and page number would do.
    That is one text book that states that. How are you sure the author is correct? There is so much information out there that contradicts this.

    How would you like to see these publishings? They are all either pdf files or articles that cannot be replicated. If you have access to a school's medical library (on the computer) just search for the term "Milk thistle" and you'll find tons of articles showing no benefit.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    That is one text book that states that. How are you sure the author is correct? There is so much information out there that contradicts this.

    How would you like to see these publishings? They are all either pdf files or articles that cannot be replicated. If you have access to a school's medical library (on the computer) just search for the term "Milk thistle" and you'll find tons of articles showing no benefit.
    if there are tons will you show me one that states there is for sure no benefit ?thanks. if there are tons i am sure you can find some somewhere that can be replicated. and how are you so sure that the authors are correct? just wondering. and maybe you should tell the poster dn1024 to stop the milk thistle. i am sure he will listen to you also because what you have read and cannot show anyone else. that is rather conveniant. and how would the article from the department of health and human services not be "accepted by well established medical or scientific publications" i guess "nstart" is a scientific publication. no he is a guy with an opinion just like me.
    Last edited by lex57; 05-24-2008 at 01:52 PM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    Every single one uses the word "may" or they state there is no definitive conclusion. Your links are just like many other articles. There are absolutely no indisputable findings that milk thistle helps the liver.

    Just for future reference, I prefer articles or journals that were accepted by well established medical or scientific publications.
    and there are no definitive conclusions or indidputible findings that milk thistle does not help the liver.

  32. #32
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    and here is a list of supps you take daily:

    Yes, Here is my list:

    Daily Supplements That I have been taking for more then a year:
    Green Source Dietary Supplement Multivitamin
    Calcium Citrate (calcium + vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc) - 500mg
    Flax Oil - 3000mg
    ***** 3 Fish Oil - 1000mg
    CoQ-10 - 100mg
    CarniPure L-Carnitine - 500mg
    DHEA - 50mg
    Alpha-Lipoic acid – 300mg
    Carnosine – 100mg
    Green Tea Extract – 500mg
    L-Arginine - 500mg
    Proscar/Propecia - 1mg

    Before Bed (I have been on this for years):
    Melatonin - 3mg
    Unisom Sleep Gels - 50mg
    Tylenol PM Simply Sleep - 25mg

    and you wanna talk about milk thistle!!!!? ok lets dog milk thistle but half of the stuff you take here is no more medically proven or disproven than milk thistle but you still take it....... but i am sure you dont take all this for some reason or another now.

  33. #33
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    Dec 2007
    Wow lex57, people on here do call you an asshole, and for a while I didn't see a reason but I can clearly see it now.

    You bring in the supplements I take to just attack me. Really lame if you ask me. This has absolutely nothing to do with this thread what so ever.

    I am going to tell you once more how to find this information. Log into your school's online resource catalog and go to the medical section. Then search for the phrase "milk thistle" and read a couple of articles. Better yet, just read the conclusion if you want. It is as simple as that. I don't have a way to extract to the articles and send them to you. Most are read only files that cannot even be printed.

    I can't deal with people like you. Instead of trying to discuss this maturely, you bring in what supplements I take to try and discredit me and change this from the topic of milk thistle to the supplements I take. I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be one. I am simply reiterating what the articles I have read state. If you decide not to believe this, then by all means continue on.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    Jabbin a needle in my ass
    I like beer

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    milk thistle liquid...

    any suggestions on dosage ?

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    I have been unable to find any scientific or medical journal/article that actually proves that milk thistle helps. Most publications come to a conclusion that milk thistle does not help liver function. The few publications that have viewed milk thistle favorably has stated that at best it may help liver function when taken in large dosages over prolonged (years) periods of time. Hence, taking it during a cycle will do absolutely nothing.

    If you have any credible scientific or medical evidence that states otherwise I would love to read it. Every single doctor I have asked about this, and the countless number of searches I have done on my school's medical library (and the access to we have to almost every other medical publication online) has yielded absolutely no evidence to support milk thistle does anything for your liver.
    good post

    glad someone came in and put this broscience spread in this thread to an end..

    if you wanna waste your money on milk thistle for your cycle because company X or whatever says it will help detox your liver, go ahead.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    This is all big business. Medical research has shown that Milk Thistle
    improves many areas but they say there is not enough research to conclude if it works
    or not.
    So i have concluded that they don't want to say for fear that people will resort
    to herbs and millions of dollars will be lost because the pharmaceutical companies
    would love to discredit all herbs.
    So they can have all of us fools hooked on pharmics.

  38. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Deen54 View Post
    This is all big business. Medical research has shown that Milk Thistle
    improves many areas but they say there is not enough research to conclude if it works
    or not.
    So i have concluded that they don't want to say for fear that people will resort
    to herbs and millions of dollars will be lost because the pharmaceutical companies
    would love to discredit all herbs.
    So they can have all of us fools hooked on pharmics.
    strong conspiracy........................

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Nstart View Post
    Wow lex57, people on here do call you an asshole, and for a while I didn't see a reason but I can clearly see it now.

    You bring in the supplements I take to just attack me. Really lame if you ask me. This has absolutely nothing to do with this thread what so ever.

    I am going to tell you once more how to find this information. Log into your school's online resource catalog and go to the medical section. Then search for the phrase "milk thistle" and read a couple of articles. Better yet, just read the conclusion if you want. It is as simple as that. I don't have a way to extract to the articles and send them to you. Most are read only files that cannot even be printed.

    I can't deal with people like you. Instead of trying to discuss this maturely, you bring in what supplements I take to try and discredit me and change this from the topic of milk thistle to the supplements I take. I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be one. I am simply reiterating what the articles I have read state. If you decide not to believe this, then by all means continue on.
    wow are you gonna cry because i am pointing out the truth? so now i am an asshole because of something that you posted and i merely copy and pasted, how is it attacking you to copy a post you made? and i bring in the supps you take once again because they are no more proven or disproven than MT. i thought i made that clear. no personal attack just facts that you posted. your defense mechanisms a weak bro. but as i figured you cannot produce one thing to back up your claims. but i expect as much from you. with all of the tons of things you say at your schools medical library but none exists on the internet huh? please until you post something relevant that backs it up give us all a break. wow could you state anything more obvious that i am an asshole? i dont care if i am a prick. you cant deal with people like me because i am not a sheep. anyone with any sense or knowledge reading this thread knows that if what you say is correct then you can find some scientific proof to back it up on the net. hell i could probably find proof that aliens exist. so please, you are only amusing me. i know you are still mad at me because i caught you lying about your cylcle history when you first started out here, and i wasnt gonna bring it up, but i will , and your vast knowledge of 6 months of aas use is well beyond my roughly 15 years, but i will not trivialize this with facts, we'll just listen to you. can you give me more advice please? and now i will ask for the third time in this post will you please post some facts. i know the internet is only a few pages but you should be able to find something. oh and how come you never answer one question i ask you? nevermind i know why...........
    Last edited by lex57; 05-24-2008 at 09:35 PM.

  40. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by g0dsend View Post
    Take 750 mg before you drink, and the hangover is reduced alot. So it has to do something good...
    I done just this last night and it worked a treat. So much so i was up after 5-6 hours sleep, had a light breakfast and went to train my back and traps. Felt great to

    I regularly take Dandelion root 3 x per day, but i think it was the ammount i used prior to the drink that worked.

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