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see if your school may have this book, Pharmacology, kee, hayes, mcquiston, copyright 2006.
"Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
This herbal extract has the remarkable ability to prevent damage to liver cells and stimulate regeneration of liver cells. These findings have been validated by research. Milk thistle is widely used in Europe to treat hepatitis, cirrhosis, and fatty liver associated with drugs and alcohol. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are not known." p.172
then table9-2 p.178
"Milk thistle
class I herb
seeds of dried flowers
actions and uses: increased regeneration of liver cells; increases antioxidant activity uses: liver disease (hepatitis) choleocystitis, psoriasis.
dosage: cap/tab: initially 500 mg divided in 3 doses for 6-8 weeks. with improvement: 120-240 mg/day in 3 doses; may take 7-10 days for effect; 4-8 weeks if liver diseased with alcohol.
interactions: avoid use in preganacy,lactation, in children. herb does not reverse cirrhotic liver changes but disease may slow with increased quality of life.
precautions: none known
side/adverse affects: nausea vomiting, and menstrual changes."
and i can assure you this has nothing to do with any companies or affiliates.
and could you post some things related to this,"Most publications come to a conclusion that milk thistle does not help liver function."
i have seen it said it that there is no evidence to support for sure, but i have not seen it said that milk thistle does not help liver function for sure......so if you could i would like to read that. i have access to many publications also so author and page number would do.