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Thread: cycle extension plan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    cycle extension plan

    I have been on cycle now for about 5 months. I normally dont like to be on for more than 12 wks but I have decided to stay on for a year due to my new job which needs more to be in perfect shape year round. anyways Im 195 7%bf, 23, 5'8 this will be my 7th cycle two included in the same long cycle. I started out with a bulking cycle with test e, tren, dbol, and deca, used at different intervals. 8wks ago I started cutting using test e and tren I stopped the tren two wks ago and have been cruising on test 500mg ew. I will continue cutting for two more wks. Then I will jump into a lean bulk, using test prop, 350-500mg ew i might jump it to 700mg ew if I need to cause my receptors are flooded at this point. Tren at 75-100mg ed and winni 50mg ed I will run this for six wks then I will drop the tren and winni continue with the prop and add npp at 100mg ed for another six wks. I will only be taking in 3500-3800 cals ed cardio will be done for 30-45min 5-6 days ew and all food will be very clean, with 12-16g of fat each meal, carbs will stay under 350ed maybe less. I hope to gain 10-12lbs from this cycle and lose another 1-2%bf. what do you guys think. Are these goals attainable for being on so long should I raise the dosages to higher than at the beginning, I have never stayed on this long so any info is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    also my previous dosages were tren a 100mg ed, test e 500mg ew, deca 525mg ew, dbol 50mg ed. I also threw in clen for at 180-200mcg's ed for about a month.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Your receptors are flooded mate so you think you might double the dose to 700mg,Huh.
    IMO you need to take a break and drop down to a cruise for a bit.
    All that extra gear is going to give you limited gains from here on in and the sides will outweigh them. JMO mate.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Gotta go with my Boy Lats on this one brother... Just cruise for a bit

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by TJM7275 View Post
    Gotta go with my Boy Lats on this one brother... Just cruise for a bit
    Hey, looking good in that new ava mate, quite an improvement

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    so you guys dont think I could add another ten lbs being on for so long.

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