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Thread: final revised cycle, what do ya think

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the CITY

    final revised cycle, what do ya think

    22 years old... 190lbs about 9%BF... Cycle experience test e at 500mgs, test e at 500mgs with 30mgs of dbol for 3 weeks, Test E 750mgs and 600mgs of EQ (ran that twice).
    Goal is a lean cycle

    Test E: 750mgs---Weeks 1-17
    EQ: 600mgs---Weeks 1-16
    Tren E: 400mgs---Weeks 5-15
    Anavar: 50mgs----Weeks 11-17
    Arimidex: 1mg every day Weeks 1-17

    Pct: Nolva: 20mgs/day Weeks 1-6
    Aromasin: 25mgs/day Weeks 1-5
    Vitamin E: 1000iu/day Weeks 1-3

    For all those wondering I got this from ARobs pct. Slightly modified because as Of right now I cant get my hands on HCG.

    So what do ya think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    why the 6 weeks of nolva? everything else looks good bro and i like running the oral towards the end myself

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the CITY
    I thought 6 weeks was good... what you think... you ran something similar?

  4. #4
    looks like a very good cycle

    my guess you are trying to lean bulk/cut?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the CITY
    i wouldnt say bulk more like add quality muscle and cut

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by eljugo16 View Post
    22 years old... 190lbs about 9%BF... Cycle experience test e at 500mgs, test e at 500mgs with 30mgs of dbol for 3 weeks, Test E 750mgs and 600mgs of EQ (ran that twice).
    Goal is a lean cycle

    Test E: 750mgs---Weeks 1-17
    EQ: 600mgs---Weeks 1-16
    Tren E: 400mgs---Weeks 5-15
    Anavar: 50mgs----Weeks 11-17
    Arimidex: 1mg every day Weeks 1-17

    Pct: Nolva: 20mgs/day Weeks 1-6
    Aromasin: 25mgs/day Weeks 1-5
    Vitamin E: 1000iu/day Weeks 1-3

    For all those wondering I got this from ARobs pct. Slightly modified because as Of right now I cant get my hands on HCG.

    So what do ya think?

    Why so much tren E and test E?? Your 22? Thats a test overload IMO (which I will be posting about soon)
    Eq? 400mgs is more then enough! Especially when your running it that long.. How much have you ran in the past?

    And yes for this cycle ran like your running it you'll need HCG and if you can't get that...Definetly clomid...extended.
    22 yrs're way over your hread IMO

    Tame it down some boss...How bout a quick cycle of prop/tren/winny or var for the summer?

    Longer cycles = longer sides

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the CITY
    I have about 5 cycles under my belt and this seemd like a very good cycle. iv ran eq at 600mgs before with realtively low sides and the reason I chose the 600mgs again is because there is a huge difference in gains from 400mgs to 600mgs.
    I can get my hands on clomids... how long extended do you mean?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the CITY

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