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Thread: blood count....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    blood count....

    hi guys!

    i've done a cycle of test-e 500mg pw for 10 weeks. i was planning to do that for 12 weeks but on the 8th week, my rbc/hct count went above normal. had a pint of blood taken out and was normal. Again, prior to starting the 10th week, those counts are strarting to rise again so i decided to stop at the 10 week mark( which i think is decent enough since i have read 10-12 weeks is ok for a 1st cycle of test only)

    My question is how many of you guys encountered this problem during your cycles? I mean, we have been talking about gynos, acne, roid rage, etc... but more serious sides like polycythemia is not mentioned that frequently. I hope some vets could chime in and share their experience regarding this problem. Sorry for the long post... thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I dont do anything about my high blood count. My dr says its normal while on a cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    But what about the risk for stroke or heart attack? what would you consider as an acceptable level of "above normal" values? 5% above normal? 10? Thanks!

  4. #4
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by maldito View Post
    But what about the risk for stroke or heart attack? what would you consider as an acceptable level of "above normal" values? 5% above normal? 10? Thanks!
    I’m not a DR so I can’t give exact amounts. But mine was outside the normal range. Don’t remember by how much. My dr said it was because I was on. She said that’s normal. Smokers are normally high too. To me 5-10% isn’t much. If you a healthy person which I assume you are your working out. A little high blood count isn’t going to cause a heart attack, especially for a few weeks. Our bodies in most cases are pretty strong.

    Blood levels of everything fluctuate. Liver values anything. You shouldn’t freak over 1 test.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Houston, TX
    Test will raise your RBC. Dont cut yourself shaving is all I can say.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Thanks for the replies! Hoping to hear more answers from others!

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Using certain AAS can raise your RBC more than others, staying on cycle to long can also send it to a high level. When i was doing longer cycles i had problems in this area and had to have some blood taken out, i had polycythemia and was at a dangerous level, if you are AAS free for around 100 days your blood will clean itself but my doc at the time said i may not survive the 100 days !!!! get BW done and cycle as healthy as possible for your body.

  8. #8
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    I ve been on 9 month with deca and sust and I got the same problem. I decided to stop gear because my doc said that my blood looked like ketchup! Scary... You can take a low dose of aspirin and drink a lot. A study shows that grapefruit help too...

  9. #9
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Using certain AAS can raise your RBC more than others, staying on cycle to long can also send it to a high level. When i was doing longer cycles i had problems in this area and had to have some blood taken out, i had polycythemia and was at a dangerous level, if you are AAS free for around 100 days your blood will clean itself but my doc at the time said [B]i may not survive the 100 days !!!! [/B]get BW done and cycle as healthy as possible for your body.
    OOOOOppppppssss!!!! That's some scary shit man!!!! yeah, i do believe blood work must be done as frequently as possible to monitor what's going on inside you! thanks guys!

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