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Thread: wrong choice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    wrong choice.

    hi guys last year i did this cycle,
    750mg of test e a week
    300mg of tren a a week
    i did this for six weeks had great gains, in the first two weeks i put on 10lbs of good quality weight and my strengh went through the roof i felt really good. had no signs of gyno.
    im currently doing a deca and test e cycle.
    600mg of test e a week. week 1 too 12
    500mg of deca a week. week 1 to 10
    im 5 weeks into this cycle and ive only put on a few pounds im not very happy i wish i picked tren a instead of deca. ive got a lump behind my right nipple not painful but its about the same size as my nipple i didnt have this problem with my last cycle. if only i stick to what i new best. do u think i should drop the deca and add tren for the rest of the cycle? or do u think i should carry on with the cycle im currently doing? and do test and tren cycle next, on my next cycle. any info guys would be great cheers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    rip off Ireland
    the deca be only kicking in now tren a is fast acting thats why gains were faster, get yourself somthing to combat prolactin and keep going with the cycle other than that do some research

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by THE PUMP View Post
    the deca be only kicking in now tren a is fast acting thats why gains were faster, get yourself somthing to combat prolactin and keep going with the cycle other than that do some research
    I would agree with the above, gains would be quicker with tren a due to it being fast acting and would of kicked in straight away, deca is a slow acting compound and takes wks to fully get running at speed, IMHO i wouldnt change i would stick with it and see how things develop, you can always come off and recover in a few wks time if you havent responded but drugs are only a one part of the growth process and if your not gaining i would look into diet rather than drugs further down the line if gains are not coming/ unless its bunk gear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I would agree with the above, gains would be quicker with tren a due to it being fast acting and would of kicked in straight away, deca is a slow acting compound and takes wks to fully get running at speed, IMHO i wouldnt change i would stick with it and see how things develop, you can always come off and recover in a few wks time if you havent responded but drugs are only a one part of the growth process and if your not gaining i would look into diet rather than drugs further down the line if gains are not coming/ unless its bunk gear.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    cheers guys ill hang on 4 a while and my diet is good, and the gear is good just a bit inpatient guys i now rome was'nt built in a day.

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