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Thread: A few Noob questions

  1. #1

    A few Noob questions

    I've been working out on and off for about 6 years now and never done any anabolics. I'm 21, 5"10, and 155lbs. I want to do a cycle this summer while I'm not in University, but I want to do it right. I've read many articles here on the forums and talked to numerous friends who tell me various things so I wanted to get a few things straight...

    Since this would be my first cycle I won't stack any anabolics.

    First of all... shot or pill? Is liver damage the only setback from taking the pills?

    Is test E the best for first timers? I know everyone has reacts to different esters differently, but I really want to minimize my side-effects. If I got ACNE I would be pretty upset and I would like to keep my balls. My friend said that taking aromasin while on his cycle Aromasin prevented him from breaking out.

    Final Question would be an ideal PCT... I don't want to do anything Anthony Roberts says since I read that he was canned from here.

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  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    You don't need steroids, you need food. Take some time to study the diet forum.

  4. #4
    you're pretty serious with that diet hoh big ? lol seriously though i'm getting alot of the same advice from different guys about the diet, not just one here but from other sources. Just curious big, do you have any qualifications or are you just a vet bodybuilder kinda guy? just curious not trying to criticize you, it just makes me feel better that's all.

  5. #5
    inky-e's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungbeast123 View Post
    you're pretty serious with that diet hoh big ? lol seriously though i'm getting alot of the same advice from different guys about the diet, not just one here but from other sources. Just curious big, do you have any qualifications or are you just a vet bodybuilder kinda guy? just curious not trying to criticize you, it just makes me feel better that's all.
    Oh we go.I think he just wants someone to tell him its ok.

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yungbeast123 View Post
    you're pretty serious with that diet hoh big ? lol seriously though i'm getting alot of the same advice from different guys about the diet, not just one here but from other sources. Just curious big, do you have any qualifications or are you just a vet bodybuilder kinda guy? just curious not trying to criticize you, it just makes me feel better that's all.
    No qualifications whatsoever, I just know what works from years of experience and research. There are many members here with a lot of official "qualifications", I'm betting none of them would disagree with the advice I've given to you and others. Check my pic in the album in my profile, I'm still building up after a bad accident but at this point it's my only qualification that looks good on paper lol.

  7. #7
    Age: 21
    Size: 155lbs at the moment, but 170 usually. (Was very sick for 4 months). 5 foot 10inches
    Experience: 6 years on and off training. Worked at 2 gyms, so I've spent alot of time talking about fitness and taking part in it.
    Training: 6 days a week after work since I'm not a morning person. I could get into details if asked.
    Eating Experience: I know how to bulk up and cut. My diet will be somewhat like...
    6am: 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 1 scoop protein shake /w glutamine and greens, 1 cup of black coffee
    9am: 1 Banana, Strawberries.
    12pm: Tuna on whole wheat bread. + Greens like broccoli or green beans(No mayonaise)
    3pm: Apple, 1 cup of black coffee
    5pm: Brown Rice, chicken breast, broccoli, carrots
    6pm-7pm: workout
    9pm/post workout: cottage cheese, protein shake

    Other supplements I take while not dieting(I'm a huge believer on vitamins and supplements):
    Vitamin E
    Alpha Lipoic Acid
    Co-Enyzme Q10
    Vitamin C
    Glucosamine (I swear by this stuff for joint pain)
    ***** 3 6 9 oils
    Vitamin D

    Note: I won't be taking the cycle until I'm around 170lbs. I don't think eating is a factor, although I do cap around 170... always have.
    Last edited by Chaser; 05-26-2008 at 07:11 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Um your eating is definatly a factor. You dont have the cals or the protein in that food to bulk up to 175

    Plus you say you have been lifting for 6 years and are still 155 at 5'10? There is no way you need AAS

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