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Thread: are the stories true

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    In The Gym

    Question are the stories true

    im gonna do my first cycle, can you get great gains and be safe and how should i be monitored?, by doctor? or is everyone right and reguardless if u abuse or not your taking years off ur life? what can be expected to gain and keep for a first test cycle, arm increase etc, is it all reall yworth it?

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  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    Ok, I've told you we don't discuss sources, then 40 minutes later you brought up sources again, and I gave you a warning. This post is called source fishing. Take my advice, if you so much as mention sources, looking for gear you can't find, or anything of the sort you won't be happy with what happens next. Second warning...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    In the Gym, if i could
    wow.. in my signature are links to good information, you need to read all of it..

    then use the search function of the site with your new found knowledge..

    then you can post an partially educated question.. without asking for a source for the 3rd time and getting banned..
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    i've got some tomato source, anyone?.lol

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sassbs11 View Post
    i've got some tomato source, anyone?.lol
    Is it the low sugar kind? mmmmm good.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    dude you are retarded. The last 6 out of 10 threads in the question forum are all from you. Research. You sound like you are 13. no one on here is gonna plan a cycle for you. There is a search button.

    And there is a completely legit source on the top of this site

  8. #8
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    some help your being the top source is mostly orals and half fake anyway, i know they are from me because i posted them duh, its my first day on here and im trying to learn the ropes, i dont want anyone to plan my cycle but just look at like thousands of others on here have and havnt gotten any crap for it the purpose is to be safe right so the help on the cycles does just that, post something positive or zip it

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder1107 View Post
    some help your being the top source is mostly orals and half fake anyway, i know they are from me because i posted them duh, its my first day on here and im trying to learn the ropes, i dont want anyone to plan my cycle but just look at like thousands of others on here have and havnt gotten any crap for it the purpose is to be safe right so the help on the cycles does just that, post something positive or zip it
    yo you're right dude everyone else was being an asshole. those questions are totally original and haven't been discussed 1000 times on this steroid forum. you couldn't find them with a simple search. come on guys lets help him out.

  10. #10
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    How old are you kid? Are you trying to be the next Arnold? Arnold was huge at age 16!

    You have to do a LOT of reading! You only have one body, so take care of it.

    And DO NOT answer ANY replies you ever get in PM's, because this site DOES NOT sell steroids, and neither do members here!

    (This is ridiculous... This kid is not responsible enough to be thinking about steroids. He is going to get himself into trouble, and the community gets blamed for it.)

  11. #11
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    The reason no one is answering you is simply because your questions are proving your inexperience in the matter. People just like you come on here everyday expecting others to do all of the leg work for them. If you want to ask a question, it would help if people on this board believed you spent more than 10 seconds at least attempting to find your answer yourself before expecting one of us to write it for you personally. How may times a day should we have to answer the same questions?
    The information you want, or at least some of it can be found without having to ask. Other questions such as how big will my arms get on a cycle is absurd. Everyone is different, everyone takes different things, everyone eats differently and everyone trains at different levels as well. That question is as difficult to answer as how much does a college football player gain while working out for 6 weeks or how much does a fat person gain eating at McDonalds everyday for 6 weeks. Everyone is different, but your questions are eerily close to every other beginners questions. Why not take a few minutes to lighten our load by doing a little research yourself? If you ask a question that shows you have done a little reading, you will find people on here are more than happy to help.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    The reason no one is answering you is simply because your questions are proving your inexperience in the matter. People just like you come on here everyday expecting others to do all of the leg work for them. If you want to ask a question, it would help if people on this board believed you spent more than 10 seconds at least attempting to find your answer yourself before expecting one of us to write it for you personally. How may times a day should we have to answer the same questions?
    The information you want, or at least some of it can be found without having to ask. Other questions such as how big will my arms get on a cycle is absurd. Everyone is different, everyone takes different things, everyone eats differently and everyone trains at different levels as well. That question is as difficult to answer as how much does a college football player gain while working out for 6 weeks or how much does a fat person gain eating at McDonalds everyday for 6 weeks. Everyone is different, but your questions are eerily close to every other beginners questions. Why not take a few minutes to lighten our load by doing a little research yourself? If you ask a question that shows you have done a little reading, you will find people on here are more than happy to help.
    Excellent response, now we should cut and paste it into the 2 dozen other threads posted in the last 2 days asking the same thing or close to it. I've been here for years and I still learn something every day, yet some new guys act like if they research for 10 minutes and don't find the answers they want they need to post question after question.

  13. #13
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    yeah yeah i know how it sounds. ive been researching for over a year now though and have the basics but every post is a different opinion so you get more confused than educated, one thing someone says to do another says not to do

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder1107 View Post
    yeah yeah i know how it sounds. ive been researching for over a year now though and have the basics but every post is a different opinion so you get more confused than educated, one thing someone says to do another says not to do
    im going to call BS, if u have been researching for over a year, you would already have a great idea on what type of cycle you want, what your PCT would be and what to expect from the gear you chose to run.

    and where have u been researching? not on this site you just joined this month. the gym rat that says he knows about steroids dont count.
    youre making yourself look dumb, please dude research some more, then ask something not so retarded and u wouldnt get all this hate mail
    Last edited by yamaha145; 05-27-2008 at 07:32 AM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder1107 View Post
    yeah yeah i know how it sounds. ive been researching for over a year now though and have the basics but every post is a different opinion so you get more confused than educated, one thing someone says to do another says not to do
    Ya there is no way you researched for a year and asked all these questions. The organ growth questions and the poorly planned cycle. You are asking questions that a random person on the street would tell you some bogus info.

    I know coke heads that tell me that I will die so much earlier in my life because of steroids. Your ideas and concepts are all based on the ignorant thoughts of our society. Take a few Mins and peak your head in the HRT forum and ask those boys if their HRT thearpy is killing them quicker. HRT clinics are poping up everywhere and thousands of men are using AAS and HGH for anti-aging purposes. The simple fact of The dumb, ignorant comments that your HighSchool health teacher told all of us is exactly what you are coming in here and asking. If you spent a week researching anywhere than a anti-doping website then you would know that all of those concepts were completely and utterly blown out of proportion.

    The govt wants to stop us from feeling better and looking good while herion and meth stay on the streets.


  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by bodybuilder1107 View Post
    yeah yeah i know how it sounds. ive been researching for over a year now though and have the basics but every post is a different opinion so you get more confused than educated, one thing someone says to do another says not to do

    even so most all information is generally the same, granted some one might have their cycle a little different from the next, they all go by the general rule of thumb everyone agrees on the same things and dissagree's on the same just everyone personalizes it to suit them

    and if so if it confuses u a little bit, take what u have read and piece the information together and ull have a better understanding about what you are getting into

    btw i dont think anyone has asked.
    what are your stats?

  17. #17
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    yeah i know but the first cycle i designed that people are telling me is dumb came from here so go figure, i have done alot of research but that has nothing to do with it, when taking the next step one year is nothing theres probably people on here who have been doing it for ten years and still get advice, so what?
    stats: age-23 weight-228 bf-10% height-6foot1

  18. #18
    Wow. I wish i had those stats. Thats a great look... 6'1 228 and 10%bf. I wouldnt use steroids if i had that weight/bf @ 6ft.... I am skeptical though.. Lets see some pics.

  19. #19
    damn with those stats id be happy as hell
    im 6ft1 and only 205 at 10%bf

    you have pics? <---wow that sounded gay

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    yeah i'm 6'1 215 at about 10 percent bodyfat after taking gear. i wouldn't even bother taking anything bro - 6'1 228 is jacked.

    ps. this thrread is hilarious. if this guy would just spend FIVE MINUTES reading he could have his answers, yet he wastes much time thinking up bs responses for us.

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