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Thread: Tips for acne on cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Tips for acne on cycle

    1. Have a warm bath with epson salt and 1/2 cup bleach a couple times a week.

    2. Take a Look at your diet! Cutt out any thing in a can or a box! Eat a deit rich in antioxidants, fruits, veggies, Fish ect....If your ancestors didnt eat it then neather should you! I can count the number of guys who eat mcdonalds and cheap weight gain on wonder you feel like shit.

    3. Take two showers a day (One immediately after the gym)

    4. Use A-dex to block estrogen

    5. Take ***** Fish Oil 2-3 times a day with meals...this is not only amazing for skin, but also great for your heart!

    6. stay aways from sugar.

    7. Drink plenty of water!

    Hope I could help some people out....This might not work for every one but it will work for 99% of you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    You forgot tanning
    Wear clean gym clothes

  3. #3
    I'de say it's less about cleanliness and more what you put into your body. The ratio of acne sufferers drastically drops in non-westernized societies. There many individuals aren't able to shower or clean themselves very often, yet very few suffer from acne, while in western cultures like the united states we shower and are cleaner, but have more acne. That concludes to me that it's really what we eat. As awms stated, "If your ancestors didnt eat it then neather should you!" That rules out McDonalds and all processed foods.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I cant tell you how many guys let ther diet slip when bulking and using steroids. Most guys are taking 1 or 2 cheap sugar filled weight gainer shakes a day, eating fast food for the calories ect....rather then going to burgerking try eating a nice big salad, brown rice, salmon or chicken, and a tall glass of water. your body and skin will thank you!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    My Freezer is stacked w/salmon baby ! Plenty of water @ night and regular shower does the trick 4 me....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by XD40 View Post
    My Freezer is stacked w/salmon baby ! Plenty of water @ night and regular shower does the trick 4 me....

  7. #7
    And this stops excessive Sebum production from Anabolic steriods use,how?

  8. #8
    this is the answer IMO.
    worked miracles for me and about 20 other close personal clients i train.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by XD40 View Post
    My Freezer is stacked w/salmon baby ! Plenty of water @ night and regular shower does the trick 4 me....
    Salmon ftw

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bigpianoman View Post
    And this stops excessive Sebum production from Anabolic steriods use,how?
    ther are two ways of geting acne.

    1. Sebum causes inflammation of the sebaceous glands....what you put into your body is 99% of how the gland will react! If you have a diet rich in anti inflammatories, and antioxidants (***** 3,veggies, fruits, oats ect...) instead of inflammatories and toxins the body will clean it self out and fight infection ect.

    2. Acne also develops when the pores in the skin become blocked with dead skin and bacteria....If you take showers and use gentle soap (i.e dove) and wear clean cloths you shouldent have a problem. If your skin is super oily then do as I said and soak in a bath with epson salts, and 1/2 to 1 cup of bleach....then affter use a non oily me you shouldent get acne.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Nice post brother... Solid

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    ther are two ways of geting acne.

    1. Sebum causes inflammation of the sebaceous glands....what you put into your body is 99% of how the gland will react! If you have a diet rich in anti inflammatories, and antioxidants (***** 3,veggies, fruits, oats ect...) instead of inflammatories and toxins the body will clean it self out and fight infection ect.

    2. Acne also develops when the pores in the skin become blocked with dead skin and bacteria....If you take showers and use gentle soap (i.e dove) and wear clean cloths you shouldent have a problem. If your skin is super oily then do as I said and soak in a bath with epson salts, and 1/2 to 1 cup of bleach....then affter use a non oily me you shouldent get acne.

    Incorrect. Your sebaceous glands are actually what secretes sebum to lubricate the hair follicle. There is a type of pAcne (Propionibacterium acnes) which feeds on the sebum and this bacteria is what causes the infection. The more sebum you generate the more nutrient is present for the bacteria. Too much sebum also clogs the pores by not allowing dead cells to exit the pore.

    It really has very little to do with what you eat or how clean you are. Sebum generation is stimulated by DHT. As long as sufficient DHT is present to over stimulate your sebum glands, you will get acne.

    While some of these things mentioned may appear to help very minor surface acne, they'll do virtually nothing for deep cystic acne. How are you going to prevent a clog from deep under the skin? Dead skin cells can dislodge from anywhere inside the follicle, including down deep where you can't remove them. And no, epsom salts, vinegar, bleach, witch hazel, ect...won't cut it.

    I'm currently on accutane and it sucks. It works by physically shrinking the size of the sebaceous glands so that sebum production is limited. It is the only thing that works for me and I've tried everything. They were all a waste of time and money.

    Some natural DHT inhibitors I have had some pretty good luck with, but my acne always comes back and I seem to become desensitized to the inhibitors.

    The hair thinning guys that use propecia, etc...should notice no acne, or a very noticable improvement in existing acne due to the anti-DHT properties.
    Last edited by spooledup; 05-28-2008 at 12:00 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    finestride has helped my skin and hair.

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