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Thread: dbol dosage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Canada Eh!

    dbol dosage

    havent figured out exactly what i am going to stack with the dbol yet (leaning towards test prop or sus and maybe some eq if funds are available)but i have decided that i will be doing dbol for the first 4 maybe even 6 weeks but i am gonna have 50mg dbol tabs which brings me to my question.

    it will be hard to taper these other than to cut them in half so i can work with either 25mgs or 50mgs because they are smaill pills.

    what do u guys think?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Do not taper. I also have the 50mg tabs and I will be taking 50mg 1 hour before I hit the iron.

    Here is a tip I got from Mike. Crush your tab into powder using two spoons. Take it like this and drink lots of water.

    Gook Luck,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Braz is right, don't waste your time tapering,my only suggestion would be to take it 2 or 3 hours before lifting........I'd do it like anadrol.....enjoy bro.........

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I have a question also. I have some d-bol tabs but I think there 5 mg but I'm not sure. This is how they look: Pink, 5 sided with a line thru the middle, kinka thick but smallish in size. They disolve quite easily under my tounge. My suppplier is selling them to me at $5/pill which is quite damn expensive especially if I'm working on the assumption they're 5mg and I'm trying to take at least 20mg/day = 7 times 4 pills/day times = 28/week @$5/pill equals $140 week total is quite expensive and would explain maybe why I'm slightly sick now that I've raised the dosage from 2/day to 4/day. Any feed back on this. The guy at the gym has no Idea what he has, just that he has it. The Sus250's are real along with the deca I know for sure.

    Thanks All

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Oh yea, btw, these pills have no writing on them at all and have almost no taste. I did some research and thought they came in only 5mg. This is the first I've heard that you can find them in 50mg. Also, I questioned him on why they were so expensive and he said he bought them high and he's selling them high. They are in a rolled up plastic baggy with , I dont know, maybe a couple hundred inside.

    Thanks Again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Look bro $5.00 is very excessive, tell him to stick them up his arse and source another supplier. D-Bol should coist between 40-60c!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Over there.
    You're getting robbed if you're paying that much for the pink d's. Those sound like thai d's and they should cost somewhere between $ .25 to $1 (at the most).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Canada Eh!
    so if i am doing 50 mgs a day that wont be too excessive? would i benefiet from maybe cutting them in half and taking half in the morning with a meal and then half one hour before my workout in the late afternoon (i go to the gym after work at around 5:00pm)?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Canada Eh!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You can, but I would go with doing it once a day, works just as well.......

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Also 50mlgs a day is fine.........better actually.........

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Stack with test and eq test of your choice but find a new dealer for the dbals way to expensive. and dont taper off because oil based steriods taper themselves

  13. #13
    Mike Guest
    yes do 50 and yes I like to crush them and if you split them up do it 45min to an hour before the gym and again that evening or in the afternoon - not the morning

    KeyWest: got raped.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yea I know, I talked to the guy yestersday and he said he would make me a deal. I told him I would buy 100-150 if the price was right. He doesn't even know what he's got. What I hate about the whole thing is that I'm three weeks into this 8-10 week cycle and I'm not even sure if he can keep me in deca thru-out either. He's got plenty of sus250 and thus far I've gained 12lbs and am just starting to look good again. I was 215-17/ 6'2"/ 15%bf, Now 230+/-. With the three together its better than anything I've tried before, its pretty cool.

  15. #15
    Mike Guest
    Well it's not gonna be easy sourcing from KW if thats where your guy is - try going up to miami/ft. lauderdale - you still in KW? I was there last March - GOD that place was incredible! I loved it!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yup, here for the last three years. Ya know I saw a real big freaky looking dude last spring break...naw couldn't be.....just kidding. I have a friend at the gym who sources in miami/lauderdale. I will be trying that this week and see what materializes. My workout partner and I will both be outa luck if the deca doesn't come in as promised this friday when we are scheduled. Yea, there's no place quite like Key West. I may never leave. March is in the dead middle of our spring break here. The work I do is 100% involved in tourism. I also sold and marketed the infamous annual Bar Crawl event (AKA colledge kid binge drinking night), so I'm right in the middle of it all. If you participated in the bar crawl the we may have actually met.

  17. #17
    Mike Guest
    Nope - personally not into binge drinking - sill college thing to do. Why do something that's ultimately gonna make you feel like shit?? What gym do you work out at there? Yeah I know some people who went out there for vacation and never left - it changes you though - the mentality and personalities of the people there was just completely different than that of the people on land - neat place - would LOVE to come back - I was going to come out there this month to Atlantic Shores but changed plans

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Okay Mike, Yep Atlantic Shores is a pretty interesting place with quite a reputaion both here in the Keys and across the rest of the world. Some ppl wont stay anywhere else. Great poolside view as I'm sure you know. You can actually logon to their website and see all your friends and family on the web cam. Naked ofcoarse. I work out at the filthiest, no-airconditioned sweathouse south of Dade county called Iron Bodies. Even the plates are rusty and filthy. Yes I said No ac. You gotta really want to be there. We have the most comitted maniacs in town there. Like Me. If you get down here look me up, I can help with reservations, its my business. Fantasy Feast is coming in October, great place to be then. Shoot me your e-mail and I'll send you some info.

    [email protected]

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