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Thread: How do I find a doctor who I can work with? (seattle, wa)

  1. #1

    How do I find a doctor who I can work with? (seattle, wa)

    Hi, I've searched for 30 minutes and not found a thread on this, so I'm posting. How does someone find a doctor who is steroid/HRT-friendly? I've never done a cycle before and am not looking to buy anything outside of pharmacies -- I'm thinking about being more aggressive within the medical system only. If someone wants to find a doctor who will help be aggressive with this, what do you even search for? Thanks for the newbie help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Have you tried google? Or even the phone book?

    Google Search " Hormone Replacement Therapy" Seattle

  3. #3
    Hadn't meant the question to sound quite so dumb. What about finding someone who's cool with being more aggressive, for training/size/athletic purposes.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    search "Hormone Replacement Therapy" Seattle cool aggressive

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Sorry I couldn't resist. Finding the right doctor is basically a matter of trial and error, if you don't know someone in your area there isn't much others can do to help. There is no secret list of cool doctors or anything like that. Try one, if you don't get the results you want try a different one until you do.

  6. #6
    Well, I tried the search you suggested. Strangely enough, it didn't come up with much.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    Sorry I couldn't resist. Finding the right doctor is basically a matter of trial and error, if you don't know someone in your area there isn't much others can do to help. There is no secret list of cool doctors or anything like that. Try one, if you don't get the results you want try a different one until you do.
    Yeah i agree, just go and tell them straightforward your plan and judge their reaction. Ask how willing they will be to assist but might take a few to find a nice one.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by f_5021 View Post
    Hadn't meant the question to sound quite so dumb. What about finding someone who's cool with being more aggressive, for training/size/athletic purposes.
    You aren't going to find any HRT doctors that will advise you on training ect. You'd be better off finding a local trainer that sells drugs too:-)

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle View Post
    You aren't going to find any HRT doctors that will advise you on training ect.
    Yeah, that's what I was wondering... whether some of the docs are in it for more than just life-extension and HRT, caring about performance. I'm in my late 30's... have read some things online about how some of them target hormone levels equivalent to mid-20's.

  10. #10
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Its hard bro... My doctor wont prescribe them but he knows I am taking them and monitors everything for me. It will be hard and their will be lots of tests. You have to have like zero test levels for them to prescribe steroids and what they will give you will be very mild amounts. Your better off finding a solid source and talking with you docotr about having him give you monthly check ups

  11. #11
    ya, i fell into mine.

    mine was a joke, and he was like "ya, i guess we could make that happen". and he wrote it without a blink of an eye. now, what he wrote was very very low....but he gave me a script for enough that if i got it all at once (duh) then i could make my stack.

    also, this isn't my personal doctor, this is one of the docs that i work for.

    i guess test e is used quite a bit for decreased libido.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    search "Hormone Replacement Therapy" Seattle cool aggressive

  13. #13
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    my dr was pissed off i did my cycle.

    thing is, i used to suffer from depression and anger. since the age of 12...

    huge mood swings, depression, i'd sleep for DAYS on end...

    i did my first cycle, sust 250 (2 amps a week), and winni.

    about 3 weeks into my cycle, my gf noticed a change in my attitude and mood. my depression started easing up, and my sex drive went from once ever 2 weeks, to 5 times a week.

    10 weeks in, life hadn't ever been that good.

    2 months off, back to depression. went to my dr. he ran tests...LOW test. but he refused to do anything for me. he said my noted drug use, and the fact im young - he felt he'd open himself up to investigation.

    which i think is bullshit, considering my tests were low.... the reason i was there, was why i felt so good during, but before and after - life sucked....

    i wish i could find a friendly dr too.

    edit: petuitary functions, kidney/liver functions, cholestoral, sugars, hiv/hep, and more were run. all were flawless.... just test was low. (low normal is 31, high normal is 95. mine was 31.2)
    Last edited by Nicotine; 05-28-2008 at 10:51 PM.

  14. #14
    could be seratonin levels. have those checked.

    and that's an odd rating for test. ours aren't in the double digits. all the tests we have come back for testosterone a low is 300 and high is 900. maybe you added a decimal point in there on accident?

    just go to a new doc and have him run the bloodwork and find the test is low. maybe he'll supplement. the thing is, he'll never give you a dosage that will be close to what you were taking. one of our old guys has a test level that is 89 (when low is 300 on our scale) and he gets 1mL (200mg/mL) q 2 weeks. it brings his levels right into the middle of normal range.

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