Could Tren be taken by its self for Beginners? If so would you please post a Beginner cycle for tren.
Could Tren be taken by its self for Beginners? If so would you please post a Beginner cycle for tren.
not a beginner compound and should not be used by itself
How? Your body not use to it or you have no how to inject?
Tren for someone who has never used AAS?...... wow......
all the other stuff like d-bol and deca have bloating and you dont keep much of your gains..............
i have seen kids my age on d-bol or tren and they don't looked messed............
FYI this dude's only 18. Tren is a terrible idea. Steroids are a bad idea anyway at that age, but tren is totally wrong.
My friend took some IDS Mass Tabs and said he gained 20lbs in that one cycle, weird
dude you can still achieve alot if you stick to right diet and supplementation without even touching AAS. AAS is not for you, atleast not for now
tren is scary if you dont know what your doing never in my life have i taken something other than tren that i can taste when i shoot it occasionally or makes my piss smell awfull or gives me terrible heartburn tren is definatly something you know your taking.
Thanks for the info bro
this kid is stupid
tren @0 mg a week for 0 weeks![]()
i think he can do 0mg for a lil longer cycle hahah
The worst cycle idea probably.
What are your stats?
"Trenbolone, being a powerful progestin, will also shut down natural testosterone production which even a relatively small dose and keep the testosterone level suppressed for an extended period of time, this can lower libido and cause erectile dysfunction (fina dick). It is essential that you always stack trenbolone with testosterone."
tren is not to be used by amateurs without cycle experience and proper aas knowlege.
the sides are no joke.
age? 18
body fat%?
years training?
pct knowledge?
Dude do yourself a favor and go to GNC and get some N.O. Expolde, Cell Mass and Sytha-6 (Protein) and try to handle the mood swings N.O. gives you after a workout....
When I was in 4th grade (9 years old) my huge friend had a mustach and a hairy chest. He use to let us punch him in the stomach and it never hurt him. He was the biggest kid in our class. Now he is less than 5 foot tall because he never grew any more.
He did not take AAS as a kid, but maturing too quickly or taking AAS too soon can inhibit your overall ability to grow. That is why you should wait even if your friend grew. It does not mean that he will be able to get as big as he could have if he had trained naturally through these years. Oh well.
Anyways, we are trying to help and hope you understand. Good Luck.
I was educated about the risks and did it anyway for my first cycle, tren only, I'm just curious to the point of stupidity. No perma damage will result, but you won't enjoy it. I only made it 5 weeks before the anger depression, lack of sex drive, and general unhappyness got to me and I quit.
tren alone is a pain to recover from, at 18 it isn't worth putting your natty test levels in the toilet for so long. 145 lbs, what is wrong with people? You don't get huge the second you look at a weight room.
I am getting ready for my fourth cycle bro. I have been training for years and I am not ready for tren. So at 18 and no cycle experience your not even close to ready.
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