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Thread: Dbol only cycle..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Dbol only cycle..

    i have tried talking my buddy out of this but he doesnt want to inject and got ahold of some dbol and wants to do a dbol only cycle for his first cycle...hes 21 years old... 5'7 170 pounds...what do you guys recommend as far as mg/day and for how long...should he taper off towards the end and when should he take milk thistle and what about nolva or any anti e's?? any help here would be great...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dreuxscott1 View Post
    i have tried talking my buddy out of this but he doesnt want to inject and got ahold of some dbol and wants to do a dbol only cycle for his first cycle...hes 21 years old... 5'7 170 pounds...what do you guys recommend as far as mg/day and for how long...should he taper off towards the end and when should he take milk thistle and what about nolva or any anti e's?? any help here would be great...
    If you dont have the balls to inject then you shouldent be using....its that simple. d-bol alone is pointless because you will loose 99% of your gains!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    thanks for answers my question solved all my problems!!! dude first off it isnt for me...ive done all my cycles with test included so im aware its not good to do an oral only cycle...but its not me who is going to be doing this cycle so im trying to get as much info on this as i can...please do not respond if all your going to say is an oral only is stupid because i know it is..

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    The Endless Obsession
    although i think dbol only is a waste you should run 40mg/day and split the dose up because its half life is around 8hrs. i would run a normal pct of nolva(40 mg/day 1st week /20 2nd/20 3rd) 3 weeks and clomid(100/50/50) 3 weeks...good luck

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andro9 View Post
    although i think dbol only is a waste you should run 40mg/day and split the dose up because its half life is around 8hrs. i would run a normal pct of nolva(40 mg/day 1st week /20 2nd/20 3rd) 3 weeks and clomid(100/50/50) 3 weeks...good luck
    This should be preceded with a steady dose of kicking your friend in the nuts, and this should also be administered during the PCT.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    La Califonia
    dude tell your friend to man up and add test E

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    The Endless Obsession
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    This should be preceded with a steady dose of kicking your friend in the nuts, and this should also be administered during the PCT.
    hahaa agreed

  8. #8
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    Apr 2006
    i have some test prop that im offering to give him to take with it but he kinda scared for him to take 40mg just because hes never taken anything before and hes not going to be on test...just from doing readings about it i was thinking like 30mg/ed for 6 weeks would be reasonable for him...or would 40mg be fine??

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    La Califonia
    give him red CEE pills and tell him there d bol

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    lol i would but he has the dbol already...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    My Guy's poophole
    A dbol only is not a cycle. Tell him to do some research on how to diet first.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreuxscott1 View Post
    i have some test prop that im offering to give him to take with it but he kinda scared for him to take 40mg just because hes never taken anything before and hes not going to be on test...just from doing readings about it i was thinking like 30mg/ed for 6 weeks would be reasonable for him...or would 40mg be fine??
    15-40mg/day is right for the average athlete. I don't know what he expects out of this "cycle", but he is going to be extremely disappointed. If he thinks he is going to become the next Arnold, make sure to tell him he is an idiot, and break the news to him that the magic beans he bought will not grow up into the sky, and that Santa Claus is not real. Let him down easily though.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee;4004***
    A dbol only is not a cycle. Tell him to do some research on how to diet first.
    x 245678349584 to the 7th power

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    thanks for all the advice here...some people are just too stubborn and want to do things their own way...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by dreuxscott1 View Post
    thanks for all the advice here...some people are just too stubborn and want to do things their own way...
    If he has a REAL phobia of needles let him know its ALOT easier injecting yourself as you have complete control over the events. Believe me I started off with dbol's alone because I had an extreme fear of needles which Iv'e had since I was 5 years old. It was severe to the point where I would throw up, hyperventilate and pass out. I still feel uneasy now but it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be.

    Tell your friend to use 25g needles they won't hurt a bit believe me. Even if it's oil based, itl take a bit longer but he'll have very little scar tissue and very little pain. Shot's can be taken weekly to start with certain types of test's. Once he's used to it he can inject more frequently if he want's a better cycle or want's to use different tests.

    Although dbol isn't as good compared to injectables I still got decent gains off it. I put on about 14.5 pounds and kept about 10 pounds (2 pounds of that being fat) and that was with a reasonable diet. That was 40mg over 4 weeks, so it's not as bad as people make it out to be. The problem is 90% of dbol users are 18-19 year olds with no knowledge of what hard training and a good diet. I was lucky I had met this guy while training who was massive and punished me while I was on the stuff so I made the most out of it.

    Also I find alot of people who rubbish dbol have never used the stuff themself so they have no idea first hand if it even works in the first place, they rely on hearsay and bullsh*ttery from a friend of a friend of a friend. It's also interesting that the "greats" such as arnold used the stuff as well. Gee those boys back then mustv'e all been stupid ay?

    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    If you dont have the balls to inject then you shouldent be using....its that simple. d-bol alone is pointless because you will loose 99% of your gains!
    See what I mean?

    If he's just being a wussbag then yeh he should just learn to suck it in, it's the price you have to pay of wanting to get big, BUT if it is a genuine psychological fear then saying "man up" isn't going to help. It's no different to telling a friend when his mother or father died to "man up". Or telling a depressed dude to just "get over it". It makes the person look like a douche.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by 20gauge; 05-28-2008 at 07:51 PM.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dreuxscott1 View Post
    i have tried talking my buddy out of this but he doesnt want to inject and got ahold of some dbol and wants to do a dbol only cycle for his first cycle...hes 21 years old... 5'7 170 pounds...what do you guys recommend as far as mg/day and for how long...should he taper off towards the end and when should he take milk thistle and what about nolva or any anti e's?? any help here would be great...

    I recommend you buy him a bra, because people have gotten serious gyno off dbol by using it incorrectly/ too much, inproper pct, etc.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    all i can say is good luck if hes not adding test...

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