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  1. #1
    skizzy71184 is offline New Member
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    sore, swollen throat

    Yea i just started a 8 week cycle of Fina injectable (tren ) and i have been experiencing a very very sore swollen throat and glands.. Are there such side effects from this that causes such a thing? i inject every wednesdayt andd sunday.. is this too much for a beginner?

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    what does a or e?
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    age ?

    Yes tren can and will do that to you. Some people have a worse reaction then others

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Is this your first cycle?
    How long have you been training?
    What are your stats?
    Am i right in thinking your just taking tren ?
    Do you get the swollen throat when you inject or all the time?

  4. #4
    skizzy71184 is offline New Member
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    I am 6 ft 175 lbs.. ive been training for about 2 years now.. been hitting it pretty hard for the last 6 months.. IM taking tren A.. i have gotten the sore swollen throat off and on.. its not right after i inject.. sometimes a few days after.. and it last a few days.. i went to the doctor and he looked at it.. he told me it was strep throat but didnt actually do a test to check it because i guess strep has been going around.. i never mentioned anything about me taking anything.. im going back today to have him take a look at it..

  5. #5
    skizzy71184 is offline New Member
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    i am 23 years old.. i last injected sunday.. my sore throat started again yesterday during the day which was tuesday.. last weekend i had it really bad and could barely even swallow... i had white puss on the back of my throat... thats whats making me believe it might be strep.. i guess i will find out today when i go to the dr.. should i mention anything to him about me taking this? i have takin 3 weeks worth.. thats really the only problems ive had except for maybe a few night sweats

  6. #6
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    OK. This is the deal. Stop taking the tren and start pct.

    1. The tren is causing the sore throat and swelling. This is one of its side effects.

    2. At your states you do not need tren or are even ready for it at this time.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    First cycle?

  8. #8
    skizzy71184 is offline New Member
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    yes this is my first cycle ever.. i also was injecting in my arm right below my shoulder.. i was told NEVER to do that.. so i started injecting in my ass instead.. but i will take your word on stopping the tren and starting PCT.. where is the best place for me to find the stuff??

  9. #9
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Ok Marcus i will let you run with this one.

    Bro all i can say is stop now. Start pct if you even have it.

  10. #10
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Tren do some research to find out how AAS work and what are best for you. But i have a feeling you need a lot of work on diet and training way before you do any kind of AAS.

  11. #11
    skizzy71184 is offline New Member
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    ok! i wont have any more problems like this as long as i stop will I?? and where can i purchase PCT? im not even sure what it is..

  12. #12
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Ok do a search for pct and lean what it is first. Then you can buy what you need at A.R. That is the banner on the top right.

    There is a pct form you can go into.

    Yes you will clear after you stop then tren . It may take a week or so due to the half life.

  13. #13
    skizzy71184 is offline New Member
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    Thank you very much i really appreciate your time.. Now i know what i need to do Have a good day

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Oh my god, where did you go for your research?
    First cycle and your using such a powerfull compound like tren , the sides from tren can be extreme and very damaging and even some advanced Bodybuilder cant take even take this. Ive got to ask WHY? Its a wonder you haven't got a limp dick and your lactating from your newly formed breast's, you should thank god its only a sore throat...........please educate yourself before using stuff like this.

    Why have you posted on here? to get information and help for whats happened, so why didn't you post before you did this cycle and ask whats best for you at your stage?

    You could just have a sore a throat but it could be the tren, Ive seen alsorts of sides regarding this compound, IMHO stop the cycle and recover the best you can. You should have PCT before you even started this cycle so i guess you should go and do some research on PCT and tren.

  15. #15
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    I agree completely with Marcus....Tren is definately not a beinner drug.....The sides can be horrible for some, and plus Tren A needs to be inject at the very least EOD......You are only taking it twice a week, and this can contribute to worse side effects.....Start your PCT immediatlely.......

    And at 6' and only need to try something stronger, LIKE SOME FOOD.....

  16. #16
    fedorrulz's Avatar
    fedorrulz is offline Associate Member
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    Most sore throats are from viruses. They will clear up on there own in a week or two. Whites marks on your throat is a sign up step thraot and antibiotics are gievn for this.

  17. #17
    jstraw428's Avatar
    jstraw428 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes, infections cause sore throat, but ren can also affect the lymph nodes which can cause swelling and irritation....hence a sore throat....

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