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Thread: New guy with a question..

  1. #1

    New guy with a question..

    All right, first of all let me just say that I feel a little intimidated asking these questions here. After reading some of your posts it's very obvious that you guys know your stuff!! But I figure if you think my questions are dumb and give me a little flaming worst things have happened

    I've never used steroids before and got some Deca (300MG 10ML) that I want to run with but my question is this... How do you go from MG's to CC's?
    Everything I've been reading breaks down the injections weekly by MG's I have syringes that go from 0.5 to 3cc and the writing on the label says
    21G x 1 1/4" But as to how to get 200mg in CC's is a mystery to me.

    I also grabbed some Clenbuterol which I'm going to run for three weeks before starting the Deca... The Clen cycle info seems pretty straight forward.

    I'm looking to drop a few pounds while adding some muscle at the same time and any advice on cycling or anything else that will help me would be greatly appreciated.

    One last thing.. I've read some horror stories about injecting in the ass as far as not hitting a muscle or ending up getting a vein.. Little nervous about this is it really a difficult thing to get done? I mean I figure lots of people do it.

    Sorry to sound uninformed but I'm actually reading and looking for all the information I can before putting this stuff in my body.

    Thanks for your time..


  2. #2
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    La Califonia
    1 the bottle should say how man mg per CC thats how u tell but u should take decca with some sort of test. what are your stats???your looking to lose a few pounds whil gining muscle ?? impossible sorry

  3. #3
    Ok, first thank you man it does say it on the bottle...Unfortunately it's in spanish but that's an easier hurdle to clear than having to guess at it.
    But if there's any spanish speaking members willing to lend a hand with the translation it says.. " Caballos: 0.5-1.5mL cada 3 a 4 semanas"
    " Perros: 0.12-0.25 mL cada 3 a 4 semanas"

    And I guess the only other thing I would like to ask is if I crash hard for three weeks taking Clen while doing hard cardio will that be enough to drop say 25lbs before starting the Deca?

    Stats?!? I guess would be 37 y/o 5' 8" weight about 270lbs Big neck, arms, legs and GUT : ( I have always been active with lifting and boxing which is why the largest concentration of fat for me is the waist area.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    1 the bottle should say how man mg per CC thats how u tell but u should take decca with some sort of test. what are your stats???your looking to lose a few pounds whil gining muscle ?? impossible sorry

  4. #4
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    i think if you've studied the clen dosage procedures, just do a few weeks of the clen by ITSELF, and lose some of your weight.

    what are your stats? age, height, weight, training experience?

    then, as you read and learn here on the forums, then read some more, then plan a cycle in a couple of months maybe.

    also no one really uses deca by itself,, it's very likely to KILL your libido and it's just not a compund to take alone. it's not like testosterone, which one could take alone and have a nice time throughout.

    good luck

  5. #5
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    what you have is a vet/animal product. "caballo" is horse, and "perro" is dog.

    vet items are ok, so dont freak out. however, as i said above, i think you should read up alot more on everything that goes with a proper cycle.

    read up on the "profile" section on deca, test, clen, clomid, etc.

    dont jump into a 'deca-only' cycle bro,, you will regret it in the end.

    take the clen and start to clean up your diet. drop some of the excess weight while you train. and just keep reading and researching all the info on here.

  6. #6
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    21 g is kinda big to inject its gonna hurt go with 22 or 23 you know the smaller the gage the bigger da pin 1.5" is better for glute shots that way you avoid doing a subcut-shot. about the droppin pounds; this will b minimal due to the fact that even as you replace fat with muscle you will most likely weigth about the same if not more depends on you. oh and welcome......mafia

  7. #7
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    Caballos: 0.5-1.5mL cada 3 a 4 semanas" horses .5-1.5ML every 3 to 4 weeks verbatum

  8. #8
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    One thing to add. Not everyone knows that ml and cc are the same measurement.

    Post a pic of the vial. This is just a guess but it sounds like it MIGHT be 300mg/ml, 10ml. In this concentration 200 mg would be 0.66 ml.

    However deca alone is not a good idea. There is a very common side effect with a common name- decadick. I will liet you guess why.

    Why dont you just save the deca for another time and go with a test c or e only cycle. Run at 500mg per week for 12 weeks and the gains are awesome if your diet and training are in check.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricanmafia View Post
    21 g is kinda big to inject its gonna hurt go with 22 or 23 you know the smaller the gage the bigger da pin 1.5" is better for glute shots that way you avoid doing a subcut-shot. about the droppin pounds; this will b minimal due to the fact that even as you replace fat with muscle you will most likely weigth about the same if not more depends on you. oh and welcome......mafia

    21 g wont hurt any more than 23g.

    All I use is 21. I find there is actually less soreness because the liquid requires less force to inject and if your new to injections then your hands will shake more with a smaller 22 or 23g.

  10. #10
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    I used 21 one time and one time only never again the pain was so much more but it flowed a lot better it is 1 mm wider each gage adds a mm the less inside me the better imo

  11. #11
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    You said you want to shed some pounds and put on some muscle. Usually you have to decide whether you want to cut or bulk. On AAS you are going to eat like a moose, put on a sh1t load of weight in both muscle and water weight, then start to cut back and thin out while maintaining as much muscle as possible when finished.
    Everyone wants to get leaner and larger at the same time, but if you have some extra pounds it would be in your best interest to lose them first. You can take this time to learn more about what you have and what else you should take with it.
    But most importantly, how old are you?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tman357 View Post
    One last thing.. I've read some horror stories about injecting in the ass as far as not hitting a muscle or ending up getting a vein.. Little nervous about this is it really a difficult thing to get done? I mean I figure lots of people do it.

    si te in jec tions . c o m will help you out. I think the quad is the best spot for a first time injection. You can sit on your bathroom floor, relax the muscle, and see the spot without twisting. My first time I rotated sites and went: R quad, L quad, R glute, L glute.

  13. #13
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    body fat%?

  14. #14
    This is the reason I wanted to post here..thanks for the info!! A Deca only cycle is definitely out!! What is test "C" or "E"??

    I'm going to hit the Clen for 21 days going up to 120 (if the side effects permit) than back down to 40, then 21 days off. That's actually the only cycle I've been able to find regarding Clen and it doesn't seem like it will be too bad.

    One of the cycles for a Deca only run says to take Clomid & Tribulus a few weeks after the cycle..Does this help "dead dick"? (I'm not going to run it alone, I'm just curious)

    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    One thing to add. Not everyone knows that ml and cc are the same measurement.

    Post a pic of the vial. This is just a guess but it sounds like it MIGHT be 300mg/ml, 10ml. In this concentration 200 mg would be 0.66 ml.

    However deca alone is not a good idea. There is a very common side effect with a common name- decadick. I will liet you guess why.

    Why dont you just save the deca for another time and go with a test c or e only cycle. Run at 500mg per week for 12 weeks and the gains are awesome if your diet and training are in check.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tman357 View Post
    Stats?!? I guess would be 37 y/o 5' 8" weight about 270lbs Big neck, arms, legs and GUT : ( I have always been active with lifting and boxing which is why the largest concentration of fat for me is the waist area.
    here it is

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tman357 View Post
    This is the reason I wanted to post here..thanks for the info!! A Deca only cycle is definitely out!! What is test "C" or "E"??

    I'm going to hit the Clen for 21 days going up to 120 (if the side effects permit) than back down to 40, then 21 days off. That's actually the only cycle I've been able to find regarding Clen and it doesn't seem like it will be too bad.

    One of the cycles for a Deca only run says to take Clomid & Tribulus a few weeks after the cycle..Does this help "dead dick"? (I'm not going to run it alone, I'm just curious)
    nothing will help decadick other than adding some TEST of some sort. test e is enanthate, and c is cypionate. both are almost identical, and both are long lasting oils (esters) which you only need weekly injections.

  17. #17
    Sorry for missing the qestions...

    Age: 37
    Weight: 270
    Body Fat % No clue...Lots of belly but hard chest, arms, calves.

  18. #18
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    we really need to know bf%, and you need to know too. You should have it measured before you proceed.

  19. #19
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    a cheapo way to get a estimate and estimate is a understatement is to meassure your neck and your waist at navel then subtract your neck from your waist and thats abot 3-4% close according to popular belief

  20. #20
    I want to say thanks to all you guys for helping me out.. I been in touch with my guy and hopefully should have "Testosterone Cypionate" in about 3 weeks to a month. Is there anything else I should be running with the Deca either at the same time or shortly after?

    Also if it's not a bother can someone recommend a good Clen cycle.. Or at least tell me if this one is ok.

    It's a 21 day cycle that goes from 40 to 120 then back down to 40.

    Also is it ok to take these all at once? I workout in the early morning and don't usually eat breakfast is it ok to take these on an empty stomach?

    Again I appreciate the help.. You saved me me from doing a cycle of just Deca and making a monster mistake!!


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