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  1. #1
    Jinn6924 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle Critique - Super Newb

    Alright...I know the first thing to do when joining a forum is the READ THE F&#!*@^ FORUM. So I did. On top of reading the Educational Threads, I did searches on "DBOL /WINI", "DBOL", "WINI", etc. Unfortunately, I really didn't get a fine-ite solution to my problem. So here's a selfish, brand-newbie thread that I hope doesn't get booted or locked quick, fast, and in a hurry.

    I have the following supps:
    DBOL - 5MG
    WIN - 25MG
    1 x Kit of Growth

    I was given a cycle suggestion of:
    DBOL: Wk1 - 2 in am / Wk2 - 2 in am / Wk3-4 - 3 in am
    Wini: Wk1 - 3 in pm / Wk2 - 3 in pm / Wk3-4 - 4 in pm

    After reading all the posts, either my liver is going to crap the bed...I'm going to retain too much water...or I'm just going to have an all together crap cycle. People with less than 2k posts say that it isn't too bad but people with 3k posts or more say its a bad cycle. Do I really need Nolv as PCT for such a short cycle? Will Test get me too big?
    Help! I can try to get more supps later, but I want to see and maintain gains by the end of June. My stats/info and goals (and excuses for not wanting to get HUGE) are listed below.

    Thanks everyone for your tolerance in this post. Please know that I really did read-up first. As for the Kit of Growth...I'll read up more on that. I'm open to all information. You all are great at posting information and I value all opinions! I'm humbled to you all!

    25yrs old / 185lbs / 6' / Lean and for the most part Fit / Max Bench: 245 / Max Squat: 205 (just got over knee surgery a few months ago) / Lifting for about 6 years with good gains taking BSN Products, Creatine, Tribex, etc. - VERY FIRST REAL CYCLE

    Goals: Getting much stronger and leaner...not too big due to job and needing to run 5miles at a time 3 days a week, plus jumping out of airplanes 5 times a month.

  2. #2
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    dude save the HGH for next cycle and trade the winy for some test dont do 2 oralls on a cycle

  3. #3
    PingPang's Avatar
    PingPang is offline Associate Member
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    i have less than 2k posts and it probably isn't a good cycle:

    The Dbol dose is too low.
    I'm pretty sure you should be running around 40mg ed and splitting up the dose i.e. one pill a.m. one a few hours later...another a few hours later.. and so on

    Nolvadex is really needed for any cycle no matter how long or you wanna lose all your gains????

    Winni will shut down natty test production so invest in some TEST!
    will test get you too big??? depends on diet...if diet is clean it will aid in helping lower body fat while putting on some lean muscle. If you are worried about water an AI

    my suggestion:

    weeks 1-12 test C or test E @ 500mg per week...inject on wednesday and sunday 250mg each day
    weeks 1-4 Dbol @ 40mg every day

    Nolva and arimidex (L-dex)
    Last edited by PingPang; 05-28-2008 at 07:07 PM. Reason: added info

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Don't confuse post count with knowledge (except of course in my case ) We have some new mambers with a great deal of knowledge.
    That is a craptastic cycle.
    One kit of HGH is a waste as well, it should be used for at least 6 months, a year would be better.

  5. #5
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    big u must be rich i wish i could afford oneyear of growth

  6. #6
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Craptastic. Thats the perfect term for it. lol

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    big u must be rich i wish i could afford oneyear of growth
    I'll bet by the time you're my age you'll be able to buy it year at a time without a second thought.

  8. #8
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    hahah yea minimum wage sucks .mabey after a certain age i can get HRT and get my insurance to pay for it

  9. #9
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    training exp

  10. #10
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    who me??? ok...
    6 years training
    1 year BB

  11. #11
    PingPang's Avatar
    PingPang is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinn6924 View Post
    25yrs old / 185lbs / 6' / Lean and for the most part Fit / Max Bench: 245 / Max Squat: 205 (just got over knee surgery a few months ago) / Lifting for about 6 years with good gains taking BSN Products, Creatine, Tribex, etc. - VERY FIRST REAL CYCLE

    Goals: Getting much stronger and leaner...not too big due to job and needing to run 5miles at a time 3 days a week, plus jumping out of airplanes 5 times a month.
    looking for this phate?

  12. #12
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    exactly thanks, i guess i missed that, lol and mbuffguy, you own a supplement store at 18 years old?

  13. #13
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinn6924 View Post
    Alright...I know the first thing to do when joining a forum is the READ THE F&#!*@^ FORUM. So I did. On top of reading the Educational Threads, I did searches on "DBOL /WINI", "DBOL", "WINI", etc. Unfortunately, I really didn't get a fine-ite solution to my problem. So here's a selfish, brand-newbie thread that I hope doesn't get booted or locked quick, fast, and in a hurry.

    I have the following supps:
    DBOL - 5MG
    WIN - 25MG
    1 x Kit of Growth

    I was given a cycle suggestion of:
    DBOL: Wk1 - 2 in am / Wk2 - 2 in am / Wk3-4 - 3 in am
    Wini: Wk1 - 3 in pm / Wk2 - 3 in pm / Wk3-4 - 4 in pm

    After reading all the posts, either my liver is going to crap the bed...I'm going to retain too much water...or I'm just going to have an all together crap cycle. People with less than 2k posts say that it isn't too bad but people with 3k posts or more say its a bad cycle. Do I really need Nolv as PCT for such a short cycle? Will Test get me too big?
    Help! I can try to get more supps later, but I want to see and maintain gains by the end of June. My stats/info and goals (and excuses for not wanting to get HUGE) are listed below.

    Thanks everyone for your tolerance in this post. Please know that I really did read-up first. As for the Kit of Growth...I'll read up more on that. I'm open to all information. You all are great at posting information and I value all opinions! I'm humbled to you all!

    25yrs old / 185lbs / 6' / Lean and for the most part Fit / Max Bench: 245 / Max Squat: 205 (just got over knee surgery a few months ago) / Lifting for about 6 years with good gains taking BSN Products, Creatine, Tribex, etc. - VERY FIRST REAL CYCLE

    Goals: Getting much stronger and leaner...not too big due to job and needing to run 5miles at a time 3 days a week, plus jumping out of airplanes 5 times a month.
    i agree with pingpang, here's some stuff to help you with a good first cycle

    first thing, you need to get your diet in check, here is some threads on cutting, lean bulking and pure bulking to give you some info, but you need to post your diet for critiqueing, your wasting your money otherwise


    only when you have your diet down should you think about cycling, a beginner cycle should look like this

    1-12 test e 500mg/week
    1-4 dbol 40mg/day ( this is used to kickstart the cycle and is optional)

    take your test injections 3.5 days apart, like monday morning and thursday evening

    split your dbol up throughout the day, this will keep your blood levels stable, which means less sides and more gains

    if you take the dbol, supplement with liv52 to help you liver cope with breaking down the dbol

    btw, here are the profiles on the AS you will be using so read them and get to know the stuff your putting in your body

    Test Enth


    Next is your pct, which should begin two weeks after your last test injection and should be a phneedo's pct, whats that you ask? here it is

    Pheendo's PCT

    while your at it read this one as well for future cycles

    Anthony Roberts PCT

    Now for some other important stuff, you need to have some arimidex on hand in case you start getting water retention or gyno, so get some, in fact, read this thread 3x before you start your cycle as it will tell you....

    All You Need To Know About Gyno

    that should get you read for your cycle, best of luck

  14. #14
    Jinn6924 is offline New Member
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    Here's my stats
    age - 25
    height - 6'
    weight - 185lbs
    bf% - 10% maybe...I'm lucky to have a pretty good metabolism
    training exp - 6 years doing basic weight lifting and boot camp (running, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and running...and some more running)

    So far, the information is invaluable! Thanks thus far! So correct me if I'm wrong...what I need in addition to the supps that I have are: Test (gotta figure out where to get it myself; don't wanna rely on someone else), something to help my liver, and Nolvadex for PCT. Oh...and more Growth because 1 kit isn't going to do much. Maybe I'll start my fundraiser for that one! :-)

    I'll still be reading the posts on this forum, so please continue posting! I can't tell you how much I want to learn how to get the most out of my gains and keep them while still being able to not be too big, you know?

  15. #15
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by phate186 View Post
    exactly thanks, i guess i missed that, lol and mbuffguy, you own a supplement store at 18 years old?
    i wish ..naw im the manager

  16. #16
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinn6924 View Post
    Here's my stats
    age - 25
    height - 6'
    weight - 185lbs
    bf% - 10% maybe...I'm lucky to have a pretty good metabolism
    training exp - 6 years doing basic weight lifting and boot camp (running, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and running...and some more running)

    So far, the information is invaluable! Thanks thus far! So correct me if I'm wrong...what I need in addition to the supps that I have are: Test (gotta figure out where to get it myself; don't wanna rely on someone else), something to help my liver, and Nolvadex for PCT. Oh...and more Growth because 1 kit isn't going to do much. Maybe I'll start my fundraiser for that one! :-)

    I'll still be reading the posts on this forum, so please continue posting! I can't tell you how much I want to learn how to get the most out of my gains and keep them while still being able to not be too big, you know?
    everything you need is in my last post for the most part, use liv52 for the liver help and you could throw in some milk thistle if you wanted though it's not proven to help your liver

    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    i wish ..naw im the manager
    me too, i interviewed to work at one of the GNCs here and they asked me all these questions about their products which i knew more than they did by far, then this little girl walks in and saids she's here to interview too, i couldn't help but laugh as they asked her the same questions they asked me and her answers were like, "oh, vitamin C, that burns fat right" or "weight gainer powder, i bet it helps you gain weight", then they hired her on the spot and turned to me and said sorry but thanks for interviewing, i busted out laughing, anyway, thought i'd tell a funny story my bad for hijacking

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