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Thread: Steroids + Professional Living Cycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Steroids + Professional Living Cycle.

    Hi all,

    I've been a AAS user for several years. I have used them through Uni and college. Now I am finished all that, I have two degrees and am working as a engineer.

    This post has two issues, one is my cycle the other is a discussion of how(and if ) AAS can mix with a professional career. I was wondering if many other AAS users on this board hold professional careers and run gear often? My old friends that used to run gear in college are all construction workers and tradesman now.

    Right now... I know I stand out a bit in my profession. Im not ridiculously big ,but I definitely way above average. I think if I run more gear I need to do it in a cutting-cycle fashion, so it is not noticable when I have a suite on. The reason for this, as im sure you are all aware.. being two big has the effect of intimidating other men. This may be the desired effect for many AAS users, but to me I do it for ladies and as a hobby mostly.

    I do not want to intimidate clients, or even worse create the image that I am a muscle-head. Muscle-head's are viewed by most as unintelligent, which to me is an ignorant stereotype. Unfortunately we have a few bad apples using AAS and letting the TEST control them too much by running around clubs acting like dick-heads and ruining all of our reputation.

    So how do other professionals mix AAS with their lives??? I'm curious if this board has any lawyers, engineers, traders, etc..?

    Anyways.. here is my cycle:

    Week 1-4 - 100mg Masteron EOD

    Week 3-9 - 100mg Test Prop EOD

    Week 8-12 - 100mg Masteron EOD

    Or should I stop trying to be fancy and just go week 1-8 100mg PROP and 100 mg MAST EOD?

    PCT after (as always)
    Last edited by santacruz05; 05-29-2008 at 07:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I am a car salesman for Mercedes-Benz and I have cycled. I think people may have noticed when I balloned from 233 to 267 in matter of 6 weeks or so. I felt good and healthy and had no problems with it regarding work. I dont have any expeerience with the compounds you are cycling so I cant help you there. I`m a big fan of Test E.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    267 is f'in huge, lol. I cannot be that big, nooooo way.

    I will stick with Prop and Mast or someother DHT for now.

    I wanna be able to somewhat hide it. I'm 200 lbs right now, and I have a difficult time with a lot of dress clothes fitting well and not too tight in certain areas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    jay cutler is a realtor, ronnie was a cop. If your a smart reasonable and calm man it shouldn't matter. people will make their assumptions, let them think what they want

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I hear ya on the dress clothes not fitting. None of my clothes fit anymore lol but thats not a bad problem to have I guess. Dont let your job control your personal life. If you want to do it just do it most mature people can handle it as long as they are not short fused people.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Im not letting my job control me, but I am trying to find a balance. I love my job and I like gear... trying to find the happy medium where one doesnt interfere with the other.

    I just want to share experiences with other people that have encountered this problem. My buddies just JUICE JUICE JUICE... and dont think about it. They dont care at all, but then again they don't even care about there job much either.

  7. #7 just depends.

    in med school...i know of a few that are HUGE and don't care. I personally would'nt mind being huge either. i'm pretty good sized for my frame, but i'm not what someone would look at and say "holy crap". unless you're worried it's going to get you fired, i wouldn't care.

    and using anabolics for the ladies? that isn't a risk i'm willing to take. once i stop competing, the juice will stop. my natural size is all i need for apperance.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Ya, but I like tight girls that work out, and they tend to be attracted to the more "physically" fit men. So when juice became more popular (in the last 20 years) the bar has raised in their expectations of us. The same can be said about TIT implants and our bar for them.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    La Califonia
    hahah tons of cops juice and its fine

    .i think some pro BB juice too idk

  10. #10
    pmed you santacruz

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Houston, TX
    I hear you bro. I am white collar too. It sucks because everything has to be tailored. I dont find it to be much of an issue. I am 6'0 216 lbs. I am not huge but I get called big guy alot. I get the occasional question of how much can I bench.
    I am in my 30's so I just tell them that I have been working out since I was a teenager. Just be calm and cool and you will be ok.

    As far as being taken seriously and not being treated like a meat head you just have to always present yourself very professionaly and establish yourself with clients as their go to guy. I have a customer facing position also and it has never been a problem. I dont ever talk about exercise with them unless they ask.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    La Califonia
    hahha i hate when people ask how much i can bench it sucks cause i never max out

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