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Thread: 22 yr old first cycle

  1. #1

    22 yr old first cycle

    Alright guys I have been lurking around here for a few weeks, reading and trying to do my homework. I am still not sure what type of cycle I should get. I am 22 5'10" and 190 about 13% BF. I was a colligate swimmer and just finished up and now I’m looking to get gain some mass. I have been weight training for probably 8 yrs and have been doing heavy weight for about the past 7 months. I want to get bigger and stronger but want to keep the lean look. Right now I have a visible 6 pack and would like to keep it or even get more defined. I eat a clean diet, decently high in protein ~200g and work out at least 4 days a week usually 5. Currently my measurements are
    Bicep 14"
    Forearm 12 3/4"
    Chest 41”
    Waist 33”
    Quad 24 1/4”
    Calves 17 1/2”

  2. #2
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    There is many posts about first cycles you can search for but other than that most are going to suggest a Test E or Test C cycle for your first.

    My first cycle looked like this:

    1-12 Test E 600mg/week
    1-4 dbol 40mg ed
    9-14 Winnie 50mg EOD oral
    9-14 winnie 50mg/ml injects EOD

    Clomid,nolvadex and arimidex

    In retrospect the winnie was probably a bad idea, the injections were difficult and after caused great pain that was actually counter productive to my cycle. I had awesome gains even before the winnie which hardened me up a bit but I dont think I`ll ever inject it again.

  3. #3
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    Yep definatly start off with enanthate or cypionate. Their not too harsh on the body and generally only require 1-2 injections per week depending on how much your using.

    Something like:

    Week 1-4 40mg per week dbol
    Week 3-12 400-600mg per week of either enanthate, cypionate or a combo of both depending on what you can get your hands on
    Weel 3-12 200-400mg deca

  4. #4
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    Something like:

    Week 1-4 40mg per week dbol
    Week 3-12 400-600mg per week of either enanthate, cypionate or a combo of both depending on what you can get your hands on
    Weel 3-12 200-400mg deca
    Why would you start dbol 2 weeks before? Start the Test injects at the same time as the dbol. The idea is that the dbol gets you going for the first 4 weeks while the Test takes 4-5 weeks to kick in.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the quick responses. I did actually search for other people but couldn't find anyone with a really similar body type.

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Ideally the first cycle should be test only, if you start with multiple compounds and have an adverse reaction you won't know which compound to blame. With proper diet and training and fresh receptors great gains could be made from test only.

  7. #7
    No one else?

  8. #8
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    big has the best advice.... just plain test for first cycle...
    depends on how u feel about shots tho... personally i'm a prop guy (ED injections) vs ethanate (2x week)...

  9. #9
    If I take test only will I still stay lean or should I expect to put on some weight in the mid section?

  10. #10
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    that will depend on ur diet....

  11. #11
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    I agree with Big 100%. You wanna see how you body will react to the juice. If you were dead set on stacking though throw in some Equipoise with it. Pretty mild and will help your appetite. Also make your muscles look hard and bring out the vascularity

  12. #12
    A friend of mine recommended a test and trembelone stack. What do you guys think?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beastmode22 View Post
    A friend of mine recommended a test and trembelone stack. What do you guys think?
    no no... you should definitly not mess around with trenbolone yet, it is one of the strongest AAS availible and gives some people side effects that i dont think a beginner would handle well. doing a test only cycle will put some mass on you but your question about will it keep you shredded, well that will completely depend on your diet. diet is the most important aspect of training imo. your diet from the little i can tell (as your barley eating enough protein) from your original post needs work check out the diet forums.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by 20gauge View Post
    Yep definatly start off with enanthate or cypionate. Their not too harsh on the body and generally only require 1-2 injections per week depending on how much your using.

    Something like:

    Week 1-4 40mg per week dbol
    Week 3-12 400-600mg per week of either enanthate, cypionate or a combo of both depending on what you can get your hands on
    Weel 3-12 200-400mg deca

    what? also, dont listen to this guy

  15. #15
    Andro, thanks for the info. Right now here is a typical day of eating for me. I may be taking in more or less protein then I think.

    Morning- Breakfast burrtio-usually made with egg whites, lowfat turkey bacon, and cheese on a low cal tortilla
    snack- protein shake usually EAS 27 grams of protein with 1% milk
    Lunch- Usually a sandwich with alot of turkey or ham on it or a large chick breast (baked)
    snack- Nature Valley oats'n honey granola bars
    Dinner- Usually chicken of somekind baked with a large portion of veggies and usually a small portion of rice
    snack- Usually another protein shake before bed

  16. #16
    My goals my also be important
    Chest- gain about 3-4 inches and improve cutness
    Biceps- gain 1 1/2-2 inches
    Forearms- gain ~1 inch
    Waist- Stay about the same but gain definition
    Legs- stay relatively the same but gain definition in quads, my calves are already pretty good

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andro9 View Post
    no no... you should definitly not mess around with trenbolone yet, it is one of the strongest AAS availible and gives some people side effects that i dont think a beginner would handle well. doing a test only cycle will put some mass on you but your question about will it keep you shredded, well that will completely depend on your diet. diet is the most important aspect of training imo. your diet from the little i can tell (as your barley eating enough protein) from your original post needs work check out the diet forums.

    Sound advice. I'm on wk 11 of my first cycle: 400mg Test Cypionate and 300mg Nandralone Decanoate injected once a week and I'm up 28lbs. I would listed to the guys above with test only as I would have if I had read more before my cycle. but if you are going to stack I think Nandralone would be a good choice. Big, what do you think?

  18. #18
    FireGuy's Avatar
    FireGuy is offline 9/11/2001~343 Never Forget!~E-HOF~RETIRED
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    I hate to rain on your parade Beast but breakfast burritos, ham & turkey sandwiches, granola bars and protein shakes are not eating a "clean diet". If you are truly concerned about not getting thicker around the middle I would strongly suggest rearrange your nutrition.

  19. #19
    How do you figure that's not a clean diet? The breakfast burrito is high in protein with little fat with the most fatty thing in it being the light cheese on top. Protein shakes... Since when are they not "clean" or good for bulking. And granola bars 180 cal with 6g of fat... Not too worried about that one. I don't know what you consider clean. I eat a small amount of carbs (which help me get through a day) and a high amount of protein, chicken, turkey, and ham all low in fat and high in protein. So what is your def of clean? Not trying to come off as "flaming" you or getting pissed but I do have some idea on what a "clean" diet consists of, you don't get down to 6.6% BF eating crap...

  20. #20
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    A clean diet is one where the sugars are kept to a minumum and there are no wasted calories. I am not saying your diet is terrible it just doesnt meaure up to what I would consider "clean".
    Your original post stated you were 13% bodyfat now you are saying 6.6%? My orginal statement was partially based on your 13% bodyfat which is high for someone eating a clean diet. If you are eating what you wrote and are at 6.6% then you have been blessed with a great metabolism.

  21. #21
    I am at around 13% right now but that is only because I was out of the gym for about 2 wks. I was at 6.6% when I finished up swimming and first started lifting. For the first few weeks after being done with swimming I didn't eat cleanly and thats when I put on the weight. Since then it has been coming back down slowly. I don't doubt I could eat a little more "clean" however, im not taking in anything high in sugar. Don't drink any soda or anything else that is really high in sugar. Either way im not really looking to argue I think that eating what I am now but increase my protein intake will keep my mid section lean. I wouldn't really say I am blessed with a great metabolism. I am still doing cardio at least 30 min daily. Thanks for your input!

  22. #22
    So is stacking test with nandralone a good option fellas?

  23. #23
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beastmode22 View Post
    So is stacking test with nandralone a good option fellas?
    Your best option is what I suggested, I would write it all out again, but I guess if you didn't accept my advice the first time you aren't likely to now either

  24. #24
    Big it's not that at all. I have just heard alot of mixed things and feel im getting more confused haha. I have just heard that stacking gives you much better results. So what about starting test first for a few weeks then adding something else on?

  25. #25
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    I give up. Good luck.

  26. #26
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    I think your best option is to improve your diet and eat more.

    Your diet is out of whack.

    And for a first timer your receptors are fresh so stick with a one compound like test enanthate. Don't stack, youll be wasting your money on gear you dont need when you could be spending it on food.

  27. #27
    Thanks for the suggestions guys. Im def going to stick to one thing and see how it goes.

  28. #28
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    after fixin the diet. first cycle is best to not stack compounds, just one. more is not better. especially when ur that small and young, diet is key to grwoth, if you cant grow off cycle you wont grow on cycle..

  29. #29
    I was looking in the diet thread and really my diet doesnt seem extremely out of whack. Maybe its just me I feel like im lacking overall in protein but other then that I feel like its not terrible.

  30. #30
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    post it!!!

  31. #31
    Sorry if im pissing everyone off, just trying to learn
    7:45 250 ml of egg whites
    2 small tortillas, mushrooms, fat free cheese & salsa
    1 English muffin with no sugar added jam & peanut butter
    15 gm of whey protein
    25 gm of oatmeal

    10:15 1 1/2 can of tuna
    15 ml of flax seed oil

    12:45 8 eggs & green onion & light mayo (makes an egg salad)
    3 pieces of whole-wheat bread w/ ham
    1 banana
    15 gm of whey protein
    1 yogurt

    3:15 1 1/2 can of tuna
    15 ml of flax seed oil

    5:15 120 gm of steak
    20 gm of whey protein
    50 gm of carrots
    5 ml of flax seed oil

    1 HOUR TRAINING START 6:00PM to 7:00PM

    7:15 60 gm of whey
    5 rice cakes (caramel flavored)
    1 apple
    2.5 ml of flaxseed oil

    9:30 125 gm of cottage cheese
    15 gm of whey protein
    1 no sugar added fat free yogurt

    TOTAL CARBS: 300 GM – 1200 calories
    TOTAL PROTEIN 320 GM – 1280 calories
    APPROX TOTAL FAT: 63 GM – 567 calories
    TOTAL CALORIES: 3047 calories per day

  32. #32
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    I'd recommend adding more calories, probably another 100grams of carbs, 30 grams protein.

    Shouldn't be too hard.

  33. #33
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    Ok, I would add protein too. Drop dbol, only because i hate it.

  34. #34
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    just run the test, you next time run the same dosage of test and stack with a new compound. that is how you learn what does and doesnt' work for you. Up your protein, have your training down and you are good to go

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Why would you start dbol 2 weeks before? Start the Test injects at the same time as the dbol. The idea is that the dbol gets you going for the first 4 weeks while the Test takes 4-5 weeks to kick in.
    I felt it working after only 3 weeks. That's why I recommended starting the dbol earlier

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    Ok, I would add protein too. Drop dbol, only because i hate it.
    Use the dbol "beastmode" it's a good "precycle" compound.

  37. #37
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    Lift weights, eat steaks
    you still got alot of natty growing to do IMO

  38. #38
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    Ideally the first cycle should be test only, if you start with multiple compounds and have an adverse reaction you won't know which compound to blame. With proper diet and training and fresh receptors great gains could be made from test only.

  39. #39
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    I agree. First cycle Test only. You have along time to stack other compounds later. Why not try AAS first to see how it affects you and not go over board with it. Think about it logically. Just my opinion.

  40. #40
    Thanks for all your opinions guys. I am def going to go test only for my first cycle. Thanks. Hopefully you guys will see some before and after pics here in a while.

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