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Thread: Femara dosage while not on a cycle??

  1. #1

    Femara dosage while not on a cycle??

    OK so I done a course of Dianabol about 18 months ago, I was using tamoxifen to prevent Gyno while on it but I still had a lump which is sore form under my nipple. In the end I stopped taking the gear but im now left with a lump.

    I recently heard about femara and managed to get hold of some in the tablet form, my question is how much should i take to hopefully get rid of this lump?

    Im not taking any gear at the moment. Also im hearing as its so strong you may only need 0.5mg, per day, how do i break up a very small tablet into a 5th accurately each day?!?!?!?! (each tablet is 2.5mg)

    Also do I need to take tamoxifen when i finish the gyno to prevent any rebound effect?

    thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Well it sounds like you need it for a reversal. A reversal is an aggressive treatment to reverse existing gyno. To do so you will need to take 2.5mg ED for 2 weeks and let me warn you upfront this will have side effects. After the 2 weeks you will want to start decreasing by about 0.25 mg ED until you get down to about 0.25mg ED at that point you will need to switch to nolva for about 1-2 weeks.

    The reason you go up to 2.5 mg is to eliminate all estrogen from you body, you titrate down instead of just stopping is to prevent an estrogen rebound which is also the reason for switching to nolva after your done.

    Good luck it's worked for me and others but no promises on results.

  3. #3
    thanks for the advice kfrost06, the side effects are a price im gona have to pay I think.

    just one question, how am i meant to break down the tablets into 0.5mg dosages in the latter weeks, the tablets are small enough to start with (they contain 2.5mg) I can see it being a problem?

    thanks again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I always used liquid. How big are the tablets, i.e. how many mg/tablet? Also, the half life is very long for the drug, it can be taken EOD so when you get down to .25mg ED you can easily take .5mg EOD with no problems.

  5. #5
    each tablet contains 2.5mg each, it means when i take 0.5mg I need to break it into 5 equal pieces, they are small to start with, I think I should have tried to get the liquid version.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kfresh999 View Post
    each tablet contains 2.5mg each, it means when i take 0.5mg I need to break it into 5 equal pieces, they are small to start with, I think I should have tried to get the liquid version. has the liquid version, thats where I get mine. You can start the reversal with your current tabs and by the time you have to tapper down you'll have your liquid from lion.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Definately go with lions Letro.....i have used it to reverse gyno on three seperate occasions,.......Plus it is so cheap.....the tabs are usually pretty exspensive....

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