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Thread: looking 4 xpert advice 4 cutting cycle

  1. #1

    looking 4 xpert advice 4 cutting cycle


    I weigh in at 190lbs, I've weightlifting about 11 years. Never used steroids, but never got the result I wanted. The muscular look, I'm much like llcoolj before he got ripped.
    So I also want the ripped look.
    I was researching some a.s., can these be effective?
    Can you mix Bolderone and Masteron to become 1 injectable?

    thank you for any and all advises.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    how old are u?
    how tall?
    whats ur bf%?

    as for the rest...
    T3 isnt a steroid, more of a fatburner if done correctly...
    bolderone, i cant find it so i dont know what it is..
    masteron is basically the same as winny.... a DHT so a hardner...

    if you are still in the researching phase, i'd suggest lookin into
    10 weeks test prop 75 or 100mg ED
    1-5 weeks tren a 75mgED - very harsh, not for a first cycle IMO
    5-10 winny 75mg ED

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    You should cut your BF by diet and cardio naturally before taking any kind of support to help you, hard work and will power will produce great results and help you achieve your goals, dropping BF will come easy when you first start attacking it and when you have come to a sticking point then try and take some form of compound to help you get past your sticking point, don't use aload of gear+T-hormones straight from the start. Do it slowly and start with hard work first and then bring these in at different stages to fight the BF.

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