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Thread: TEST CYP/NPP 16 WEEKS. tell me what u think.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Arrow TEST CYP/NPP 16 WEEKS. tell me what u think.

    hey bros.. its that time. im not trying to get massive, just looking to get good lean muscle gains, strength gains, and cutting fat. tell me what u think about everything, especially the cycle.

    walking around at 220lbs
    played sports my whole life, lifting since freshman yr of highschool, been training/fighting for 6yrs.

    gain lean muscle, up my all around usable strength, cut fat. i fight at 180-190 depending on the event, so im trying to walk around at the same weight but just a little leaner so when i cut to my fight weight im alot bigger. or walk around a little leaner and cut to a lower weight class.

    mon-8am crossfit, 7-10pm jiu jitsu
    tues-8am lifting, 7-10pm jiu jitsu
    wed-8am crossfit, 7-10pm muay thai
    thurs-8am lifting, 7-10pm jiu jitsu
    fri-8am crossfit, 7-10pm muay thai
    sat-11am-3pm mma, muay thai, jiu jitsu, 5-6pm sprints
    sun-11am jiu jitsu, 5pm lifting

    not a very strict diet. i count calories (try to keep it around 3500 daily) and eat 6x a day (3 meals, with a shake in between). i eat clean, nothing greasy or fatty, but the diet isnt as strict as some of you guys who actually weigh out your food..etc.

    weeks 1-11 NPP 175mg E4D (350mg/wk)
    weeks 1-16 Test Cyp 250mg E4D (500mg/wk)
    2 weeks after last cyp shot, start Pheedno's PCT.
    Last edited by jiggy; 05-30-2008 at 01:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Canada - No source checks
    thats a pretty low dose of npp, but then again your goals are modest.

    im running npp and prop right now, 100mgs/ed of each.

    i would switch the test to prop if i was you and shoot more frequently.

    you could run 12 weeks of prop and 11 weeks of npp and have a quicker pct start time this way, not to mention there wont be any dead time waiting for your cyp to kick in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    i dont want to shoot more often because of inj site pain. i dunno if i could take ed or eod shots and get thrown around or kicked/punched on the inj sites. and the npp profile said that its fine e4d so im not too worried about that.

    id also like a longer cycle to get nice steady gains that i can keep after the cycle. and since its more of a cutting cycle, i have a longer time to cut and itll be easier to maintain once im off since my body wont be feeling such a huge reduction in aas.
    Last edited by jiggy; 05-30-2008 at 01:05 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    and theres a higher mg/ml in npp than in deca. so 350mg/wk of npp would really be like 400+ of deca.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by jiggy View Post
    and theres a higher mg/ml in npp than in deca. so 350mg/wk of npp would really be like 400+ of deca.
    There really isnt that much of a difference in ester weights...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    if you're going with the long test ester then switch to the longer deca ester, the injection times will match as will the dosages, from those I have talked to 600mg is the magic number for most users of deca. Also e4d is probably not ideal for that ester anyways as most shoot it eod. I personally haven't taken deca but, I have taken tren and any 19-nor will shut you down, have you thought of taking var? It is an oral and won't make you gain weight and gives you a ton of strength without injections.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Media, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by jiggy View Post
    hey bros.. its that time. im not trying to get massive, just looking to get good lean muscle gains, strength gains, and cutting fat. tell me what u think about everything, especially the cycle.

    walking around at 220lbs
    played sports my whole life, lifting since freshman yr of highschool, been training/fighting for 6yrs.

    gain lean muscle, up my all around usable strength, cut fat. i fight at 180-190 depending on the event, so im trying to walk around at the same weight but just a little leaner so when i cut to my fight weight im alot bigger. or walk around a little leaner and cut to a lower weight class.

    mon-8am crossfit, 7-10pm jiu jitsu
    tues-8am lifting, 7-10pm jiu jitsu
    wed-8am crossfit, 7-10pm muay thai
    thurs-8am lifting, 7-10pm jiu jitsu
    fri-8am crossfit, 7-10pm muay thai
    sat-11am-3pm mma, muay thai, jiu jitsu, 5-6pm sprints
    sun-11am jiu jitsu, 5pm lifting

    not a very strict diet. i count calories (try to keep it around 3500 daily) and eat 6x a day (3 meals, with a shake in between). i eat clean, nothing greasy or fatty, but the diet isnt as strict as some of you guys who actually weigh out your food..etc.

    weeks 1-11 NPP 175mg E4D (350mg/wk)
    weeks 1-16 Test Cyp 250mg E4D (500mg/wk)
    2 weeks after last cyp shot, start Pheedno's PCT.
    Holy sh!t dude, that's a lot of training. How long do you do you train at that rate? Is that a pre-fight training regime?

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