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Thread: ** deca 300 (reactions)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    atl ga.

    Unhappy ** deca 300 (reactions)

    ive dont 2 injections and after both for 4-5 days the site has been swollen, red, and very warm. i dont think its infected cause im very clean, and always use new pins, but im worried cause ive had fevers and sweats also. ive used other decas and never experienced this. im hoping someone will tell me some good news like maybe itll just go away cause friday is shot#3 and i really dont want to stop using it cause ive heard alot of good things about **. so anyone with some info please comment........thanks guys.......rex

  2. #2
    I used Deca 300 during an entire 12 week cycle and had no such reaction. How much are you going and how often? What else are you stacking with the Deca? What brand DEca 300 is it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    atl ga.
    300 mgs a week Q*( use ur imagination)lol and the same companies 250 enanthate. ive heard that some people get this reaction with this companies deca, but i want some reassurance, know what i mean. one shot a week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    u sure that gear is real?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    If were talking about the same company, its more than likely your not having the problems with the deca, its the test enth. I had alot of problems with it, along with 100 other people i sold it to. Everyone hated it, it hurt, left marks, if were talking about the same company.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    North Atlantic
    That sounds like infection or way too much alcohol in it. Deca is typically a painless injection. It's often mixed with test to reduce the irritation of the injection. Getting THAT bad of a reaction to deca regardless of the brand sounds wrong.

    I did ** deca and it was great. The injections were totally painless. But this stuff is from an underground lab and it seems to me the product line is hit or miss. I did the ** equipoise and it sucked. Most people like it. Go figure.

    I wouldn't keep injecting something that made me sick like that. You don't want a bad infection. Unless someone gave me a real good reason to keep taking the stuff i'd switch off to something else!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    atl ga.
    i heard the BA content was high in **'s stuff so im praying thats what it is. im very sanitary so i dont think its an infection, but as time goes on it makes me wonder. the redness has spread through out my whole delt and bicept, but the pain is not as strong, so who knows. ive done deca 300 and enanthate 200 before, so i dont know. im positive its not fake so i guess well see

  8. #8
    AS I said I did the Deca 300 same brand as you are using for 600mg per week, stacked with Test e....some days it hurt and the hurt lasted a couple of days and some days there was no pain what so ever. If you are sure you have the real juice and you are cleaning the area prior to the poke..don't worry about it....poke on and get big...Enjoy!

  9. #9
    So far, I have done 4 injections of Deca QV 300, that I have been told is the true stuff. This is the first time I have used this brand. I did have reactions, but only on 2 of the 4 shots - AND all 4 shots came from the same bottle, as it comes in a 10 ml bottle. Each shot was approx. 400 mg. a week apart.

    #1, shot in the quad, no reaction
    #2, shot in the glute, reaction - flu like symptoms that appeared about 24 hours after injection, and lasted about 12 hours, and extreme soreness at inj. site. No discoloraton at the site.
    #3, shot in the quad, no reaction
    #4, 1/2 shot in the quad, 1/2 shot in the glute, reaction - same flu like symptoms, but not quite as severe, and again lasted about 12 hours, and again soreness (not quite as severe) at only the glute inj. site. No discoloraton at the sites.

    I have read that anything that causes flu-like symptoms is not real. Yet how come it only happened 2 of the 4 times, seeing the 4 shots came from the same bottle? I have had similar reactions to other brands of Deca in the past, but those were single shot vials, so I figured some were bogus, some were real.

    Does anyone think that the inj. site has anything to do with these reactions? Can anyone lend any insight as to why some of us are experiencing these reactions?


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Located in the mist that follows the storm
    What's the deal with **250? from another post

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Located in the mist that follows the storm
    rex, how went the third shot? holla

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