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  1. #1
    CHEVYMAN646's Avatar
    CHEVYMAN646 is offline Junior Member
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    susaton 250 pain..

    i switched to susaton (not a mispell)250 from teste e recently and have done two injects. i was going to do eod, but after the first injection i had some pretty bad pain. the actual shot was fine, six hours later it felt really tight, then the next day through the third day i hurt like a mofo. went to the second shot 3.5days later and it seemed to be worse than the first. i researched and saw a lot of people had a similar issue with this stuff. what can be done, outside of heating and massaging the area, to help with the extended pain. i'm no crybaby, but i seriously couldn't run or work legs yesterday. hoping this afternoon will be better.

  2. #2
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    well have no idea about that. But my friend is a doc, once i had similar kind of problem with Test E and he advised me not to Heat that area for at least 24 hours at the time of heating it might be relief but later it might swell/pain more. Pros do we have any solution to it ?

  3. #3
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    what country is it from...I had the same problem with stuff from Iran...

  4. #4
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    Some people react that way to sust. I'm one of those. Its the prop that causes that pain for me. I think its a great roid, but just not for me.

  5. #5
    allnatural101 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm shooting omnas 3 times a week (750mg). When I was doing shots at my glutes, the shots were just fine, but day or two after shot it was little sore (nothing special). Now I started making shots at my delts. One day later, my delts are alot more sore then my glutes. But then again, nothing to complain about. It felt the same way when I was shooting test e.

    One more point, when shooting at my delts, when finished with the shoot and taking out the niddle I see little blood come out and on other hand no such thing when shooting in glutes.

  6. #6
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    do you asperate when your giving yourself a shot to make sure your not in a vein or anything...

  7. #7
    CHEVYMAN646's Avatar
    CHEVYMAN646 is offline Junior Member
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    i always aspirate and clean the area and vial with alcohol. the pain isn't like an infection or anything, more like a deep bruise that won't go away. this stuff came in 1.5 ml amps dosed at 250mg/ml. i transferred them to a vial because i only wanted to do 250mgs or less at a time depending on frequency of inject. do you think taking less more often would help? (ie 125mg eod) also, i did the first shot with some equi. in the same tube and it did not seem quite as bad. i'm done with the eq now though. any more thoughts, or am i destined for pain for four more weeks.

  8. #8
    CHEVYMAN646's Avatar
    CHEVYMAN646 is offline Junior Member
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    after further research i see that some people have cut test prop with b-12. would this be safe to do. i already take b-12 injects and just ordered some more. i was doing one a week but can split it up and mix it with the sus-a-ton if that is ok. can anybody advise if this is safe/ok. i'm willing to try just about anything at this point.

  9. #9
    CHEVYMAN646's Avatar
    CHEVYMAN646 is offline Junior Member
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